New Testament

# 3 “Discerning God’s Call”

Discerning God’s particular call is not the first thing in the Christian life. Responding to His general call is 1st. Receive Jesus as your Savior, etc. Then we learn more of God’s general call for us. 1. Make disciples 2. Be filled with the Holy Spirit We need to...

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#4- Acts 14:19-28 Grace For God’s Call

2 Timothy 2:1 You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Be strong- endunamoō- en-doo-nam-o'-o- to empower:—enable, (increase in) strength (-en), be (make) strong, to receive strength. Acts 14:26 26From there they sailed to Antioch, where...

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1 Corinthians 11

Paul has been teaching them about not abusing the priviliges, liberties, and rights which they have as Christians. He has made it clear not to use your right or freedom, when it could stumble a weaker brother. He also used himself as an example, when he did not...

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1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Chapter 12 teaches us about the different gifts which God has given to the church for the benefit of all. Chapter 14 teaches us about the excercise of those gifts within the assembly of Christians. Chapter 13 speaks to us about the condition of our hearts as we...

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1 Corinthians 13:6-13

13:7 bears all things, - literally, to cover. To hide, conceal, not make known. To cover over in silence. It is the same words as used for the word “roof” in the N.T. Agape love is designed to hide and conceal the faults of others. Agape does not give any undue...

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1 Corinthians 14:1-40

1 Pursue love- chase, follow hard after, pursue with earnestness and diligence in order to obtain. Make the pursuit of love an important priority in your life. Be directed by love, seek to show love, encourage others to practice that self-sacrificing love. Pray for an...

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1 Corinthians 15: 20-34

Job 14:14 If a man dies, will he live again? There have always been those who deny the resurrection. Others who say that it is a spiritual resurrection, and not a physical resurrection of the body. Most cultures of man believe in some type of life after death. The...

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1 Corinthians 15: 35-58

When Jesus comes for his church, those who are asleep in Christ will He bring with Him at His coming. When Jesus comes for His church, those who have died in Christ will be coming with the Lord to meet us. 35 Will we recognize and know them? 36 Paul addresses those...

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1 Corinthians 15:1-20

Death can be a frightening thing. The drive for survival is very strong within humans. It is strong physiologically.   The feeling of being underwater for too long can bring you into a panic.   Your body knows that it needs air, and you begin to get upset emotionally...

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1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Last week-- The resurrection of Jesus Christ was clearly established. O.T.scriptures, Peter, the other apostles, 500 believers, James, Paul. Paul clearly presents evidence to prove that Jesus rose from the dead. If that point is proven, then all the other points he...

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1 Corinthians 4:1, 2

1 Corinthians 4:1, 2 The setting in Corinth- Paul was the founding father of the church. He had led many of them to Christ.   The church had become very carnal, and had begun to divide. Church members were aligning themselves with their favorite teachers. Some of them...

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1 Corinthians 6:1-8

1- Paul had been dealing with the subject of making right judgments in regards to disfellowshipping certain brothers when needed. He says that the church should judge herself, but not judge the world. dare- courage, boldness, confidence to do something. It was...

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1 Corinthians 7:1-9 Sex And Marriage

Things to keep in mind concerning this study. What this study isn’t… 1. This is NOT a comprehensive, all inclusive teaching about marriage. Paul is answering very specific questions they had concerning marriage. It should all be viewed through what the rest of the...

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1 Corinthians 7:17-40

17 Paul desires to show that Christianity is not designed to break up relations of social and domestic intercourse. He encourages the Corinthians to remain as they were when they came to Christ. But as God has distributed to every man...each person has certain...

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1 Corinthians 9:1-27

Not a divergence from the previous portion of text concerning Christian liberty. Was it right to eat meat sacrificed to idols? Refer especially to verse 9-13. Liberty we may have, but not to be enjoyed to the detriment of others. Paul now uses his own life as an...

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1 John 1:1-4 Fullness Of Joy

I. Jesus- The Person Of John’s Message A. The Message Of Jesus- 1That which was from the beginning… 1. That phrase “from the beginning” is used 9 times in 8 verses. 2. 8 times, it speaks of “from the beginning of the ministry of Jesus”. a. 1:1; 2:7; 2:13; 2:14; 2:24;...

