1 Samuel

1 Samuel 1-2:11

1 Samuel 1 1 & 2 Samuel cover the time period between the Judges and the Kings. The time of the judges was a period of moral & spiritual decline for Israel. In 1 Samuel, we see Samuel, a prophet, Saul, the 1st king of Israel, and then King David. 1:1-3 Shiloh...

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1 Samuel 16 God Chooses David As King

I. David Anointed King Vs. 1-13 A. God Instructs Samuel To Go To Jesse Vs. 1-3 1. V.1a It is possible to mourn too long over someone whom God removes from service. a. Saul had disobeyed the Lord to the point of having be removed from being king. b. NOTE- God didn’t...

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1 Samuel 17 Fighting Your Goliath

I. The Enemy A. Goliath Vs. 1-10 1. Vs. 1-3 The Philistines were in Israelite territory; land that belonged to the tribe of Judah. a. Saul's army was across the valley in Elah. b. Each army was on a mountain, with a valley in the middle. c. Both were at strategic...

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1 Samuel 19, 20

19:1 Saul’s previous approach had been more secretive. Now he openly tells all of His servants to kill David. 19:2-5 Notice that Jonathan calls what Saul is doing “sin”. He doesn’t soften it, but it direct. Proverbs 27: 5, 6 5Open rebuke is better Than love carefully...

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1 Samuel 2

I. Hannah’s Prayer Vs. 1-11 A. Hannah’s Thanksgiving & Praise Vs. 1, 2 1. These words of praise came after Hannah was barren for years. a. She had suffered mocking by Elkanah’s other wife Penninah. b. Yet Hannah stayed faithful, she worshipped God, and was blessed...

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1 Samuel 2:11 – 3:14

2:11 NLT- and the child grew up in the presence of the Lord. In some ways that were appropriate for his age, Samuel helped Eli at the Tabernacle of meeting. Perhaps lighting lamps, playing musical instruments, sweeping and cleaning, etc. 2:12 Literally- Sons of...

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1 Samuel 20 The Cost Of Defending A Friend

I. The Innocence Of David A. David Defends His Innocence V. 1 1. V. 20 There was no sin in David’s life that would justify Saul’s behavior towards David. 2. David had done only good things. a. He killed Goliath. He defeated the Philistines. He played music for...

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1 Samuel 21 When Our Faith Falters

I. David’s Fearful Interaction With Ahimelech A. David Pretended That Everything Was OK V. 1 1. V. 1 Ahimelech recognized that David should have been accompanied. a. Ahimelech was the priest, serving the Lord at the Tabernacle w/85 other priests. b. They had no...

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1 Samuel 23 & 24

David has departed from the cave @ Adullam, and is in the forest of Hereth. 23:1 To rob the threshing floors is to take the grain after it has been separated from the husk. The Philistines waited for the grain to be processed, then went to steal it after the work was...

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1 Samuel 25 How To Deal With Insults

I. The Death of Samuel A. Samuel’s Death V. 1 1. Samuel had been a prophet to Israel; he had been the voice of God to the nation. 2. He was the prophet who had anointed David as King. 3. He had informed Saul that God was raising up another king. 4. He had been a...

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1 Samuel 28 When God Won’t Answer

I. Saul’s Problematic Situation Vs. 3-6 A. Samuel Had Died V. 3 1. Samuel had been the prophet to the nation. He brought the messages of God to Israel. 2. Samuel had been a counselor to Saul and David, but Saul had quit listening to Samuel. 3. Now that Samuel has...

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1 Samuel 31 A Profile Of Two Men

I. David’s Story A. David’s Back Story 1. In 1 Samuel 26, we saw that David had a second opportunity to kill Saul, but he didn’t. a. David and his friend Abishai snuck into Saul’s camp and took his spear and water jug. b. Then David left Saul’s camp, and from a...

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1 Samuel 4

I. Israel’s Defeat And How They Tried To Fix Things Vs. 1, 2 A. Israel Is Defeated Vs. 1, 2 1. We remember that in this season of Israel’s history, everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes. (Judges 17:6; 21:25) 2. The word of the Lord was rare in those...

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1 Samuel 5 & 6 – God Defends His Glory

I. The Philistines and the Ark A. God Defends His Glory 5:1-5 1. The Philistines defeated Israel in battle and had taken the ark of the covenant. (4:11, 21) 2. 4:1, 2 The Philistines thought that they could treat Jehovah just like any other god. a. They probably...

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1 Samuel 8 – Choosing A Godly Leader

I. Israel’s Need For Godly Leadership A. Israel Needed New Leaders For Their Future Vs. 1-5 1. V. 1 Samuel was an older man and was increasingly unable to travel the circuit of judging the nation. The days of his leadership would eventually come to an end. a. Samuel...

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1 Samuel 9 & 10 The King Who Started Well

I. The Setting 9:1, 2 A. The Spiritual Climate In Israel 1. This time period followed the time of the judges. God raised up judges to lead Israel. 2. Judges 17:6 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. 3. Samuel was a...

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