I. Incidental Facts Vs. 17, 18
1. The disciples who prepared the Passover meal were Peter & John. (Luke 22:8)
2. The Jewish day began at sundown.
3. Jesus ate the Passover meal the same day He was killed. He was that Passover Lamb.
4. Certain man- Man carrying water- unusual, usually the job of women. Luke 22:8-13
a. Either word of knowledge by Jesus, miracle, or prior arrangement.
5. My time is at hand– His death & subsequent resurrection.
a. Very emotional for Jesus- He was fulfilling the symbolism of the Passover Meal.
II. The Betrayer Vs. 20-25
A. Jesus Washes Their Feet John 13:1-5
1. Foot washing was needed b/c of the unsanitary streets they walked on.
2. This was the job of a household slave; a very low position culturally speaking.
3. Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him, but loved him to the end/uttermost.
B. Jesus’ Announcement Of Judas’ Betrayal V. 21
1. Jesus had washed Judas’ feet already. He proved His love for Judas.
2. But Judas leaves before Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper. He leaves to betray.
3. Judas received love, but never salvation. He would never partake of this meal.
C. Judas & The Betrayal
1. Betray– to give over into the hands of another.
2. The others would deny Jesus, but Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
NOTE- Matthew 10:33 uses the word deny, which means to reject- arneomai
The word used re. Peter is aparneomai- to say you don’t know someone.
a. Judas rejected Jesus. He traded Jesus for money. The cause of his doom.
3. V. 22– The disciples said, “Lord, is it I?” Lord- kurios- implies ownership.
4. V. 25– Judas said, “Rabbi, is it I?” Rabbi- my great one, my honorable sir.
Judas called Jesus something less than the others did. No surrender to Jesus.
5. V. 23– Main point- it would be a friend who would betray him.
Friends dipped their bread in the same dish as their friends.
Small dishes of dipping sauce were scattered among those at the table.
The bowls would be shared by people who sat near each other.
It is believed that John sat on Jesus’ right side, for John would lean back on Jesus’ and whisper to Jesus during the meal.
Judas probably sat on the left, a place of honor. Guest of honor.
Thus, they shared the same dipping dish.
6. Psalm 41:9 Even my own familiar friend in whom I trusted, Who ate my bread, Has lifted up his heel against me.
7. Besides the other Eleven, Judas had an unparalleled opportunity to be with Jesus.
8. And yet, he betrayed him. NOTE– Possible to live in the presence of Jesus, and still reject Him for the riches of this world.
9. Mark 8:36, 37 36For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? 37Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
NOTE- Judas would return the money. He sold His soul for something that would not satisfy. He came to hate that $. People have rejected Jesus for less.
10. V. 22– Not…, “Is it Judas”? Judas successfully pretended to be a disciple. He lived in the presence of God 24×7 for 3 ½ years, & fooled everyone but Jesus.
11. V.24– Why is this true? Judas was extremely privileged, and was accountable for that privilege. If he had not been born, he wouldn’t have been responsible for responding to Jesus re. all he heard and saw Jesus do.
NOTE- It seems better to never learn about Jesus, than to learn yet reject Him.
12. V. 25– Did he really not think that Jesus could se into His soul?
Such is the deceitfulness of covetousness, selfishness and false religious activity.
To think that God in the flesh cannot see into your heart.
13. Adam Clarke– When men are completely hardened by the deceitfulness of sin, they can outwardly perform the most solemn acts of devotion, without feeling any sort of inward concern about the matter.
14. Judas would go on to say, ““I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” (27:4)
III. The Deniers Vs. 22, 31- 35
A. Their Response To Jesus’ Announcement V. 22
1. Lord, is it I? More literally…Lord, it’s not me! Or…Lord, it’s not me, is it?
2. They asked in a way as to expect a negative answer from Jesus. “No, not you!”
3. Peter and the 10 seemed to have great confidence re. their commitment to Jesus.
4. Exceedingly sorrowful– to make sorrowful, grieve, offended.
5. It was unbelief about the possibility mixed with sorrow and offense.
6. Luke 22:24 tells us at this point, they began to argue about who was greatest.
B. Jesus Gives Them More Information V. 31
1. They would be stumbled and scattered re. Jesus
Stumble, offended- to put a stumbling block or impediment in the way, to cause a person to begin to distrust and desert one whom he ought to trust and obey.
Scattered– to scatter abroad, disperse, to winnow.
a. V. 35– They all exclaimed that they would never fail Jesus
b. They would desert Jesus and go in every direction away from Him.
C. Peter Vs. 33-35
1. Self confident, & presumed to be superior over the others. He argues with God!
2. V. 34 Jesus details Peter’s failure. aparneomai- to say you don’t know someone.
3. Luke 22:31-34 Jesus gives Peter details. Jesus explains-this is a spiritual battle.
4. Verse 32…Peter would fail more than the others; they would all be restored.
5. Jesus would commission Peter and the others to preach and change the world.