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1 John 2:1, 2 Don’t Sin…But If You Do…

I. Encouragement To Not Sin V. 1a A. John’s Attitude Towards Them 1. 1My little children- Jesus used this same phrase with the disciples. 2. John warns and instructs them as a loving father. 3. Christians need to correct and exhort one another with love. (See 2 Cor....

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1 John 2:12-14 Growing In Christ

Ray Stedman- The curse of the church has always been immature Christians, Christians who never grow up, Christians who cease their progress soon after beginning the Christian life. It reminds one of that familiar story of the little boy who fell out of bed. When his...

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1 John 2:15-17 Choose Well What You Will Love

I. Love Versus Lust A. We Have A Choice 1. V. 15 “Do not love…”. Literally- “Stop loving the world”. a. We are told to choose to “not love” the world. b. We have a choice & the ability to either love or not love the world. c. A Christian may say, “I can’t help but...

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1 John 2:18-29 But You Have An Anointing

I. Antichrist & Antichrists A. The Last Hour V. 18 1. It is the last hour- definite article “the” not in the Greek. 2. Describes a time period with certain characteristics. a. That time period leading up to the return of Jesus Christ. b. Last hour- As in…the final...

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1 John 2:3-11 The One Who Truly Knows God

I. The Evidence Of Knowing God A. Obedience To God’s Word 1. Concern For And Love Of God’s Truth V. 3 a. Now by this we know- this is a particular evidence of knowing God b. Know- ginosko- to have experiential knowledge. c. Keeping the commandments of God is evidence...

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1 John 2:3-11 The One Who Truly Knows God

I. The Evidence Of Knowing God A. Obedience To God’s Word 1. Concern For And Love Of God’s Truth V. 3 a. Now by this we know- this is a particular evidence of knowing God b. Know- ginosko- to have experiential knowledge. c. Keeping the commandments of God is evidence...

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1 John 3:10-24 Loving Other Christians

I. Two People Groups V. 10 A. Children Of God 1. Children- teknon- “born ones”. Speaks of source, origin, and resemblance. 2. Christians, because of the new birth by the Holy Spirit, have God as their source and origin for life. The “seed” of Jesus is within them....

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1 John 3:8 Luke 11:14-23 Why Jesus Came

Brenda Roberts, a preschool teacher in Stone Mountain, GA was reading the story of Jesus' birth to her preschool class one morning. As she was reading she stopped for a moment to see if they understood. "What do we call the three wise men?" She asked. A bright...

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1 John 4:1-6 Discern The Truth

I. Don’t Believe Everything, But Be Discerning V. 1-3 A. Don’t Believe Every Spirit 1. Do not believe every spirit- Literally, stop believing every spirit. (Visiting teachers) 2. There always have been and will continue to be false prophets, false teachers, false...

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1 John 4:7-21 The Outworking Of God’s Love

I. The Love Of God-A Family Resemblance A. Those Who Know God V. 7 1. Guzik- The Greek sentence begins in a striking way…“those who are loved, let us love.” 2. He says that they were born of God; born again; born ones of God. 3. If a person is born again, they know...

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1 John 5:14, 15 Confidence In Prayer

What if you really believed that God heard your prayers and would answer them? 1. Would you worry less, and have a more peaceful and joyful heart? 2. Would you have more faith to pray, & would your prayers be deeper and “bigger”? 3. Would you stop feeling...

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1 John 5:16-21 Confidence With God

I. Two Kinds Of Sin A. Sin Not Leading To Death Vs. 16a, 17 1. A “brother”- John is speaking of Christians in both cases re. life or death 2. We need to pray for Christians who are sinning a. James 5:19, 20 19 Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and...

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1 John 5:6-13 That You May Know

The early church faced the challenge of the teaching of the Gnostics, who denied the humanity of Jesus. John writes to confirm their faith in the physicality of Christ, & that their faith was sure. There are many today that are more dedicated to asking questions...

