The church in Thessalonica was going through persecution.
Paul had written them previously, and this letter came a few months after the first one.
He wrote to encourage them that God will bring justice against the wicked, and reward to those who have been made righteous through faith in Jesus.
I. The Greeting: Setting The Tone Vs. 1, 2
A. The Authors V. 1a
1. Silas was with Paul when he first visited Thessalonica. (Acts 17:1-9)
2. The church knew Silvanus (Silas) & Timothy. Comfort from friends
B. The Recipients V. 1b
1. The church’s geographical location was in Thessalonica.
2. More importantly, their spiritual location was in the Father and in the Son.
C. Grace & Peace- Absolute Necessities V. 2.
1. They were a suffering church. They needed to experience God’s grace.
a. Grace- God’s unmerited favor and good will; his divine friendship and strengthening.
2. Paul twice mentions God the Father & the Lord Jesus Christ.
a. Paul mentions that both God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are the source of this grace.
b. This is a passing but emphatic way of declaring the divinity of Jesus.
c. Bicknell-“The Greek makes it plain that the Father and Christ are one source. It is remarkable that even at this early date the Son is placed side by side with the Father as the fount of divine grace, without any need of comment.”
3. The Thessalonians existed and lived in the spiritual realm Father and in the Son.
4. Their grace and peace would come from the Father & the Son.
II. Affirming What Was Good Vs. 3, 4
A. Persecution In General
1. Persecution happened in the early church; it still happens to Christians today.
2. Confiscation of property; denial of rights; social rejection; separation from loved ones; torture & death.
3. Psychologically & emotionally, this can undermine mental/emotional health, and damage spiritual well being. One can start believing the lies of the Enemy.
4. 2 Timothy 3:12 Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.
5. 1 Peter 5:8 Your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
6. Paul affirmed the observable, spiritual facts about them, to encourage them.
B. Their Faith & Love V. 3
1. It is fitting and right to thank God for the spiritual growth in people’s lives.
2. There are certainly other good things we could be thankful for in people’s lives.
3. May we never overlook being thankful for people’s spiritual growth and health.
4. Because your faith grows exceedingly-Only found here in the entire N.T.
a. hyperauxanō: Literally-vigorous growth, to increase beyond measure.
b. Faith & love growing in spite of great opposition. Proof of their salvation.
5. Love abounds- to exist in abundance.
a. Persecution sometimes makes people more self-centered and self-preserving.
b. Instead, these Christians loved each other more sacrificially.
c. The persecution was like a fire that tested them and revealed the purity of their faith.
d. Persecution of any sort will more clearly reveal the sincerity and depth of our faith.
C. Their Patience & Faith V. 4
1. Spiritual boasting & rejoicing b/c of people’s spiritual growth is a right thing.
2. As we see people endure persecutions and tribulations, and as they are patient and do not reject Christ or depart from their faith, it is right to boast about them.
3. In spite of persecutions and tribulations, their patience and faith remained.
4. Their faith grew exceedingly, & their love abounded towards one another. (V. 3)
5. These Christians were not just suffering the hardships of life that all people suffer.
a. Persecutions-from a word that means to chase/pursue. Active opposition
b. Tribulations- “a pressing together”. To be under pressure.
c. Endure- to hold up, sustain, to bear.
6. So that we ourselves boast of you-
a. Their spiritual growth and endurance was so evident, that Paul boasted.
b. This could have been potentially awkward, since he had planted the church, but Paul was blessed by the revelation of their faith, and so he wrote these encouraging words.
7. Are we encouragers of this sort?
a. Do we notice the faithfulness & growth of other Christians?
b. Is that a source of joy for us, more than their material/physical well being?
c. Do you notice their lives enough to be able to accurately point out the evidence of their genuine faith?
III. Pointing To A Conclusion
A. General Thoughts
1. It is a great thing to be sympathetic and encouraging with a suffering saint.
a. To be willing to love them and empathize is helpful
b. To extend God’s love, and to pray is always good.
2. But it is more important to speak truth to them. More important than emotional support.
a. The observable truth that exists in their life and in their world
b. The promises of God that are yet to come but are to be believed.
3. Paul didn’t just tell them nice things about their Christian lives.
4. He spoke of the truths of their lives and explained what those truths meant.
5. He connected their faith with the future promises of God, which gave them hope.
6. In 1 Thessalonians 1, he mentioned their faith, love, and hope.
a. In 2 Thessalonians 1, he mentions only faith and love.
b. Some have suggested that they were losing hope because of persecution.
B. Paul Points Them To The Future V. 5
1. It is not that the Thessalonians were earning their salvation by way of suffering.
2. Rather, it is that their righteous suffering was a manifestation of their salvation.
3. Their righteous suffering was a revealing of their true faith in Christ. That faith had made them worthy of the kingdom of God.
4. J.B. Phillips- “See how justly the judgment of God works out! He intends to use your sufferings to prove you worthy of his kingdom.”
5. Philippians 1:27, 28 27 Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel, 28 and not in any way terrified by your adversaries, which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God.
6. He reminds them that God will deal with the persecutors. (V. 6)