I. Greeting, Thanksgiving, Commendation Vs. 1-3
A. Greeting V.1
1. Note Paul’s greeting: The Thessalonians existed in Thessalonica but lived in God.
2. Their sphere of existence was “in God…etc.”, not their physical location.
B. Thanksgiving V.2
1. There was so much about their collective lives to be thankful for.
2. Oh that that would be true of our lives whenever people think of us.
3. Some are the object of intercessory prayer only; not much to be thankful for.
4. Other lives produce joyous thanksgiving when they are thought about.
C. Commendation V.3
1. Three things marked the Thessalonians’ lives: faith, love, and hope.
2. But note: it was not just faith, love and hope.
3. Those things can exist w/o a connection to Jesus, or can be believed but not lived
a. Their faith in Jesus produced not just religious work, but faith based work.
b. Their labor came b/c of love for Jesus, not b/c duty or guilt.
c. Their hope was in Jesus, & ultimately, His return for His people.
4. They had faith that labored, a love that labored, and a hope that persevered.
II. The Evidences Of The Thessalonians’ Salvation Vs. 4-10
A. Their Work Of Faith
1. V. 4- Election
1. John 6:44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him…
2. How can one know if they are elected of God?
a. When you hear the Gospel, as the Thessalonians did, do you agree with it, and do you agree that you need a Savior?
b. The Thessalonians proved that they were elected of God when they responded to Paul’s preaching of the Gospel.
c. That is God’s Spirit working in someone to draw them to Christ.
2. V. 5- The Gospel was preached to them-
a. The Gospel came in word- There is no Gospel message w/o words.
b. “Preach the Gospel, and if necessary, use words”. Inaccurate statement
c. It is a well intentioned statement, in that our actions need to match our words, but the Gospel demands being explained in words.
d. It came in power, the HS, and in much assurance- Paul could have meant miracles, but he speaks of the lifestyles they lived as showing forth the power of God. Paul’s life brought validation to the message he preached. His life showed power, the HG, and gave them assurance re. the Gospel.
3. V. 9-The Gospel was believed, and they changed their lives.
a. True faith in Jesus is not just a creed, but an experience that changes you.
b. Turning to Him not just in mind, but in activity, to serve Him.
B. Their Labor Of Love Vs. 6-8
1. V. 6- Followers of us & of the Lord– Their faith was evidenced every day.
a. A true experience with Jesus will change a person from the inside.
b. You will admire mature, godly Christians, & hope to have similar lives
c. You will admire every aspect of the life of Jesus, & desire the same.
2. V. 6- having received the word in much affliction- The Thessalonians came to faith under pressure and trials, but their faith was real, and would be seen in spite of difficulties.
a. Circumstances don’t need to be “just right” in order for people to commit their lives to Jesus. The Thessalonians received the Gospel in spite of much affliction around them. Sometimes people are very open to hear about Jesus when things are as bad.
b. It’s nice to have a nice church atmosphere, building, & ministries that help people grow in faith, but they are not essential for one coming to faith in Jesus or growing in faith. Creature comforts are just that: Comforts
3. V. 6- w/joy of the Holy Spirit- From much affliction to joy b/c of faith in Jesus
a. Their focus change from affliction to their experience with Jesus.
4. V. 7- The Thessalonians’ true experience with Jesus resulted in their lives being changed & in them being examples of what a Christian is like.
a. Imagine being used as an example of what a Christian should look like.
b. These Thessalonians lacked much knowledge. Paul had taught them for only three weeks, but their experience w/Jesus was real.
5. V. 8- They were people that talked about Jesus.
a. Everyone knew about these people. They were the real thing.
b. They had regional recognition and beyond. News spread about them.
c. There were no crusades or big events. Just day to day sharing of Jesus.
d. Almost an invisible, natural, casual, but real change came over that region.
e. Acts 17:6 “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too”.
That was the charge from opposition in Thessalonica against Paul & Co.
C. Their Patience Of Hope V. 10
1. In this life, there are many times we need hope.
2. Employment needs, educational needs, relational needs, financial needs.
3. We say we hope for that new job, that college scholarship, the healing of that relationship, that tax refund, etc. For the Christian, it is/ought to be understood that behind all those details of life stands Jesus, our Savior & Lord.
4. The Christian may state all those things, think about all those things, but behind it all, he knows that Jesus is the God of His life, and that ultimately, in this life or the next, that God will do right.
5. And beyond all that, the Christian believes that Jesus will gather all His people together at the end of days, and that He will judge the nations and the world, and every individual that has ever lived, and after that He will create a new Heaven and a new earth, wherein he will dwell with His people.