Romans 16:17-20 Matthew 7

by | Nov 18, 2024 | New Testament, Romans

I. Those Received And Those Avoided

A. Those Received; Letters Of Endorsement Vs. 1, 2

1. Verse 17 is contrasted with many of the verses found earlier in this chapter.
2. Vs. 1 & 2. Paul gave a wonderful endorsement to the church at Rome regarding Chloe.
3. In those days, there were itinerant preachers, teachers, evangelists, and servants.
4. There were also false preachers, teachers, evangelists, and servants.
5. The custom of the day was to offer hospitality and lodging to those who came to visit.
6. They may have been invited to speak at the local assembly, or serve in the local church.
7. Since there were false teachers taking advantage of this custom, Paul sought to introduce Chloe to the Roman Christians
via this letter.
8. They were to receive her and help her with whatever she needed.
9. The early church needed to be discerning about who they allowed to lead or serve.
10. This letter of endorsement guaranteed that Chloe would be received and helped.
11. Conversely, there were people to be avoided, whom Paul proceeded to describe.

B. Those To Avoid: The Damage They Cause V. 17

1. Urge- parakaleo– to beg. Paul didn’t command them to be discerning, he begged them.
2. Note those– to look at, observe, contemplate, direct one’s attention to, scrutinize.

a. Scrutinize- To examine in detail with careful or critical attention. (i.e. Matthew 7)

3. Divisions- Divisions would come from the theological errors these people taught.

a. They would teach wrong doctrine and deceive the young or immature Christians, causing divisions within the church.

4. Offenses- skandalon- something placed in the way which causes one to stumble or fall.

a. This speaks of the moral behavior of that would cause others to be tempted to sin

5. Contrary to the doctrine-un-Biblical teaching that causes damage and division
6. Avoid them- Always be avoiding them. (avoid their teaching) (1 Tim. 6:3-5; 2 John 10)
7. Brethren- There is no record of there being a pastor or apostle in Rome.

a. Rome was an international city, and people traveled from there all over the world
b. Undoubtedly, some must have been saved, and brought the Gospel back to Rome.
c. The Roman Christians had a mature and solid faith from knowing the Word of God.
d. This command wasn’t written to church leadership, but to the brethren.
e. They were mature enough to be discerning and to avoid those Paul described.

C. Those To Avoid: Their Motives And Methods V. 18

1. Their motives

a. They came in the name of Jesus, but they did not serve Jesus.
b. Who serve their own belly– This speaks about more than gluttony.

i. These were interested in serving their base nature.
ii. Their primary interest might be sexual gratification, or materialism, or pride and power over people, or a party
spirit, or spiritual pride.
iii. They sought the lust of their eyes, the lust of their flesh, or the pride of life.

c. Whatever base nature they sought to satisfy, they deceived others regarding those things, and caused them to stumble into the same sins, somehow convincing them that these sins were acceptable, and even deserved, and that God was OK with them
d. They used wrong theology to promote their immoral behavior and influence others.

2. Their methods

a. Smooth words- smooth and believable words. (Colossians 2:4; 2 Peter 3:3)

b. An insinuating tone of goodness. Right words used to say the wrong thing.
c. Flattering speech- eulogias- Eulogy. Polished language, flattery, praise.
d. Deceive- beguile, to lead someone away, practically speaking
e. Simple- Literally- naïve, not able to discern evil, unsuspecting.
Not a moral fault, but simply a young, inexperienced, undeveloped Christian.

II. Paul’s Encouragement & Concern Vs. 19, 20

A. Paul’s Encouragement To Them V. 19a

1. Your obedience- to the Gospel, and to the doctrine that they had learned.

a. Read Romans 1:8

2. Paul was glad that they believed and obeyed the Word of God. Very commendable.

B. Paul’s Concern For Them V. 19b

NIV- but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.
J.B. Phillips- I want to see you experts in good, and not even beginners in evil.

1. Simple concerning evil- unmixed, pure, free from disturbing elements.

a. Wuest- moral intelligence, not impaired in the least by any dealings with evil.
b. Like undiluted wine, or metal not weakened by a bad alloy.

2. Paul was confident in their obedience to truth, and yet he is concerned, and sounds anxious.
3. Paul was a pastor who knew first-hand the danger that could come from ungodly men.
4. Paul knew the damage that wrong doctrine could cause. Read Galatians 1:6-9; 3:1-4

a. Wrong doctrine led the Galatians into wrong behavior.

5. Paul knew the damage that wrong behavior could cause.

a. We think of the immoral man in 1 Corinthians. Read 1 Corinthians 5:1-8
b. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. Sin spreads like yeast in dough.
c. Christians who return to sinful lifestyles usually separate from the church family.

6. Paul is not saying to separate from people struggling with sin or are unsaved.

a. Rather, he is speaking of people who promote their sins and affect others to sin.
b. Read 1 Corinthians 5:9-13

C. Paul’s Confidence In God Towards Them V. 20

1. In V. 17, Paul spoke of divisions caused by ungodly men.
2. Peace- to bind together that which was separated.
3. Satan causes divisions/offenses in the church through wrong doctrine/sinful behavior
4. Shortly- quickly. As they discerned and avoided, God would crush Satan’s work.
5. Paul wished the undeserved favor of God upon their lives.

a. Grace to discern and avoid those who cause divisions and offenses in the church.
b. Grace to care about those who were hurting the church, and to respond.