Matthew 24:45-25:13 2 Peter 3:3-9 Watch And Be Ready

by | Dec 19, 2023 | Matthew, New Testament

I. The Parable Of The Servants- Being Found Faithful

A. The Faithful & Wise Servant

1. Ruler over a household- Fulfills his responsibility from God
2. Give them food in due season- responsible to care for others
3. Great blessing comes when the master returns & finds the servant faithful
4. That servant given more responsibility in God’s future Kingdom. (Matt. 25:21)

B. The Evil Servant

1. Claims the Master to be “his master”. Claims to be a Christian.
2. Both servants know that there Master will be gone, but eventually return.
3. Evil servant believes that the Master is delaying His return.
4. He beats his fellow servants, & lives an ungodly life alongside unbelievers.
5. This servant purposely decides to not live for his Master
6. Very different than a sincere servant who, at times, struggles to be faithful
7. The evil servant does not have time to change when the Master suddenly returns.
8. Both servants are surprised at when the Master returns.
9. Faithful servant is pleasantly surprised; the evil servant is dreadfully surprised.
10. The evil servant is sent off into judgment with the hypocrites.
11. Matthew 7:23 describes those who claimed to be Christians, but Jesus said to them, “23And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ (They had done much in His name)
12. Weeping & gnashing of teeth describes eternal judgment & damnation.

(Matthew 8:12; 13:42, 50; Matthew 22:13; Matthew 25:30; Luke 13:28)

C. Things To Consider; Questions To Ask

1. Does this parable speak of the Rapture of the Church? I believe it does.
2. Does the Rapture take place after the 7 year Tribulation begins? I don’t think so

a. Bible states that when Anti-Christ signs a covenant with Israel, you can begin counting the days until Jesus’ physical return to Earth. 1, 260 days.
b. That would seem to indicate that whoever is sincerely looking for the return of Jesus would be able to count the days until He comes back.
c. Maybe those in the Tribulation that aren’t sincere in looking for Jesus will be so carnally minded that they count the days until Jesus’ return.
d. Jesus said to His disciples, “You don’t know when I am coming back.”
e. Remember we have discussed the two returns of Jesus.

i. One return for His church, when we meet Him in the clouds.
ii. One return with His church, He steps foot on Mt. of Olives.

3. If this speaks of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, that means that some who were not looking for Jesus are assigned eternal judgment in Hell.
4. I would have thought that meant they would enter into the Great Tribulation period, and have a chance to accept Christ then.

D. Options

1. Hope you can change at the last minute. (You can’t)
2. Live for Him everyday, so that whenever He returns, you will be found faithful.

II. The Parable Of The Virgins-Being Found Watching

A. The Jewish Wedding

1. Guzik– There were three stages to a Jewish wedding in that day.

a. 1st- engagement – a formal agreement made by the fathers.
b. 2nd- betrothal – the ceremony where mutual promises are made.
c. 3rd- marriage – approximately one year later when the bridegroom came at an unexpected time for his bride.

2. This parable is not an endorsement of polygamy, but a parable of readiness.
3. The brides had all “verbalized” their commitment to the groom.
4. They were to be expecting his return for them, and anticipating being joined to him. That is what marriage was/is all about: preparing to be joined together.
5. If that desire is sincere, the preparation will be in place.

B. The Wise Virgins

1. Had verbalized their commitment to the groom.
2. They understood that a waiting period was to be expected before being joined.
3. They brought a supply of oil, for the waiting might be prolonged, and the lamps would need to be lit night after night as they waited for their bridegroom.
4. They were committed to the groom, & prepared for the wait, no matter how long
5. They slept, but were ready for his arrival.

C. The Foolish Virgins

1. Had also verbalized their commitment to the groom.
2. Foolish virgins knew a waiting period was to be expected before being joined.
3. They had their lamps, but did not bring oil for their lamps.
4. Both groups brought lamps. The wise brought an extra item, a vessel full of oil.
5. It was more work, but it proved their hearts. They were sincere.
6. Both groups slept as would be expected, but some were ready, some not.
7. Satan’s greatest lie isn’t, “There is no God”; it’s “There is no hurry”.

D. The Bridegroom’s Arrival

1. The wise virgins were ready to meet the Bridegroom.
2. The foolish were not ready, and asked for assistance from the wise virgins.
3. Foolish asked for something which could not be shared, but owned personally.
4. You can’t borrow someone else’s faith. You must have your own.
5. The foolish thought there was time to go and buy oil, but it was too late.
6. Jesus didn’t say, “You were unprepared”, but, “I do not know you”.
7. Piper– “… those who have the outward form of religion, but no true life w/Christ. They liked their position, otherwise they would have left. But they did not have a passion to use the necessary means to fulfill their point of their position. Light! Their foolishness was to think that the mere form of a religious lamp would be sufficient. Or, perhaps, that the power to light a lamp could simply be borrowed at the last minute. In fact, it can’t be borrowed at all.

E. Application

1. The foolish virgins verbalized commitment, but did know Him.

a. Perhaps they knew about Him, but He didn’t know them.
b. Their lack of looking for His return proved their false commitment.

2. You can be a part of the church, have the outward appearance of being His bride, but not know Jesus or be ready for Him
3. 1 Corinthians 8:3 But if anyone loves God, this one is known by Him.
4. Knowing Jesus is the key, not just knowing about Him.