Matthew 8:1-17 Jesus Heals

by | Oct 20, 2023 | Matthew, New Testament

I. Jesus Is Willing To Heal

A. The Leper

1. The physical suffering of leprosy

a. Now called “Hansen’s disease” leprosy was and is incurable
b. It is spread through respiratory droplets, forcing isolation of the leper
c. Nerve endings lost their sensitivity; appendages began to fall off
d. Secondary damage would occur from falls, cuts, burns, etc.

2. Social, mental, emotional, psychological suffering associated with leprosy

a. Like sin, it desensitizes you from feeling, and devours you
b. It affect make us unpleasant to look upon; scorned from society
c. People want to be separated from you, because you could affect them
d. The Pharisees considered leprosy a judgment from God
e. You are a “dead man walking”; we are dead in our sins w/o Jesus

3. This leper was desperate for healing, was humble before the Lord, & worshipped

a. Lepers were supposed to maintain a distance of 150’ from others
b. They were supposed to shout “unclean, unclean” if approached

4. He didn’t care what people thought. He didn’t care if his need was obvious
5. Being a leper made you an outcast; the leper wasn’t sure about Jesus viewpoint
6. He knew Jesus could heal him, but would Jesus be willing to heal him?
7. Jesus was very willing to heal this man

a. Willing- to be happy, desirous to do something; to take delight in doing

i. Jesus didn’t act from a sense of duty, but from desire

b. He did not rebuke him from pushing through the crowd
c. He reached out & touched him. Jesus treated him with compassion.
d. Probably the leper’s first touch in a long time. Jesus gave him dignity.
e. Law forbade touching a leper; when Jesus touched him, he was cleansed

B. The Centurion

1. A Gentile- hated by the Jews
2. A commander over 100 soldiers, in an army that was occupying Israel
3. A man of great faith and character

a. Humble- he plead with Jesus; he didn’t command or manipulate him
b. He stepped into a hostile crowd to make this request of Jesus
c. He came to Jesus; he didn’t say, “If Jesus loves me, He’ll come to me, etc.”
d. When the need is great, people will do whatever is needed.
e. He cared about his servant/slave. Slaves considered property by most.
f. He knew that Jesus could “heal from a distance”. He was under authority

4. Centurion’s faith came from his understanding that Jesus was under authority

a. Centurion’s authority came from someone greater than himself
b. He saw that same truth in Jesus’ life- (the Son submitted to the Father)
c. Do you have godly authority? It comes from being submitted to God.

i. Authority, power, direction-all greater than the one receiving it
ii. Godly authority is discernable. We need to submit to have it.
iii. You may have a position of authority, but do you have it?

5. Jews normally did not enter Gentile homes; Jesus very willing to visit his home

C. Peter’s Mother-In-Law

1. A woman- women were looked down upon in the Jewish society
2. Many Pharisees would pray each morning, “I give thanks I am a man & not a woman; a Jew & not a Gentile; a freeman & not a slave.”

D. The Masses Verse 17

1. Jesus had authority over demons that inhabited people. He cast them out.
2. He healed all those that were brought to Him

II. Why Jesus Heals

A. The Leper

1. “See that you tell no one”– Jesus did not want to promote the thought that the Kingdom of God was imminent in a physical sense. “Don’t start a movement”.
2. “Show yourself to the priest as a testimony”. Leviticus 14, 1500 years earlier
3. Jesus came first as the Messiah of the Jews.
4. Jesus wanted to prove to the religious leaders that their Messiah had come.
5. The priests were to inspect the man to see of he was cleansed
6. In O.T., God provided a method of how to re-admit a healed leper into society
7. Only the priests had the authority to admit him back into society

a. Jesus also wanted the man to regain a normal life
b. Seeing the priests would also bring about that result

8. They were to re-introduce a healed leper, though leprosy was impossible to heal.
9. Jesus healed this man to bless him, but also as a testimony that He was Messiah.
10. Reporting to the priests would bring spiritual revelation about Jesus to the leper

B. The Centurion

1. As an act of love and compassion
2. A testimony that those “far away” could be included in God’s kingdom
3. That all nations would come to Jesus. Verse 11
4. As a testimony against those who wouldn’t believe truth that was before them

a. Jesus here speaks of Hell for those who reject Him as Messiah/Savior
b. Those that had the truth about Jesus, but rejected it.
c. Outer darkness, weeping, gnashing of teeth- extreme pain and torment

5. Jesus says that it is for an “eternal benefit” in the kingdom of heaven.
6. We have no record of the healed servant putting their faith in Jesus.
7. This healing was also for the spiritual health of the centurion.

C. Peter’s Mother In Law

1. Though a woman, she was a Jew, and one of God’s “chosen people”.
2. Her healing provided her an opportunity to serve the Lord and others.

D. The Masses

Verse 17

1. Matthew tells us that the healings were also done to fulfill prophecy
2. Those fulfilled prophecies identified Jesus as the Messiah of Israel
3. Jesus was the “Chosen Savior” sent by God to save men from their sins.

III. Summary Thoughts

1. Jesus can, and often does still heal today. (Hebrews 13:8)
2. We are to pray for healing, anointing the sick with oil. (James 5:14-16)
3. God doesn’t always heal in this life. (2 Timothy 4:20, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10)
4. God will heal every believer in eternity. ( 1 Corinthians 15:35-55)