1 Samuel 23 Doing Right When People Do You Wrong

by | Oct 21, 2023 | 1 Samuel, Old Testament

I. David’s Heart For God And For People Vs. 1-5

A. David Seeks God About Helping Others Vs. 1-4

1. V. 1 David was made aware of the danger against the people of Keilah.

a. To rob the threshing floors is to take grain after it has been separated from the husk.

b. The Philistines waited for the grain to be processed, then went to steal it after the work was done, and the grain was ready to eat.

c. Technically, saving Keilah from the Philistines was Saul’s responsibility.

d. Jealousy kept him from his job and turned his efforts in a sinful direction.

e. Self-preservation and envy of David in Saul’s heart would have allowed another city to be attacked, and numerous people killed, injured, or left without food.

f. Such is the case when we are most interested in ourselves.

g. Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

h. Saul was sowing “self-focus”. The “harvest” was that people were left in danger.

i. Self-focus results in other people having to suffer because of our lack of assistance.

2. V. 2 David didn’t act on impulse and go save them; he stopped and prayed.

a. NOTE-Just because there is a need, it doesn’t always mean that we should act on it.

b. NOTE-Just because someone else is neglecting their responsibility doesn’t mean that God might not call upon you to get the job done. These people needed protection.

c. As David inquired of God, God directed him to help the people of Keilah.

d. David could have said that it was Saul’s job to protect them. Why should David do it?

e. He didn’t wait for his problems to go away before he was willing to help others.

3. V. 3 David’s men were understandably afraid. They were only 400 men.

a. They were in Judah, but hiding from Saul, fearing for their lives.

b. Now David has suggested that they go “out into the open”. Not only would they be in danger of Saul finding them, but they would be facing a large Philistine army.

c. NOTE-Sometimes people will not share our concern for the welfare of others, but we can’t be discouraged by that. David didn’t scold them or rebuke them. He prayed.

d. NOTE-David was willing to endanger himself to help those in need.

e. David’s men speak candidly to their leader. They had the freedom to do that.

f. Good leaders will create an atmosphere where people can speak freely.

4. V. 4 David was considerate and humble. He inquired of the Lord once again, because of the fear of his men, and just in case he was acting on his own impulse. God confirmed it.

a. NOTE– Israel has an ungodly king, who is neglecting his job.

b. God still cares about his people and takes care of them through someone else.

c. When those who should protect us fail, remember that the Lord is our protector.

B. David And His Men Save The Inhabitants Of Keilah V. 5

1. V. 5 David prayed, but after he received direction from God, he acted on it.

2. NOTE-It’s good to pray for direction, but we need to be willing to follow through.

3. James 4:17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.

II. David Is Rewarded Evil For Good Vs. 6-8

A. Saul Continues Trying To Kill David Vs. 6-8

1. V. 6 Abiathar was loyal to David and escaped from Saul, who had killed the 85 priests.

2. Vs. 7, 8 Saul discovered that David was in Keilah, and so he planned to pursue him.

a. They were willing to besiege the entire city just to get David.

b. That military action would put the entire city in danger.

c. It is amazing how a backslidden man will misinterpret God’s saving actions as an opportunity for him to commit sin.

d. David was at Keilah to save them. Saul thought it was so that he could kill him.

B. David Is Warned By God Vs. 9-13

1. Vs. 9, 10 David learned that Saul was seeking him, and David inquired of the Lord.

a. The ephod– The priests wore the ephod in their service to the Lord.

b. It was a garment that was like a bib that covered the chest and back of the priest.

c. In the front, it had 12 different stones that represented the 12 tribes of Israel.

d. There was a pouch in the front of the ephod, and it held the Urim and the Thummim.

e. Believed to be 2 stones by which the will of God was determined.

f. Yes or no questions were asked, and the stones withdrawn.

g. It was an elementary way to determine the will of God for Old Testament saints.

h. Today, the Christian has the word of God, the Spirit of God, and the Body of Christ.

2. Vs. 11, 12 David learned Saul would come to Keilah, and that Keilah would betray David.

a. Perhaps they knew of Saul’s brutality against the people of Nob.

b. NOTE-Saul wasn’t willing to go to Keliah to save the people, but he was willing to go there to kill David. Saul’s self-focus is almost unbelievable.

c. V. 13 David and his men escaped.

d. David was no coward or respecter of men. He could have fought with the people of Keliah, or rebuked them, or overpowered them.

e. He didn’t try to right the wrong that was done against him.

f. He wasn’t conquered by his own pride or emotions.

g. went wherever they could go-You get the idea that David was unable to make any long terms plans. He lived from moment to moment.

C. David Continues To Hide From Saul Vs. 14-29

1. Vs. 14, 15 David endured an extended period of hiding from Saul. Not David’s fault.

a. In the wilderness-David was deprived of any kind of comfortable living, as well as being dependent upon others for food and safety.

b. He never knew who might hand him over to Saul. Constant danger.

c. As difficult as this was, God protected David from Saul’s immense resources of manpower and those who would seek to gain favor with Saul by disclosing David’s location. David was suffering unjustly, but he kept trusting God.

d. NOTE- David’s enemies couldn’t find him, but his friends found him easily.

e. Guzik-God guided and protected David, but it wasn’t comfortable or easy. This was an essential time for God’s work in David’s life. He became a man after God’s heart in the shepherd’s field, but he became a king in the wilderness.

2. Vs. 16-18 Jonathan was a trusted friend and supporter of David.

a. Jonathan was not just an emotional “feel good friend”. He brought the truth of God to David, and his support for David was built on their spiritual bond and convictions.

b. 1 Thessalonians 3:2, 3 and sent Timothy…to establish you and encourage (parakaleo) you concerning your faith, that no one should be shaken by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we are appointed to this.

3. Vs. 19-21 Saul is so warped in his thinking that he uses the NAME of the Lord to bless these men who are willing to betray innocent blood.

a. Compassion- to commiserate, to have pity, to spare.

b. Saul continues to see himself as the victim, and David as the aggressor.

4. Vs. 22-29 Saul gets close, but God once again protects His servant, David.

a. V. 22-he is very crafty-Notice the personality defaming that Saul constantly commits.

b. Saul spoke negatively about David every chance that he had.