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1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Real Christians

I. Greeting, Thanksgiving, Commendation Vs. 1-3 A. Greeting                                  V.1 1. Note Paul’s greeting: The Thessalonians existed in Thessalonica but lived in God. 2. Their sphere of existence was “in God…etc.”, not their physical location. B....

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1 Timothy 1:1-11 Nayarit

Written from prison to Timothy. Timothy was timid and emotionally weak. Paul calls him a man of God, a phrase not often used of many men in the Bible. Purpose of this book- 1 Timothy 3:14, 15 Timothy chose a great man for a role model and spiritual example. May we...

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1 Timothy 1:1-7 Why We Study The Bible

I. God Wants Us To Walk In Truth A. Truth As Found In The Gospel Of John 1. John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. 2. John 4:24 God is Spirit, and those...

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1 Timothy 1:12-14

1 Tim 1:12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, Jesus strengthened Paul to carry out his ministry. Timothy needed to be reminded of God’s strengthening, b/c he was in a difficult situation, in a very difficult city. Though Paul had great courage as a...

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1 Timothy 1:8-11

1 Tim 1:8 But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, Christians are not divorced from the Law of God. The Law does apply to our lives. We must have a right understanding of it’s application. It can be wrongly applied. God gave the Law. It is good The...

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1 Timothy 2 Ministry In The Local Church

1 Timothy 3:14, 15 These things I write to you, though I hope to come to you shortly; 15but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth....

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1 Timothy 2:8-15

2:8 I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting; Paul exhorted the men of the church to be men who pray. This would have been public prayers. I don’t know that Paul is trying to exclude women from public prayer....

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1 Timothy 3 Godliness & Usefulness

I. Called To Lead V.1 Bishop- investigation, inspection, visitation, oversight, charge Bishops had their eyes on the church, looked out for them, led them, and guided them. Christian men have been given varying degrees of leadership within the Body of Christ. 1. Some...

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1 Timothy 3:1-16

3:1 This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. desire- to reach out, stretch out, to reach after anything, to long for it, to want it, etc. It is acceptable to desire a position of spiritual leadership. One cannot...

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1 Timothy 4:1-16

4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, Paul has just finished speaking of the church being the foundation and pillar of truth. The Church of Jesus Christ needs...

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1 Timothy 4:10-16 Nayarit

4:10 For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe. To develop the godliness of verse 8. kopiao, kop-ee-ah'-o; to feel fatigue; by impl. to work hard:--(bestow)...

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1 Timothy 6:1-21

6:1 Let as many bondservants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and His doctrine may not be blasphemed. Paul speaks of Christian slaves. Paul doesn’t debate the rightness or wrongness of slavery. He doesn’t...

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2 Corinthians 12:1-10 Weak, Yet Strong

I. Paul’s Reluctant Boasting A. Boasting Of Super Apostles 1. The Judaizers/False Apostles boasted about their “letters of commendation.” 2 Cor. 3:1 2. They loved the praise and recognition of men. B. Paul Had Legitimate Reason To Boast-Visions From God 1. Paul had...

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2 Corinthians 5:1-9 Make It Your Aim

I. Understanding Mortality Vs. 1-8 A. Mortality Is Passing Vs. 1-5 1. V. 1 - The ministry calling for Paul was a high and costly. Broken body; broken heart. a. For we know - It required much from him. Paul needed to be able to say that he knew. i. Paul was sure of his...

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2 John 1 Truth & Love

I. Opening Greeting Vs. 1-3 A. The Author & The Recipient V. 1a 1. The Elder- John speaks of himself 2. The elect lady and her children- Either a Christian woman, or a church. a. New Testament writers often spoke of the church in terms of a bride. b. 2 Corinthians...

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2 Timothy 1:1-18

I. Paul’s Greeting A. Paul V. 1 1. V. 1-Paul’s situation-2nd Roman imprisonment. He would soon be executed by Nero. a. Paul knew that he would soon be killed, but his focus was to encourage Timothy 2. Paul identified himself as an apostle according to God’s will. Not...

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2 Timothy 1:1-7

Paul writes this letter from his second Roman imprisonment, and he will be condemned and executed in Rome at the command of Nero shortly. Paul senses this ahead of time; therefore 2 Timothy is not only the last letter we have from Paul, there is a note of urgency and...

