Ephesians 4:25-27, 29 Lying, Corrupt Words And Anger

by | Jun 8, 2023 | Ephesians, New Testament

I. Lying

A. Put It Away V. 25a

1. Because of all that Christ had done in them….“therefore, put away lying…”.
2. We are always exhorted to respond to God’s goodness toward us.
3. Since He has done so much in you, and plans to do so much more, “therefore…”
4. Though they were new creatures in Christ, sadly, they were still lying to each other.
5. It wasn’t part of the new nature they’d received; they reverted back to the “old man”.

B. Speak The Truth V. 25b

1. Truth is the character and nature of God, which is what you have put on.
2. Therefore, practice truth. Truth is what God is, and what He has created you to do.
3. John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life”.
4. It is spiritually “unnatural” for a Christian to lie. It is not the nature we have received.
5. “for we are members of one another.” V. 25c

a. Why tell the truth? Just because it is morally good? NO! There’s more to it than that.
b. Because we are members one with another.
c. As different parts of the body co-exist to serve one another, so does the Body of Christ.
d. Example-The brain should not lie to the hand about the hot stove. Results in damage
and pain.
e. If I lie to you, I not only hurt God, but I hurt myself & you, for we are one Body.
f. This injury to self and others is even greater when spouses lie to one another.

C. No Corrupt Words V. 29a

1. corrupt- rotten, worn out, unfit for use, worthless, bad.

a. The way to test whether or not something was corrupt is to ask:” does it edify?”
b. 1. Is it true? 2. Is it helpful? 3. Is it inspiring? 4. Is it needful? 5. Is it kind?

2. but what is good for necessary edification- V. 29b

a. Suitable for edification with respect to the need.
b. What words are needed in order to edify (build up) the hearer?
c. Those are the words that should be brought forth. (See Ephesians 4:12)

3. that it may impart grace to the hearers.  V. 29c

a. Grace- gracious words that will bring blessings and benefit to the hearer.

II. Anger V. 26

A. Three Words For Anger

1. thumos- turbulent commotion; angry heat, anger that boils up and soon subsides.
This is the word “wrath” found in 4:31. This type of anger is forbidden.
2. parorgismos- also called wrath, found in 4:26. Also forbidden.

a. Anger that is accompanied by irritation, exasperation, bitterness.
b. Hebrews 12:14, 15 14Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: 15looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled…

3. orge- anger which an abiding and settled habit of mind, which is aroused under certain conditions. Under certain conditions, orge is a righteous emotion to experience.

a. The Bible does not condemn anger of any sort.
b. There is a righteous anger which is appropriate. Read Mark 3:5.
c. Orge is an anger which Christians are not simply allowed to feel but must feel.
d. God hates evil and loves righteousness. He must hate evil in order to love good.
e. Emotions are not poisonous plants to be gotten rid of, but wild plants to be cultivated.
f. Paul is not condemning all anger, but that in your righteous anger, do not sin.
g. In your anger, don’t allow any sinful element to taint it.
h. Orge anger cannot be accompanied with the anger of thumos, which is turbulent commotion, turbulent agitation, which builds up and quickly subsides.
i. Orge anger cannot be accompanied with the anger of parorgismos, which is anger that is accompanied by irritation, exasperation, bitterness.
j. These sinful elements must be put off from the righteous anger that a Christian should feel. When they are put off, then anger is righteous and appropriate.
k. Righteous anger may be too easily indulged and become sinful anger.
l. Be angry– continuous, present action. Be constantly angry w/righteous indignation.
m. and sin not– and stop sinning. Stop the sinning that is going on with your anger.

B. How To Deal With your Anger

1. do not let the sun go down on your wrath (parorgismos)

a.Adam Clark– If you do get angry with anyone, see that the fire be cast with the utmost speed out of your bosom. Do not go to sleep with any unkind or unbrotherly feeling; anger, continued in, may produce malice and revenge. No temper of this kind can consist with peace of conscience, and the approbation of God’s Spirit in the soul.

2. nor give place to the devil (Literally- Slanderer) V. 27

a. place- topos– place, a portion of space marked off from a surrounding territory.
b. topos- an opportunity, an occasion for acting.

i. NIV- “…and don’t give the Devil a foothold”.
ii. NLT- “…for anger (bitter irritation) gives the Devil a foothold”

c. A command to stop doing something that is presently happening.
d. Don’t give a portion of your life over to Satan, to allow him to do his work.
e. Adam Clark– Your adversary will strive to influence your mind and irritate your spirit; watch and pray that he may not get any place in you, or ascendancy over you.
f. If not dealt with in the heart as quickly as possible, the heart becomes fertile ground for the seeds of bitterness, revenge, hate, and much more.
g. If possible, talk to the offender and seek to make peace.
h. If not, then pray and surrender to God that wrong done to you. Do it quickly, and do not indulge yourself by meditating on that wrong and revisiting it regularly.