Matthew 9:18-34 Pushing Past Obstacles Of Faith

by | Oct 25, 2023 | Matthew, New Testament

I. The Woman Vs. 20-22

A. Her Situation & Obstacles

1. 12 years of a vaginal discharge of blood
2. She had spent all her money w/doctors, and had only gotten worse (Mark 5:26)
3. Her discharge made her ceremonially unclean. She wasn’t to touch others
4. Her particular situation dictated a private approach to Jesus

a. She wasn’t able to pout her out her heart and interact on that level
b. She couldn’t bear children- extremely important in that culture; a stigma
c. If she was married, no conjugal relations w/husband acc. to Law
d. Religious leaders said illnesses were caused by sin
e. According to O.T. law, she was forbidden to worship at the Temple

B. Pushing Past Her Obstacles

1. Numbers 15:38-40 38 “Speak to the children of Israel: Tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a blue thread in the tassels of the corners. 39 And you shall have the tassel, that you may look upon it and remember all the commandments of the Lord and do them, and that you may not follow the harlotry to which your own heart and your own eyes are inclined, 40 and that you may remember and do all My commandments, and be holy for your God.
2. Her act of faith was primitive & superstitious, but Jesus honored it

a. The tassels represented God’s word; some people made them mean more
b. Like someone believing they would be healed by touching a Bible

3. She reached out the only way she knew; God saw her awkward yet sincere faith
4. She made the effort to push thru the crowd. 12 years of illness healed suddenly
5. Guzik- There are many things that we could find wrong with this woman’s faith. But more than anything, her faith was in Jesus, and the object of faith is much more important than the quality of faith.

II. A Ruler Named Jairus Vs. 18,19,23-26

A. Jairus- Synagogue leader probably in Capernaum. The ruins still exist
B. The Obstacles

1. Jewish rules who aligned themselves w/ Jesus risked opposition from their peers

a. Jesus was opposed by the Jewish religious leaders
b. Jairus risked losing his job, income, influence, lifestyle, etc.

2. His 12 year old daughter was dying/dead. Things getting worse by the moment

a. Mark says that his servants came, and informed them of her death

3. 12 years of joy from a wonderful daughter suddenly is ending
4. He was interrupted by a person with a “lesser” need

a. She was a woman with an “embarrassing, less important” situation

5. Jesus purposely delayed his arrival by ministering to this “problem person”
6. Jairus hired “professional mourners”; a custom of the day

a. They knew the girl was dead. They knew what a dead body looked like
b. They mocked & ridiculed the work of God that was about to take place
c. Jairus- surrounded by people who had religion, but mocked true faith
d. Essentially, they were ridiculing Jairus’ faith in Christ

7. The “delay” would actually serve to bolster Jairus’ faith.

C. Pushing Past The Obstacles

1. Jairus didn’t let possible peer pressure stop him from seeking Jesus’ help
2. Jairus didn’t quit when people interrupted his seeking of Jesus
3. Jairus did get discouraged when Jesus delayed his arrival
4. He didn’t allow worsening news to quench his faith. (Your daughter has died)
5. Didn’t defend or retain the mockers when Jesus wanted them removed

a. He didn’t allow the mockers to dictate the situation or quench Jesus’ work
b. Those that mock God’s work won’t see it; believers will see it

6. Sometimes the mockers are people, other times our thoughts & doubts mock us
7. Jairus believed: Luke 8:50 Do not be afraid, only believe, she will be made well
8. See 9:25 The miracle came when the mockers were put out. Put out the mockers!

III. The Blind Men Vs. 27-31

A. Their Obstacles

1. They had to follow Jesus into a house. Their faith propelled them on
2. Religious leaders blamed blindness on sin, sin in the womb, or sin of the parents
3. How confused might they have been, not knowing what to believe?
4. They accepted Jesus’ questioning of them. Sincere faith isn’t defensive or touchy

B. Pushing Past The Obstacles

1. They didn’t allow people, questions, stigmas, or physical inabilities to stop them
2. They didn’t demand healing; they asked for mercy, not what they deserved
3. They called Jesus “Son of David”, a Messianic term.

IV. The Demoniac Vs. 32-34

A. The Obstacles

1. Jews thought a demon can’t be cast out until you knew its name
2. They thought he would never be healed; he was mute, couldn’t reveal the demon
3. Imagine the fear, ridicule, suspicion, confusion, dealing w/the unknown
4. The Pharisees wrongly accused Jesus of doing this by the power of Satan
5. Some obstacles will sound “spiritual”, and come after God’s work is done
6. If Satan cannot prevent God’s work, he will come afterwards and criticize it
7. Satan will put doubt & questions in the minds of the faithful, and of onlookers

V. What All These People Shared In Common

1. They all had great need; they were desperate for Jesus to do something for them
2. Realized their inability to change their situation. Humility, failure, defeat, dependence
3. They were not held back by their fears over the seriousness of their situations
4. They were not dissuaded by any delays or obstacles that occurred
5. They were not held back by what people thought of them, before, during, or after
6. They put away people, things, thoughts and doubts that mocked the work of God
7. They pushed through the crowds, put out the mockers, ignored the criticizers
8. They were moved by their faith, and they received the blessings that God had for them.