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2 Timothy 2:1 Be Strong In God’s Grace

I. What Paul Is & Isn’t Saying A. He Isn’t Saying… 1. Get your act together. 2. Change yourself. 3. Dig deeper into your soul and pull out more of your own strength. B. What Paul Is Saying 1. Be strong in God’s grace- endunamoo {en-doo-nam-o'-o} 2. To endue...

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2 Timothy 2:1-16

I. Paul’s Charge To Timothy A. Be Strong V. 1 1. V. 1-We know that Timothy was often timid, fearful, and negligent of his gifting. 2. We know that Ephesus was a difficult place to pastor. It was a very carnal place. 3. It would have been easy for Timothy to complain...

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2 Timothy 2:20-26

20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. 21 Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master,...

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2 Timothy 3:1-17

I. Description Of The Last Days A. Ungodly Men Vs. 1-5 1. V. 1-Last days- a broad term describing life on Earth since the death of Jesus, but especially the days just before his return. (See Hebrews 1:1, 2) a. Perilous-dangerous. Dangerous because of ungodly people....

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2 Timothy 4:1-22

I. Preach The Word Vs. 1-4 A. Preach The Word Vs. 1, 2 1. V. 1a-Paul charged Timothy to preach the word. Like a herald representing a king. a. The charge was done in the name of God and of Jesus Christ. b. Paul reminded that all people will be judged. c. Timothy would...

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2 Timothy 4:9-22

9 Be diligent to come to me quickly;  10 for Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world, and has departed for Thessalonica—Crescens for Galatia, Titus for Dalmatia.  11 Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for...

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3 John What Is Your Reputation?

I. Gaius: A Prosperous Christian A. Beloved V. 1 1. Beloved- Called beloved four times, vs. 1, 2, 5, 11. Much loved by the church. 2. Wouldn’t it be great if you were called “beloved”, because you were so loved by every Christian that knew you? B. Spiritually Healthy...

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A Good Example From A Bad Man Luke 16:1-13

I. Parable Of The Unjust Steward-Luke 16:1-13 A. Stewards Must Give An Account For Their Actions Vs. 1, 2 1. Stewards were managers over someone else’s property. 2. The steward in this story was unfaithful . He mismanaged his master’s property. 3. Sometimes there were...

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Acts 10:34-43 What To Say About Jesus

I. No Partiality V. 34 A. Jesus’ View Of Humanity 1. No Partiality- KJV- “No respecter of persons” 2. Mankind’s tendency- accept or reject people based upon our cultural, physical, intellectual, or emotional standards. 3. Not how God sees humanity. 4. Luke 16:14,15...

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Acts 10:34-43 What To Say About Jesus

I. No Partiality V. 34 A. Jesus’ View Of Humanity 1. No Partiality- KJV- “No respecter of persons” 2. Mankind’s tendency- accept or reject people based upon our cultural, physical, intellectual, or emotional standards. 3. Not how God sees humanity. 4. Luke 16:14,15...

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Acts 10:44-48 Cornelius & The Holy Spirit

I. The Work Of The H.S. In Cornelius’ Life A. Pre-Salvation 1. Cornelius- not the same circumstance for everyone a. Gentile, Roman, soldier. Respectable, powerful, influential. b. Lived and served under a powerful, but idolatrous nation c. Dissatisfied with idolatry...

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Acts 10:44-48 Cornelius & The Holy Spirit

I. The Work Of The H.S. In Cornelius’ Life A. Pre-Salvation 1. Cornelius- not the same circumstance for everyone a. Gentile, Roman, soldier. Respectable, powerful, influential. b. Lived and served under a powerful, but idolatrous nation c. Dissatisfied with idolatry...

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Acts 11:1-18 Handling Contentions

Contend- To separate, make a distinction, discriminate, to oppose, strive with dispute I. The Contention-Two Groups A. Jewish Christians 1. Jews-1st to receive the revelation and Law of God 2. 1st to learn of the holiness of God 3. Early Jews to live separate from...

