Matthew 3:13-17 The Baptism Of Jesus

by | Oct 19, 2023 | Matthew, New Testament

John did not want to baptize Jesus.
John knew that Jesus had no need of a baptism unto repentance, for Jesus was without sin.
John knew that he needed to be baptized by Jesus.
Jesus did not deny that John needed to be baptized by Him, but 1st His baptism must happen.
Jesus said that His baptism would fulfill all righteousness. (Matthew 3:15)
Why then, was Jesus baptized?

I. Revealed Jesus As Our Sacrifice

A. A Sign To John John 1:29-36

1. John came baptizing

a. A call to repentance
b. Prepare yourself to receive the Lord
c. His baptism would reveal the Savior John 1:31

2. Jesus- revealed as the Lamb of God John 1:29, 35
3. Jesus- revealed as the sacrifice for all mankind John 1:29
4. Jesus- revealed as the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit John 1:33
5. Jesus- revealed as the Son of God John 1:34

B. As A Sacrifice, Jesus Identified Himself With Sinful Man

1. Old Testament Sacrifices Leviticus 1:1-4
2. OT sacrifices- worshipper identified with the sacrifice.

a. Placed his hand upon the animal, confessed his sins.
b. Admitted that he deserved death rather than the animal.
c. The animal was innocent, the person was guilty.
d. They exchanged positions.
e. The innocent taking the punishment of the guilty , identifying w/him.
f. This sacrifice brought atonement: at-one-ment

3. Adam Clarke- The person who brought the sacrifice placed his hands on the head of the animal between the horns, and confessed his sin …saying, “I have sinned, I have done iniquity; I have trespassed…and do return by repentance before thee, and with this I make atonement.” Then the animal was considered as vicariously bearing the sins of the person who brought it.
4. In baptism Jesus identified Himself with sinful man, though He never sinned
5. It was as if Jesus were saying, “I will identify myself with them. I am not guilty, but I will eventually bear their sins as if I were guilty”.
6. The Old Testament sacrifices were ignorant of what was happening to them.
7. Jesus knowingly and willingly brought Himself to the place of sacrifice.
8. See John 10:17, 18
9. Instead of waiting for man to identify w/ Him, He initiated identification w/man.
10. Stepped out of glory. Put on flesh. He lived as we do. He took our sins upon Himself. He took our punishment, and gave us His righteousness.
11. 2 Corinthians 5:21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

II. Revealed Jesus As Our High Priest

A. The Jewish High Priest Offered Sacrifices For The People
B. Jesus Was Both Sacrifice & High Priest

1. He identified with man as the Lamb of God, the sacrificial Lamb.
2. John 10:17, 18 says that He offered up His own life
3. That makes Jesus both the sacrifice & the High Priest

C. The Uniqueness Of The High Priest

1. Hebrew 2:17, 18– Jesus understands the struggles of humanity
2. Hebrews 4:15, 16– Jesus willingly subjected Himself to the struggle of humanity
3. Hebrews 5:1, 2– Jesus willingly subjected Himself to weakness
4. Hebrews 9:13, 14 Jesus’ sacrifice & priesthood cleanses our conscience
5. Hebrews 9:24-26 Jesus priesthood and sacrifice puts away our sins
6. Jesus’ baptism revealed Jesus not only as our sacrifice, but as our great High Priest

III. Revealed Jesus As Our Example

A. Jesus Struggled As A Man

1. Hebrews tells us the High Priest was sympathetic, because he also struggled
2. Immediately after baptism, Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness
3. Immediately after His baptism, Jesus was tested

a. Matthew 4:1-Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness
b. Mark 1:12- Jesus driven by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness

B. Jesus Is Our Example Of How To Resist Temptation

1. After His baptism, the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus- epi
2. Turn to Acts 1:4-8 Power to live a life like Jesus
3. Jesus gained victory over Satan & sin as a man filled w/ the Holy Spirit
4. He lived in reliance upon the Spirit of God.
5. He came to identify with sinful man, in all His weakness
6. He fought through temptation in order to show us how to gain the victory
7. His incarnation and baptism placed Him among us, not over us.

IV. Revealed The Pleasure Of The Father Matthew 3:17

A. That Jesus Would Willingly Be Our Sacrifice
B. That Jesus Became Our Sympathetic High Priest
C. That Jesus Showed Us How To Live A Spirit Filled Life
D. The Father’s Approval Rest Upon Jesus

1. There is no other acceptable sacrifice for our sins: only Jesus Christ
2. There is no other who can represent us before God’s throne in Heaven
3. There is no other who is the perfect example of how we are to live
4. Matthew 3:17 “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
5. The Father is well pleased with the Son

E. Let Us Be Found In The Son

Philippians 3:9a (that I may be…) be found in Him…