New Testament

Matthew 3:13-17 The Baptism Of Jesus

John did not want to baptize Jesus. John knew that Jesus had no need of a baptism unto repentance, for Jesus was without sin. John knew that he needed to be baptized by Jesus. Jesus did not deny that John needed to be baptized by Him, but 1st His baptism must happen....

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Matthew 4:1-11 Tempted In The Desert

Review 1 John 2:15-17 Temptations Regarding The Body Vs. 1-4 1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. 3 Now when the tempter came to Him, he...

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Matthew 4:12-25 Called To Follow Jesus

I. Their Condition A. Living In Galilee Among Ungodly People 1. Also called “Galilee of the nations” 2. Inhabited by Egyptians, Arabians, Phoenicians 3. Region of Galilee- 204 villages with no less than 15,000 people in each 4. A highly populated area, but populated...

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Matthew 4:5-7 Jesus And The Pride Of Life

I. General Observations A. Areas Of Temptation For Mankind 1 John 2:15-17 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and...

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Matthew 5: 7-8 Mercy, Purity

The 1st three beatitudes speak of man’s spiritual need, and how the realization of those spiritual needs drives a man to God. The 4th beatitude speaks of man crying out to God b/c of his spiritual need, and that God fills that man, first with Himself, and then with...

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Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed Are The Persecuted

Persecution- to make to run or flee, to pursue (in a hostile manner), in any way whatever to harass, trouble, to be mistreated on account of something (because of a commitment to Jesus) I. Righteous Living Will Bring Persecution A. Jesus 1. Predicted it John 15:20, 21...

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Matthew 5:17-20 Jesus And The Law

I. Jesus’ Relationship To The Law Vs. 17, 18 A. Jesus Didn’t Come To Destroy The Law Or The Prophets V. 17a 1. Religious leaders wrongly thought Jesus opposed the Law. See Matthew 15:1-9 2. Jesus was not against the Law a. He challenged the wrong interpretation of the...

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Matthew 5:33-48 The Truth About Social Holiness

I. Your Promises Vs. 33-37 A. God’s Intention 1. Exodus 20:7 “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain…” 2. The people were not to invoke God’s name, or use His name in a vain or casual way. 3. They were not to use God’s name in making a false oath. 4....

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Matthew 5:6 Hungering After Righteousness

Intro: Trouble with world today - war- sickness-crime. It’s not any single manifestation of sin, but sin itself. The church’s answers to the world’s trouble lie in this verse. Ours is not the task of reforming society-but of leading people to Jesus, & the...

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Matthew 5:9 Blessed Are The Peacemakers

I. What Is Peace? A. Definition 1. To agree 2. A state of tranquility or quiet 3. Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions 4. Harmony in personal relationships 5. A pact or agreement to end hostilities B. A Low View Of Peace 1. To agree, but not...

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Matthew 6:7-15 The Disciple’s Prayer

This prayer is often called the “Lord’s Prayer.” It is more appropriately called the “Disciple’s Prayer.” I. Relationship With God 6:7-9a A. Mechanical, Unfamiliar Prayer Is Inappropriate 1. A mechanical, unfamiliar relationship is not what God wants with anyone 2....

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Matthew 7:1-5 Judgment Starts With Self

I. When Judging, Use One Standard For Everyone Vs. 1, 2 A. Jesus Is Not Universally Prohibiting Judgment 1. Judge- krinō- kree'-no To distinguish, to decide (mentally or judicially); by implication to try, condemn, punish:—avenge, conclude, condemn, damn, decree,...

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Matthew 7:24-27 How To Build Your House

Psalm 127:1a Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it… I. Build With God’s Word A. Diligently Learn How To Build 2 Timothy 2:15 1. Diligent- to make effort, be prompt or earnest, endeavor, labor, study. Rightly dividing- orthotomeō- to make a...

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Matthew 7:24-27 Keep Building Your House

Jesus is the rock we build upon. His words are what we build our lives on. He is not static, like the foundations of our homes. He is a living, moving, mobile foundation. Our lives are not static they are ever changing. Our foundation is the truth of God, which does...

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Matthew 8:1-17 Jesus Heals

I. Jesus Is Willing To Heal A. The Leper 1. The physical suffering of leprosy a. Now called “Hansen’s disease” leprosy was and is incurable b. It is spread through respiratory droplets, forcing isolation of the leper c. Nerve endings lost their sensitivity; appendages...

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Philippians 1:1-11 How To Find Joy

104 verses in Philippians. 7 times we read the words “joy”, “gladness”. 10 times we read the words “glad”, “rejoice”, “rejoiced”. Read: 1:4, 1:18, 1:25, 2:2, 2:16-18, 3:1, 3:3, 4:1, 4:4 Every 6.1 verses, Paul mentions being joyful, rejoicing, or being glad. He was in...

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Philippians 2:1-4 Living In Unity

I. Why Live In Unity? V. 1  A. Because Of What Jesus Had Done In Their Lives  1. If- also translated “since”, or, “since these things are true….” 2. Speaks of a fulfilled condition, an evident truth. a. Paul appealed to them, based upon what Jesus’ presence had...

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Philippians 3:12-21 Pressing On In Jesus

I. How To Press On V. 12  A. Understand What “Pressing On” Means  1. Figuratively- One who runs a race swiftly to reach the goal; to seek after eagerly. 2. Spiritually- To press forward in the Christian faith, to seek to grow spiritually. 3. The opposite of “Pressing...

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Revelation 1:1-8 Jesus, The Imprimatur

Imprimatur- The authority or approval for something to be printed V. 1- The Father gave the Son a revelation to show His servants. George Eldon Ladd- God the Father is the ultimate source and fountainhead of all revelation; God the Son is the agent through whom this...

