Matthew 27:1-10 From Sorrow To Forgiveness

by | Dec 20, 2023 | Matthew, New Testament

I. Judas’ Understanding Of Jesus

A. V. 4- “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.”

1. Judas saw that Jesus was innocent.
2. If anyone could have put “real” blame on Jesus, it would have been one of the 12.

a. They were with Him constantly for 3 ½ years.
b. They had seen His miraculous power & heard His unparalleled words.
c. They had seen His mercy on society’s outcasts.
d. They had seen Him righteously handle the ungodly religious leaders.

3. Judas actually “helps” the eternal cause of Jesus by this confession.

a. Jesus was indeed a “Lamb without spot or blemish”. (1 Peter 1:19)
b. God will even use a betrayer to bring honor to His Son.
c. But that doesn’t excuse the behavior of the betrayer.

4. Judas believed good things about Jesus. But it wasn’t enough for salvation.
James 2:19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!

B. V. 3- “…seeing that He had been condemned…”

1. Judas has willingly betrayed Jesus, but did he know to what end?
2. Did Judas not know that Jesus would be condemned to death?
3. Jesus had announced this to the disciples many times.
4. Perhaps Judas didn’t think that it would go this far.

a. Maybe he thought Jesus would back down a bit during the 1st trial
b. Maybe he thought the threats of the Sanhedrin restrain Jesus’ boldness.

5. Though Judas agreed to betray Jesus, he has a sudden crisis of conscience.
6. Maybe he couldn’t imagine it would turn out with a Roman crucifixion of Jesus.

C. Application For Us

1. We may casually reject Jesus, believing Him not to fit into our agenda.
2. W/o God’s help, we don’t realize what our rejection really meant for Jesus.
3. Our rejection of Jesus didn’t turn out to be a meaningless rejection of Him.
4. Our sins cost Him His life; He went to the cross for our sins; “eternity as a man”.

II. Judas’ Understanding Of His Sin

A. Judas Was Remorseful

1. Remorseful, Repented KJV- metamelomai, me-tä-me’-lo-mī

a. Metamelomai– to care or feel about what you have done after the fact
b. Different than repent/ metanoeo- to have a change of mind/direction
c. Both words have prefix meta- after, behind
d. Metamelomai – “Afterwards, I felt bad.”
e. Metanoeo- “Afterwards, I changed my mind and my direction.”

2. Remorse is an appropriate feeling of doing wrong, but without change
3. Repentance is the same feeling, but with a change of mind and direction
4. Both words are sometimes translated repent, but the two Greek words mean very different things.

B. Judas’ Response, Peter’s Response

1. Peter felt remorse & it led him to Jesus side
2. Judas felt remorse & it led him to suicide!
3. Repentance moves us towards God; it seeks Him. It includes prayer and hope.
4. Remorse brings hopelessness & desperation, & a feeling of worthlessness.
5. Turn to 2 Corinthians 7:8-11
2 Corinthians 7:10KJV For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.
NIV Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.
NLT For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death.

III. Judas’ Response

A. V. 5- Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple

1. Judas traded Jesus for money; then realized money was undesirable w/o Jesus.
2. If you could take “things” to Heaven/Hell, what would be said at your arrival?
3. Turn to Matthew 16:26

B. V. 5- and departed, and went and hanged himself.

1. Living for self caused Judas to betray Jesus for money.
2. Disappointment with self caused Judas to make another “self base” decision.
3. Judas had heard Jesus’ words, but instead, indulged his sorrow with suicide.
4. Peter wept bitterly, but repented, & followed Jesus when it was more dangerous.
5. It is not sorrow over sin that saves us. Both Judas and Peter were remorseful

a. The self governed man deals with his sorrow his way.
b. The surrendered man brings his sins to Jesus.

6. Judas followed self-directed betrayal w/self-directed suicide. No repentance.
7. Peter followed self-directed denial with a humble surrender by faith.

C. Applications For Us

1. There is no valor in trying to pay for our sins. We can’t, only Jesus can.
2. No benefit/honor in self-punishment. God will discipline His children for good.
3. We are not to wait until we feel better to be forgiven. Forgiveness brings relief.
Psalm 77:2 My soul refused to be comforted.
(Receiving comfort/forgiveness is a choice)
4. Unbeliever needs to ask for forgiveness from the One who has power to forgive.
5. V. 4-“You see to it”. Priests-“It’s your problem. Jesus-“I made it my problem.”