1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 The Day Of The Lord

by | Jan 29, 2025 | 1 Thessalonians, New Testament

Day Of The Lord- Generally speaking, the time when God will judges His enemies, delivers His people, and establishes His kingdom.

It is not a 24 hour day, but rather, a period of time with a particular starting point and ending point. We talk about a man having “his day in court”, or “his day in the spotlight”.
It is a time period with a beginning point and an ending point.

The Day Of The Lord begins with the rapture of the church, mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
As a day starts at midnight, the events of that day unfold as the day progresses.
Once the church is removed, a sequence of events takes place, which includes God’s judgment of this world, and then culminates with the physical return of Jesus to the earth to fight the Battle of Armageddon, and then judge the nations.

I. Specifics About The Day Of The Lord

A. Times & Seasons                                  V. 1

1. Paul had been with them only a short time, but had taught them some specifics about the Day of The Lord.
2. He reminds them that he had taught them about the times and seasons.

a. Times- an extended period, a definite time or occasion
b. Seasons- a definite space of time, how long of a time

3. In chapter 4, they had been confused about those who had already died. They had not been raptured. What was their state of being?
4. But regarding the timing and duration of the Day Of The Lord, he reminds them that they did know some facts about this event.
5. Daniel 9: 20-27 speaks of a seven year period that is yet to come.

a. That seven year period is called the “Time Of Jacob’s Trouble”, because of the intense persecution that the Jewish people will go through.
b. It is called the Tribulation Period, or, The Great Tribulation.

i. Matthew 24:21, 22 21For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.

c. 2 Thess. 2 will tell us more about this time period & about the Anti Christ

B. The Starting Point For the Day Of The Lord      V. 2

1. When the Day of The Lord comes, it is sudden. Some are ready, other are not.
2. It is an unexpected and unbelieved event for non-Christians.
3. It is an expected event for Christians, even though the day or hour is not known.
4. What is “The Day Of The Lord”?

a. Most O.T. references refer to a day of God’s inescapable judgment upon the wicked. A day where men cannot escape the judgment of God.
b. It describes local judgments that took place in Israel’s history.
c. Other passages point to a coming judgment of greater magnitude.
d. Isaiah 13:9-13. A passage that foretells both near & far future judgment

5. God’s eternal reign over His own follows His judgment against a wicked world.

C. Two Groups Of People

1. Non-Christians V. 3

a. Notice the “them” aspect of what the unbelieving world thinks and says.
b. “When they say”- There will be a false sense of security among those who will be surprised at the coming of the Day of the Lord.
c. Question- Does this point to the coming world leader who will promise to deliver peace? Are his efforts to bring peace that which creates a false sense of peace for those living in darkness?
d. Once this sequence of events starts, there will be no stopping it until it runs its course and all of God’s plan is accomplished.

2. Christians Vs. 4, 5

a. Darkness- speaks of spiritual darkness, living apart from Jesus.
b. Speaks of being unable to discern the spiritual truths in this world, nor God’s evaluation of this world. The Christian will be prepared for this day

3. V. 9– Very clear that Christians will not have to endure the Day of the Lord.

a. Not talking about avoiding God’s wrath after death, though that is true.
b. The immediate context is the Day of the Lord, and so the application must follow the most obvious interpretation.

4. V. 10- Notice- whether we wake or sleep, in other words, whether we are alive or have died, we live together with Jesus.

a. We have mortality or immortality, but either way, there is life with Jesus.
b. We have life with Jesus because “He died for us”.
c. This is another verse that would contradict the idea of soul sleep

II. How To Live In Light Of This Truth

A. Contrast Between Christians/Non-Christians    Vs. 6-8

1. V. 6- Unbelievers are spiritually asleep, & have not the ability or true desire to discern the truth about the Day Of The Lord. Christians are called to be awake and clear headed.

a. Watch-
b. Be sober- someone who knows the proper value of things

2. V. 7- As this is true physically, it is also true spiritually.
3. V. 8- To walk in the light of Jesus Christ calls for the Christian to be responsible with their lives.

a. Breastplate of faith and love
b. Helmet of the hope of salvation

B. Comfort One Another                            V. 11

1. Because of the promise that we are not appointed to wrath…
2. Because of the promise that one generation will not pass through death, but will be changed and taken to be with Christ…
3. Because the Church has been promised that Jesus will rescue His Church from the wrath to come…
4. We are to comfort and edify one another with these truths.

a. Comfort
b. Edify- build up
c. NOTICE- Comforting and edifying one another was something they were all supposed to do. It wasn’t just the responsibility of the people.