1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 Church Leaders & Church Members

by | Jan 29, 2025 | 1 Thessalonians, New Testament

Read Matthew 16:13-20; Ephesians 2:19-22; 1 Timothy 3:14, 15

Vs. 12, 13- David Guzik- Leaders are recognized not by their title but by their service. A title is fine; but only if the title is true and if the title describes what that person really is before God and man.

Three things that leaders are to be doing in the churches where they serve.

1. They labor– To toil, even if weary. There is no place for a lazy Christian leader.

a. D.L. Moody- “I don’t get tired of the work, but I get tired in the work”.
b. A Christian leader ought to work hard enough so that he gets tired in the work.
c. 2 Timothy 2:3-6 3You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. 5And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. 6The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops.

2. They are over people- Literally, “those who stand in front of you”. Leaders of the local church.

a. There is a God ordained call for some to lead in local congregations.
b. Church government type varies: Pastoral leadership, elder leadership, congregational.
c. I do not see any legitimate defense for congregational rule within a local church body.
d. I do see legitimacy for both pastoral and/or elder leadership in a church.
e. The clear fact is that God has called some to lead in local churches.

3. They admonish people- To caution or reprove gently, to warn. Literally, to put into the mind.

a. To put sense into the minds of people. Helping them to see what is right in the Lord.
b. Morris-While its tone is brotherly, it is big-brotherly.

Three ways that the congregation needs to respond

1. Recognize those who labor- Recognize leaders as called of God, & as those doing the work.
2. Esteem them very highly in love because of the work they do-

a. Leaders are not to be esteemed because of a title or a calling that they have.
b. They are to be esteemed because of the work that they do on behalf of the local church.
c. Clark- “Christian ministers, who preach the whole truth, and labor in the word and doctrine, are entitled to more than respect; the apostle commands them to be esteemed, abundantly, and superabundantly; and this is to be done in love.”
d. Not just respected, but esteemed & valued highly, with love.
e. This may be difficult to do since the local congregation often does not know all that the church leader does & is involved with. Many times, the church doesn’t understand all that the leadership is called upon to do in the church. The leaders also don’t make a point of speaking about all that they do, both for reasons of confidentiality, & humility.
f. Sadly, because of the consumer mentality that is often present in a church, leaders that are worthy of such esteem are sometimes compared to other leaders at other churches.
g. They are judged, evaluated, approved or disapproved of, and treated as a commodity.
h. This judging of church leadership is a contradiction to what is taught here.

3. Be at peace among themselves- Regarding the idea of leaders and their function.

a. Be at peace within your own heart regarding the fact that God calls some, & not all, to lead.
b. Be at peace with those whom God has put over you regarding the Christian life.

The next section is about every Christian’s responsibility.

V. 14

1. Exhort- Not a sharp rebuke or condemnation, but also not just a suggestion. Urgent & serious.
2. Warn those who are unruly- Like a soldier that breaks rank. Self-willed, disobedient to God.
3. Comfort the fainthearted- Some are naturally faint hearted, others because of difficulties.
4. Uphold the weak- It doesn’t say “fix” the weak or rebuke the weak.
5. Be patient with all-

a. Be patient with the unruly one. A certain kind of patience is needed.
b. Be patient with the fainthearted. Another kind of patience is needed.
c. Be patient with the weak. Yet another kind of patience is needed.
d. GuzikTrue Christianity is shown by its ability to love and help difficult people.

V. 15

1. Christians are not to pursue revenge. Sometimes we need to pursue justice, but not revenge.

a. We cannot presume to know what appropriate punishment would be.
b. We cannot presume that our hearts would not go overboard re. revenge
c. We are to leave vengeance to God. “Vengeance is mine, I will repay”. Romans 12:19

2. Instead, we are to seek what is good. Salvation for the unsaved, right walk for the backslidden. A right attitude and perspective for ourselves.

V. 16 Interesting that this is a command. That tells us that it is not emotionally driven, but a choice.
Rejoicing is based upon correct understanding of God & us, & then choosing to acknowledge.
5:17 This means that whatever circumstance we find ourselves in, may it be suitable for prayer.
Prayer isn’t confined to one place, one time, one posture, but is a continuous heart flow.
5:18 Once again, a command, not based upon emotion, but upon perspective.
Do you want to know God’s will for your life? It includes this. Thanklessness is sin.


1. Prophesy is speaking forth the word of God, sometimes in a predictive way, other times as forth-telling God’s word, i.e., word of knowledge/wisdom, etc.
2. They were to test prophecy by God’s word & the Spirit’s witness. They were to not quench it.
3. If what appears is evil, they were to abstain from it.

5:23, 24

1. Paul has been exhorting them to do certain things, but now says “may God do it in you”.
2. Sanctify- to set apart for a special purpose. All dresses are dresses; a wedding dress is more.
3. Paul reminds them that God is faithful to do this work in us, yet we need to surrender to Him.

5:25 They were young Christians, and Paul, an aged apostle, yet he asks for prayers.
5:26 Holy kisses, holy hugs. Holiness needs to mark our interaction with one another.
5:27 This was the first letter that Paul ever wrote to a church. He wanted this letter read.
5:28 Paul begins the letter with grace, and he ends it with grace.

1. Grace is God’s unmerited favor towards mankind.
2. Without God’s favor, there would be no offer of salvation to us, no substitutionary death, no pardon.
3. I am sure that Paul knew that God’s grace was with them, & yet he gives this blessing of/for grace.