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Acts 11:19-30 What A Christian Looks Like

I. They Were Converted Vs. 19-21 A. They Heard The Preaching 1. Preaching-a proclamation; an announcement 2. Jesus is the subject a. Mankind guilty before God b. Jesus- God’s substitutionary sacrifice for man’s sins 3. Not self-help or morality 4. Preaching Is God’s...

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Acts 12:18-25 The Danger Of Flattery

Read 12:1-5, 18-25 I. Herod’s Position In Life Herod Agrippa I, king of Israel grandson of Herod the Great. Devoted to the Roman Empire. Also won the affection of the Jews. Difficult to do. Romans hated in Israel. Much fighting between Jews and Romans. Romans-...

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Acts 13:1-3 A Missionary Church

What defines a missionary church? Background of the church in Antioch 1. Gentile church 2. Established by Barnabus and Paul 3. In Acts 13, the focus now shifts from Jerusalem to Antioch. Chapter 13 on… 4. Antioch takes the lead in reaching the world with the gospel....

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Acts 13:13-42 The Sure Word Of Prophecy

I. Paul’s Message A. Reviews Their History Vs. 17-20 1. NOTE- repetitive references to God: “God”; “He” vs. 17-23 2. God was active and gracious to them a. Called out Abraham b. Brought them out of Egypt c. Provision in the wilderness d. Brought tem into the land of...

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Acts 14:1-7 Your Plan, Or God’s Plan?

Acts 13:1-5 Paul, Barnabus, and John Mark set apart by the Holy Spirit. 1st time God called missionaries out of a local church and directed them to other places. Acts 13:6-12 They encounter opposition form Bar-Jesus, a sorcerer on island of Paphos. They deal w/him,...

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Acts 14:19-28 Grace For God’s Call

2 Timothy 2:1 You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Be strong- endunamoō- en-doo-nam-o'-o- to empower:—enable, (increase in) strength (-en), be (make) strong, to receive strength. Acts 14:26 26From there they sailed to Antioch, where...

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Acts 14:8-18; Psalm 19 Turn To Your Maker

I. Worshipping Useless Things A. The People Of Lystra 1. In Lystra, no mention of a synagogue. 2. Basically an uneducated city. 3. Commerce run by some Greeks in the city. 4. Government run by retired Roman military. 5. Middle class/lower middle class population. 6....

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Acts 15:1-12 Contending For Grace

I. The Setting A. Paul & Barnabus Back from 1st missionary journey. Been home perhaps a year. Back home in Antioch. Back with the church. B. God’s Work Among Gentiles Jews & Gentiles are getting saved. Fellowship between Jews and Gentiles in Antioch This is a...

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Acts 15:12-31 Grace, Liberty, Love

I. The Issue Of Salvation- A Problem A. Jews & Gentiles Being Saved B. Judaizers Bring Different Doctrine To Antioch 15:1, 5 C. Paul & Barnabus Refute Them Galatians 2:5 “…to whom we did not yield submission even for an hour, that the truth of the gospel might...

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Acts 16:1-15 Obey, Adapt, Follow

I. Obey No Matter What 16:1, 2 A. Obedience Can Be Difficult Lystra- Paul attacked by a mob, stoned, and left for dead. Fear, discouragement, heartbreak, attack @ Lystra. Scars probably still visible, memories real. Paul willing to return to place of difficulty....

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Acts 16:22-40 By-Product Evangelism

Key verse- Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Proposition- Christian: Live for Jesus and you will influence others for Christ. I. Opposition Vs. 22-24 Objection #1- Every time I try to...

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Acts 16:35-40 Responsibilities Of Citizenship

Read Acts 16:16-24, 35-40; Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-17 Every Christian has dual citizenship: heaven and earth. Believers have responsibility to both God’s Kingdom & the governments of man. I. Paul’s Experience A. What Happened To Paul & Silas 1. Paul casts...

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Acts 17:1-15 God Wants Us To Think

I. Paul Presented The Truth About Jesus Vs. 1-3 A. The Setting 1. Paul always started in a local synagogue. People who had God’s word 2. The Jews had God’s word, therefore, Paul reasoned from the O.T. scriptures 3. Reasoned- (Hughes) “ the root for our English...

