Matthew 22:1-14 God’s Invitation Into His Kingdom

by | Dec 11, 2023 | Matthew, New Testament

Regarding parables:
1. Parables are an earthly story which illustrate a heavenly truth
2. Don’t try to establish doctrine based upon every aspect of a parable
3. Understand that a parable is designed to make one or two main points
4. It is difficult to explain every point in a parable perfectly
5. The points that we make ought to be aligned with the great doctrines of the Bible

I. The Setting

A. Jesus’ Last Week Before His Death

1. Jesus visits Jerusalem and the Temple Mount during this week
2. He teaches the common people and heals many
3. He refuted the challenges of the corrupted religious leaders
4. Jesus knew that they sought to kill Him
5. He would allow Himself to be taken by them at the end of this week
6. Until then, each night He withdrew from the city

B. Jesus’ Recent Teaching Regarding Israel’s Rejection Of Him

1. Matthew 21:23-32 Parable Of The Two Sons

a. Jesus’ main point is found in verses 31b-32

2. Matthew 21:33-46 Parable Of The Vineyard Owner

a. Jesus’ main points are found in verses 43- 44

C. This Parable Is Simply A Continuation Of The Same Conversation

1. Jesus seeks to further illustrate truth to these men
2. Jesus used repetition, using slightly different illustrations to drive home the truth

II. The Parable Of The Wedding Feast

A. The Characters Of The Parable

1. V. 2- The kingdom of heaven is like:

a. A marriage, a wedding, a wedding feast; joining of a Bride & Groom
b. This is a picture of Christ & His church (John 3:29; Eph. 5:25; Rev. 21:2, 9)

2. V. 2- A certain king– speaks of God the Father: the one “in charge; the ruler”

a. Matthew 21:28 (a father)
b. Matthew 21:33 (a landowner)

3. V. 2- His son speaks of Jesus, the Son of God, God the Son

a. Matthew 21:37-39 (Jesus speaks of Himself)
b. Matthew 21:42,44 (Jesus speaks of Himself)

4. V. 3His servants– God’s servants, sent to invite people into God’s kingdom

a. Matthew 21:34 God’s servants, sent to the nation of Israel- the prophets
b. Some suggest the apostles and 1st generation that followed

i. Turn to Matt. 28:19, 20; Acts 1:8
ii. In the most extended but real sense, it includes all Christians

5. V. 3- Those who were invited– All those invited into God’s kingdom; humanity

B. The King’s Initial Invitation

1. God is portrayed as a King inviting His creation to Himself.
2. Isaiah 55:3 Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live;
And I will make an everlasting covenant with you—The sure mercies of David.

C. The Guests’ Excuses For Not Attending

1. V. 3- Not willing– thelo– to will, intend, to be resolved or determined, to purpose

a. Some of the guests made up their minds and purposed not to come
b. One verse that might illustrate their resolve is:
John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, b/c their deeds were evil.

2. V. 5a- They made light of it- ameleo- to be careless of, to neglect

a. Used 5 X’s in the N.T., always speaks of neglecting or ignoring something that is known. To know something, but not think it is important.
b. Hebrews 2:3 “…how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation…?
c. Many people hear the gospel message, but think it’s not important
d. Perhaps in their minds, they aren’t rejecting it, but they perish nonetheless

3. V. 5b, c- One to his own farm, another to his business.

a. Many who refuse God are busy w/ their concerns, not the King’s invite
b. Craig S. Keener– “Ignoring the King would be scandalously rude, would probably suggest treasonous feelings, & would certainly invite the Kings’ wrath. These hearers would thus feel incensed at these subjects’ unbelievable stupidity”.

4. V. 6- “…treated them spitefully, and killed them.”

a. This is what happened to both the O.T. prophets and the early church
b. Culturally, this was scandalous & treasonous. A revolt against the King.

D. The King’s 2nd & 3rd Invitations

1. V. 4– The King seeks to persuade these uninterested guests.

a. I have prepared my dinner; all things are ready; Come to the wedding.”
b. God has made every provision for sinners to be forgiven & enter Heaven
c. Mankind needs accept God’s gracious invitation and his terms
d. V. 7– A certain group (Jerusalem) was punished for killing the servants

2. V. 8- The King compels His servants to find guests to attend

a. The first group (Israel) disqualified themselves by their refusal to attend
b. Going to the highways would have drawn the “least desirable” (Gentiles)
c. Wedding hall finally filled. (Illustrates those who gather in Jesus’ name)
d. V. 10- bad evil, wicked, of a bad condition
e. V. 10- good of good constitution or nature
f. True & counterfeit believers. (Parable of tares & wheat-Matt. 13:24-43)

E. The Improperly Clothed Guest

1. V. 11– Culturally, the King would have provided wedding garments for all in attendance. Rich or poor, all would have been equally blessed and robed.
2. This man was conspicuous in that He thought his own garments were sufficient for the occasion. He refused the King’s provision, & trusted in his own provision
3. The King confronted him re. this refusal to wear the King’s wedding garment
4. Though coming closer than those who refused to attend, he was still cast out.
5. He sought to enjoy God’s invitation, but on his terms. This is self righteousness
6. V. 11– Many were called, but only those rightly robed were chosen to stay

F. Our Need For The Righteousness Of God

1. Isaiah 64:6 Our best efforts fall far short before the Lord
2. Isaiah 61:10 God clothes us w/robes of righteousness & garments of salvation
3. Romans 3:21, 22 God grants us His very righteousness through our faith in Jesus
4. 2 Corinthians 5:17, 21
5. You might be in the wedding hall today, but what are you clothed with?