
Romans 1:1-7 “Who I Am And What I Do”

I. Paul’s Introduction Of Himself To The Romans Vs. 1, 5a A. A Bondservant (Slave) Of Jesus Christ V. 1 1. Paul did not found this church, and he did not personally know these people. 2. He seeks to introduce himself in a humble and yet authoritative way. 3. He wants...

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Romans 1:16 Don’t Be Ashamed Of The Gospel

I. The Content Of The Gospel V. 16a A. Man’s Problem With Sin 1. Man is born with a sin nature and an inclination to sin. (Romans 3:10-23) 2. Man proves he possess this nature by choosing to sin. 3. Man is worthy of God’s judgment: eternal death apart from God....

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Romans 1:16, 17 How To Be Right With God

I. The Gospel Is God’s Power To Save V. 16 A. The Gospel Is God’s Method To Save People 1. 16For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation… 2. God chose to use the Gospel to save people. 3. Not just the spoken message, but the...

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Romans 1:18-32 When Man Rejects God

I. The Wrath Of God Is Revealed (Made Known) V. 18 A. The Wrath Of God 1. V. 17 speaks of the righteousness (rightness) of God: That which God is, does, gives. 2. In a contrasting fashion, Paul now speaks of the wrath of God, which is God’s righteous response to...

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Romans 2:1-16 The Guilty Moral Critic

I. God’s Judgment Is Inescapable Vs. 1-4 A. The Man Who Judges Will Be Judged V. 1 1. Chapter 1 is about people who reject God, and live openly sinful lives. 2. Chapter 2 is about people who agree with the standards (laws) of God, and judge those in Chapter 1, but...

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Romans 2:17-29 The Guilty Religious Critic

I. The Boast Of The Religious Critic Vs. 17-20 A. The Dilemma Of The Moral Critic And The Religious Critic 1. Romans 2:11Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice...

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Romans 3:1-4 What Advantage Is Church?

I. What Advantage Then? Vs. 1, 2 A. The Advantage For The Jew 1. Paul had previously said that there was no partiality with God. (Romans 2:11) a. Paul was formerly a Jewish Pharisee, and he well understood Jewish thinking. b. His statement about God making...

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Romans 3:21-31 Being Right With God

I. The Righteousness Of God Revealed V. 21 A. The Righteousness Of God V. 21a 1. But now…. As opposed to Romans 3:20. a. Romans 3:20 Phillips Bible- it is the straight edge of the Law that shows us how crooked we are. b. Matthew 26:27, 28 Then He took the cup, and...

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Romans 3:5-20 The Universality Of Sin

Paul has sought to show the universality of sin. He has shown that both Gentile and Jew are guilty before God. He has shown that there is no inherent guiltlessness in being a Jew. To the Jews were first committed the laws of God. ● Those who could read Hebrew could...

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Romans 5:12-21 Adam Versus Jesus

This section is the hinge on which the door of Romans swings. It looks back at what has been said, and looks forward to what will be said. Many people do not like to study doctrine. People would rather study about love, comfort, and supposedly more practical things...

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Romans 6:1-14 Dead To Sin, Alive To God

A key to interpreting this chapter is to substitute the words “sinful nature” for the word “sin”. Paul isn’t talking about “acts of sin”, but of “the sinful nature”. A single act of sin doesn’t reign over someone, but a sinful nature does reign over people. For the...

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Romans 6:15-23 Three Reasons To Not Sin

In 6:1, Paul proposed a hypothetical question. Shall the Christian, as a lifestyle, continually and habitually sin so that the grace of God may have an opportunity to be displayed? Paul says no! He explains the Christian’s death to the domination of sin. Paul...

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