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Acts 17:16-34 Speaking To The Unchurched

Acts 17:16-34 Speaking To The Unchurched   Athens 17:18-21 500 years past its prime. Still the biggest city for the development of education, culture, and philosophy. Home of Aristotle, Plato, Socrates.   Idolatry- Athens was given over to idolatry ANCIENT...

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Acts 18:18-28 Teach & Be Taught

Vs. 18-23 Paul stays in Corinth 18 months, and eventually travels to Ephesus. Vs. 22 Paul arrives back in Israel. He then goes up to Jerusalem to visit that church, and then back to is home church in Antioch. Vs. 23 After a time in Antioch, Paul once again sets out....

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Acts 19:1-7 The Overflowing Life

I. Three Greek Prepositions-Three Dynamics Of Relationship A. With- para 1. The Holy Spirit is with someone prior to conversion-John 14:15-18 2. The Holy Spirit seeks to communicate to the Unbeliever- John 16:8-11 B. In- en 1. When a person believes in Jesus, the Holy...

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Acts 19:21-41 Diana, Meet Jesus

I. The Setting A. Ephesus 1. A center for demonic activity & occult practices a. Many demon possessed people; many exorcists. b. Famous Ephesian book of incantations: “The Ephesian Spells” 2. The Center for the worship of Diana/Artemis: Goddess of sex/fertility a....

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Acts 19:8-20 Jesus Is The Power You Need

I. Paul In Ephesus, modern day Turkey; 3rd missionary journey. A. Paul’s Life With Jesus V. 11 1. By- through, with, by means of 2. Paul’s life was given over to Christ, surrendered to Christ 3. Paul’s life was lived in close communion with Jesus 4. Paul was an open...

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Acts 2, 14-41

2:14,15 There was confusion about what was happening with God’s people. There was confusion about what God was doing. There is often still confusion about what God is doing among people. Confusion among God’s people or about God is best clarified by God’s word. 2:16...

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Acts 2, 42-47 Living Simply, Loving Sincerely

QUESTION: How does someone become great at what they do? ANSWER: By focusing on that one thing. Christian F. Hebbel- “Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.” The early church lived simply before God. They loved God and people sincerely....

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Acts 2:14-41 Peter Preaches Christ

2:14,15 There was confusion about what was happening with God’s people. There was confusion about what God was doing. There is often still confusion about what God is doing among people. Confusion among God’s people or about God is best clarified by God’s word. 2:16...

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Acts 2:4 The Gift Of Tongues

I. Comes Via Baptism (Filling) Of Holy Spirit A. Spoken Of By John The Baptist 1. John 1:29-33 2. Jesus is the Baptizer 3. The element of the Holy Spirit B. Spoken Of By Jesus 1. John 7:37-39 Speaks of the overflowing experience 2. John 20:22 Speaks of conversion,...

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Acts 2:42-47 Live Simply, Love Sincerely

QUESTION: How does someone become great at what they do? ANSWER: By focusing on that one thing. Christian F. Hebbel- “Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.” The early church lived simply before God. They loved God and people sincerely....

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Acts 2:42-47 Simple, Powerful Christian Living

I. Continued Steadfastly V. 42 A. Continued Steadfastly- proskartereo - to adhere to one; to persevere and not to faint; to show one's self courageous: – to "hold on to" something. Here, it’s a "continuous" sense of "holding on". See also Acts 1:14; 2:46; 6:4 B. How...

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Acts 20:22-24 Finishing God’s Call

I. Paul’s View Of His Own Life A. A Bondslave Of Jesus 1. Paul considered himself tied to Jesus, and to the will of Jesus V. 22 2. Paul, a doulos…from the word deo-to tie or bind Romans 1:1 Paul, a bondservant (doulos)of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle,...

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Acts 21:1-14 Discerning God’s Will

I. Was Paul In God’s Will? A. Some Say No; He Should Not Have Gone To Jerusalem 1. Some say he was blinded by his love for the Jews. See Romans 9:1-4a 2. Some say that he disregarded the prophetic warnings 3. He wanted desperately to reach the Jews w/ the gospel 4....