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Revelation 13:1-18

Read Daniel 7:1-11- Babylonians; Medes/Persians; Greeks, Alexander The Great; Rome. 13:1 Beast- a wild animal, brutal, bestial, savage, ferocious. This seems to be a different personage than Satan, who was described as a Dragon. (Revelation 12:9) Seven heads and ten...

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Revelation 14:1-20

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 I. The 144,000 With Jesus Vs. 1-5 A. The Setting-The Second Coming Of Jesus V. 1 1. V. 1 Lamb- Jesus. (Revelation 5; 6; 7) 2. V. 1 Mt. Zion- Jerusalem. 3. V. 1 144k- The sealed Jewish men who serve God during the Tribulation. (Rev. 7:1-8) a....

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Revelation 15 & 16 The Bowl Judgments

I. Prelude To The Bowl Judgments 15:1-8 A. Victorious Worshippers 1. V. 2 John Describes Them a. John described the end of the age in Chapter 14. He now re-states it in more detail. b. John describes this group as those who have victory over the Antichrist. c. Their...

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Revelation 17:1-18

Daniel 2:31-45 I. Introduction Of The Great Harlot Vs. 1-5 A. What She Does 1. Babylon The Great- Not just the name of a city, but of a Godless religious system. a. Includes the ancient city of Babylon but goes far beyond it. Metaphorical language. b. Ryrie- The name...

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Revelation 18 Commercial Babylon

I. Commercial Babylon A. Two Aspects Of Babylon To Consider 1. Vs. 1, 2 Speaks of Babylon as already having fallen; it is speaking of something yet future, but that is a certainty. 2. Chapter 17 spoke of the religious nature of what is called Babylon. a. An apostate...

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Revelation 19 The Second Coming Of Jesus

I. Praising God A. Praising God For Judging Evil Vs. 1-5 1. V. 1 Alleluia- Hebrew for “Praise Jehovah”, “Praise God”. 4 x’s in the N.T. all in Rev. a. J.P. Love- ‘We like to think of a Hallelujah chorus in the style of Handel, where the Hallelujah is the triumphant...

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Revelation 2:1-7 Correct But Unloving

I. History & Setting V. 1a A. Religious Climate 1. Ephesus had the temple of Diana, one of the seven wonders of the world. It was a temple which served as a place of worship and doubled as a bank. The worship of Diana involved sexual immorality of all sorts. 2....

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Revelation 2:12-29 The Tolerant Churches

I. The Cities, Jesus, His Commendations A. The Cities 1. V. 12-Pergamos- Political capital of the Roman Province of Asia, like the Washington D.C. of Asia. Center for culture and education, having one of the great libraries of the ancient world, with more than 200,000...

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Revelation 20 The Millennial Kingdom

I. Satan Bound For 1000 Years A. The Bottomless Pit Vs. 1-3 1. V. 1 John sees an unnamed angel that comes to cast Satan into the Bottomless pit. a. It is not the Father, or Jesus the Son, or Michael or Gabriel. It is an unnamed angel. b. This shows the eventual...

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Revelation 21:1-27 The New Jerusalem

I. The New Creation A. New Heaven & New Earth 1. V. 1 New- Not “new” as in recent, but new in quality. Not remodeled but recreated. a. This is not the Earth of the Millennial Kingdom, but a superior new creation. b. This will be a more pristine state than even the...

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Revelation 22

Vs. 1, 2a Perfect physical provision Psalm 46:4-5 4 There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. 5 God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn....

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Revelation 3:1-6 The Dead Church

I. Sardis; Jesus A. Sardis 1. At the time of this writing, Sardis was in decline, but was still well known as a place of wealth and decadence. Even the pagans spoke of Sardis with a degree of contempt. 2. It was located at the intersection of five main roads, which...

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Revelation 3:14-22 The Lukewarm Church

I. Laodicea; Jesus V. 14 A. Laodicea 1. A center for banking, which made it a very wealthy city, one of the richest in the world. 2. Specialized in producing black wool clothing and carpets. 3. Hosted a famous medical school which specialized in a powder for treating...

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Revelation 5:1-14 The Scroll Of God

I. A Scroll Is Seen Vs. 1-4 A. Details About The Scroll V. 1 1. V. 1-Scroll- not a book, but a scroll. Usually written on only one side, but there was too much information to be communicated, so the scroll was written on front and back. 2. Contents of the scroll- the...

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Revelation 6:1-17 The Seal Judgments

I. Four Horsemen/First Four Seals/Events On Earth Vs. 1-8 A. The First Horseman Vs. 1, 2 1. V. 1- The Lamb opened- As the Lamb, Jesus is known as the sacrifice for our sins. a. But we must also realize that as the Lamb, He initiates the eventual judgments of God. b....

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Revelation 7:1-17 Mercy In Judgment

John found himself caught up into heaven where he found himself before the throne of God. He saw Jesus take a scroll from the hand of God that had been sealed with seven seals. As Jesus broke each seal and unrolled the scroll a little further, events begin to take...

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Revelation 8 & 9 The Trumpet Judgments

Leon Morris-Human wickedness does not go unnoticed in heaven. God has his own way and time for dealing with it. NOTE- There is great debate whether the seal judgments and the trumpets judgments are the same events, or sequential and different events. It isn’t plain....

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Romans 1:1-7 “Who I Am And What I Do”

I. Paul’s Introduction Of Himself To The Romans Vs. 1, 5a A. A Bondservant (Slave) Of Jesus Christ V. 1 1. Paul did not found this church, and he did not personally know these people. 2. He seeks to introduce himself in a humble and yet authoritative way. 3. He wants...

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