
Colossians 1:19-23 Jesus Our Reconciler

I. The Deity Of Christ The Reconciler V. 19a A. The Heresy At Colossae 1. Remember that Paul was not writing random thoughts to these Christians 2. Some degree of wrong teaching was in the church; Paul was correcting it. 3. The Colossians heresy seems to have been as...

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Colossians 2:15 Satan, Our Defeated Foe

I. The Setting At Colossae A. False Teaching 1. V. 4 - spiritual deception. What you believe determines how you will live. 2. V. 8 - being cheated. To lead away from truth. 3. Vs.-16, 21 - being wrongly judged. Legalism regarding food & special holy days. 4. V. 18...

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Colossians 3:1-4 Hidden With Christ

I. Our Past Vs. 3a, 1a A. The Old Man Is Dead V.3a 1.3For you died- The Christian is one who is dead to an old life, & yet still dying; one who is born again, & yet still finding new life; saved, & yet being saved; changed, yet being changed. B.You Were...

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Colossians 3:18-4:1 Christ In Your Home

Paul moves from general truths about Christians to specific applications. Colossians 3:1-17 speaks of the changes that have taken place in the Christian. Notice the words and phrases that speak of a change of identity, change of life, change of heart. The Christian...

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Colossians 4:7-18 Paul’s Support Team

I. How They Were Known A. Favorable 1. Vs. 7, 8- Tychicus- “Best Supporting Servant” a. It seems that the Colossians did not know Tychicus, and so Paul introduces him to them through this letter. Tychicus is highly esteemed by Paul. i. Probably the courier of this...

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