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Acts 21:15-40 Thoughts Regarding Serving God

I. The Joy Of Serving God         Vs. 15-20a Paul returns to Jerusalem after three years. Reports on the salvation of the Gentiles. The church at Jerusalem rejoiced re. God’s grace to the Gentiles. The joy would be short-lived. A new challenge awaited Paul. II. The...

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Acts 22:22-23:5 The Power Of An Apology

I. The Setting A. Paul And The Jews 1. Paul was at the Temple in Jerusalem 2. He was wrongly accused of bringing a Gentile to the Temple 3. He was taken and almost beaten to death by the Jewish populace 4. His rights were violated by the Jews at the Temple. Wrongly...

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Acts 23:6-35 When You Hit Rock Bottom

I. The Setting A. Paul’s Recent History 1. Paul had great love for his Jewish countrymen Romans 9:1-3 1I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, 2that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart. 3For...

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Acts 24 A Convenient Time

I. Paul Presents The Gospel To Felix     V. 25a Paul speaks about three things… A. Righteousness 1. Righteousness-The condition which is acceptable to God (as opposed to man) 2. Jesus told us the degree of righteousness needed to enter Heaven 3. See Matthew 5:20 4....

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Acts 26:19-32 Almost A Christian

I. Paul Preaches The Gospel           Vs. 19-22 A. Paul Obeyed Jesus’ Commission 1. “…I was not disobedient…”: The gospel starts w/God, not w/ man The Gospel is God’s initiative towards man. God is the Initiator. 2. “…declared…throughout”: Gospel for all people: Jews...

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Acts 27-28:10 Storms Open Doors For Ministry

Romans 1:9, 10 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers, 10making request if, by some means, now at last I may find a way in the will of God to come to you. Acts 23:11...

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Acts 28:11-15 The Blessings Of Encouragement

I. Paul’s Past A. Paul’s Recent Past 1. 27 months earlier: Wrongly accused in Jerusalem Temple area, beaten by mob, arrested by Romans & imprisoned in Caesarea for 2 ½ years 2. After appealing to Caesar, Paul transported by ship, but shipwrecked on the way 3....

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Acts 3:1-10

I. The Lame Man A. Lifetime Of Lameness 2And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb 1. Never walked a day in his life 2. No reference point regarding walking, running, even standing. 3. Worse than previously walking and then losing that ability. B. Dependent Upon...

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Acts 3:1-9

I. What People Ask For Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth hour. Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask...

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Acts 3:1-9

Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who...

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Acts 3:1-9

I. What People Ask For Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth hour. Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask...

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Acts 3:11-12

I. God Wants To Do Great Things v.11 God wants to do things that will cause people to be greatly amazed. This involves Christians stepping out in faith as we perceive God leading us. It could be… 1. Miraculous healing 2. Bold witnessing 3. Step of faith- “ventures of...

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Acts 3:13-26 Peter’s 2nd Sermon

I. The Truth About Jesus A. Glorified Via Resurrection vs. 13a,15b 1. Resurrection of Jesus from the dead proves who he was. 2. Jesus said His resurrection would be a sign of authenticity of who He was. 3. John 14:6 I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one...

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Acts 3:13-26 Restoration And Refreshing

I. Creation A. God’s Design & Desire 1. Order From Disorder Gen. 1:1-5 2. God’s Provision For Man Gen. 1:27-29 3. God & Man In Fellowship Gen. 2:8,9,15; 3:8 B. Man’s Disobedience 1. God’s One Law Gen. 2:16,17 2. Man’s Disobedience Gen. 3:1-7 C. Consequence Of...

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Acts 3:13-26 Restoration And Refreshing

I. Creation A. God’s Design & Desire 1. Order From Disorder Gen. 1:1-5 2. God’s Provision For Man Gen. 1:27-29 3. God & Man In Fellowship Gen. 2:8,9,15; 3:8 B. Man’s Disobedience 1. God’s One Law Gen. 2:16,17 2. Man’s Disobedience Gen. 3:1-7 C. Consequence Of...

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