1 Thessalonians 2:13-20 What Believing God’s Word Accomplishes

by | Feb 4, 2025 | 1 Thessalonians, New Testament

I. The Effectiveness Of God’s Word When Believed V. 13

A. A Reason For Thanksgiving

“ For this reason we also thank God without ceasing…”

1. Paul & friends thanked God constantly b/c their delivery of God’s word to the Thessalonians was received & believed, & resulted in changed lives.

B. The Process That Takes Place

1. Speak The Word To The Listener
“…which you heard from us…”

a. Christians need to believe and have confidence in God’s word.
b. The fact that the Bible is God’s word, and not man’s word.
c. The fact that it is not just a written word, but a living word.
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
d. It is God’s intention that Christians speak God’s word to people.

2. The Listener Needs To Receive The Word
“…when you received the word of God…”

a. Received- Paralambano: a compound word.

i. Para a prep. indicating close proximity: by, near, with, alongside
ii. Lambano- to take a thing by the hand in order it
iii. Paralmbano: to take to, to take with one’s self, to join to one’s self, like an associate or companion.

b. In order for a person’s life to be changed by God, they need to receive the word of God. To join it unto their life like a companion.
c. Though God can & does communicate in many ways w/people, His consistent & usual manner is thru His written & preached word.
d. For the unbeliever, it is unto salvation. For the Christian, for daily living.

3. The Effective Working Of God’s Word
“…which also effectively works in you who believe…”

a. Effectively works energeo- we get the words energy, energetically
b. Who believe- to place confidence in.
c. Just saying the word of God to someone won’t change their situation.
d. People need to believe God’s word, & entrust themselves to God and His promises, and then it will effectively work in them.
e. The word of God, since it a promise from God, effectively works in those who take it to themselves and put confidence in it (God).
f. Illustration- Man w/life threatening disease must trust Dr’s diagnosis & cure. He must accept truth about his condition, & rely on Dr. to be healed. He could have all the info & agree w/it, but unless he acts on it, he dies.

II. The Result Of Believing God’s Word

A. A Willingness To Suffer For Jesus     Vs. 14-16

1. V. 14- They became willing to endure suffering as did other Christians.

a. First Christians were of Jewish descent, & they were persecuted by Jews.

2. V. 15, 16- They were willing to suffer from men that are not pleasing to God, who are murderers, persecutors, restrictive, and whom God will judge.
3. NOTE- The Thessalonians didn’t just cry “foul”, or “it’s not fair”. When they were persecuted for their faith, they didn’t depart from Jesus, but endured.
4. NOTE- Their experience w/Jesus thru faith was so real that they were willing to suffer for their faith.
5. This all started b/c of the preaching of the Gospel, which they believed.
6. NOTE- Receiving God’s word for salvation/daily living brings an experience with God that one is willing to suffer to preserve.

B. Faithful In Spite Of The Removal Of Friends/Mentors

1. V. 17 “…having been taken away from you…”- Literally, “orphaned” from you

a. It was persecution that drove Paul away from the Thessalonians
b. Paul was very much emotionally bonded to the Thessalonians.

i. endeavored more eagerly to see your face with great desire.

2. V. 18– Paul wanted repeatedly to see them, but was hindered by Satan.

a. The Thessalonians suffered the absence of their friend/pastor/teacher, spiritual father because of persecution.
b. Paul was kept away from them for a time because of satanic opposition.
c. The Thessalonians were stabilized by their faith in Jesus, rather than being shaken b/c of the removal of a friend/mentor/pastor/spiritual father.
NOTE- See 1 Thessalonians 3:6-8. The Thessalonians stayed steady.
d. The Apostle Paul’s faith was not shaken when departing from his friends.
Acts 20:24, 25 24But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race w/joy, & the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. 25“And indeed, now I know that you all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, will see my face no more.
e. “Satan hindered us”– Probably thru men who opposed & persecuted him. Interesting that Paul didn’t “take authority” over Satan & bind him. 😐
f. More importantly, satanic opposition didn’t derail the Thessalonians.

3. V. 19, 20- Note the passion that Paul had for the Thessalonians

a. His separation from them was a loss for all involved
b. Paul’s joy, hope, and crown wasn’t things, but people
c. It was also his future hope of them being present w/Jesus @ Jesus’ return
d. All of Paul’s hope, perspective & joy was “Word based”.
e. NOTE- In spite of Paul himself being persecuted, and his loved ones being persecuted, and them being separated as a result, notice the joy, hope & faith with which Paul spoke. All that was a result of his faith in God’s declared Word. Faith & joy was greater than their suffering.

What might be keeping you from believing God’s word today?

1. Pride, in that you don’t think you need God’s help?
2. Fear of what you might turn out like if you “get too religious”?
3. You don’t believe it is true? Look at the lives of those who actively/faithfully believe it.
4. Too busy to pay attention to what God says?
5. Unwillingness to give up your lifestyle?
6. Are you ready to forfeit these blessings by not believing God’s word (God)