
Matthew 1:18-25 The Obedience Of Joseph (1)

I. What Joseph Felt 1:18 A. Emotionally 1. Betrayal 2. Anger 3. Fear about keeping her as his wife. Many implications re. her, him, Jesus 4. Confusion- what did all this mean; how would it work out? 5. Concern for Mary- An unwed mother would likely never be chosen for...

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Matthew 1:18-25 “God Is With Us” (2)

I. Immanuel- “God is with us” A. One Reaction 1. It can bring up such wonderful feelings and thoughts. 2. I.E.- “Everything is going to be O.K., because God is with us” B. A Textual Consideration 1. V. 21 Jesus shall save His people from their sins. That is what His...

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Matthew 1:18-25 (3) The Arrival Of Jesus

I. Why Jesus Came A. Save People From Their Sins Verse 21 1. Jesus- Joshua-Jehovah Shua- Jehovah saves 2. Save- sozo- deliver, protect, heal, preserve, save, make whole. 3. Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God... 4. Romans 6:23a For the...

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Matthew 1:18-25; 2:13-15, 19-22

I. What Joseph Felt 1:18 A. Emotionally 1. Betrayal 2. Anger 3. Fear about keeping her as his wife. Many implications re. her, him, Jesus 4. Confusion- what did all this mean; how would it work out? 5. Concern for Mary- An unwed mother would likely never be chosen for...

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Matthew 10:5-42 The Call To Discipleship

I. Where To Go V. 5, 6 A. These Disciples 1. God revealed Himself first to the Jews. 2. It was His intention that they would manifest Him to the world 3. Jesus called them the lost sheep…they had stayed from relationship with God 4. Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of...

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Matthew 11:28-30 Be Yoked To Jesus

I. Who Jesus Is Talking To A. To Those Who Labor 1. Literally- to toil, to be wearied 2. It may be labor towards an honorable cause, or a dishonorable, sinful cause a. Trying to improve finances to bless your family b. Working hard at some illegal or unethical pursuit...

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Matthew 12:1-14 Jesus Vs. Bad Religion

I. Regarding Physical Needs Vs. 1 & 2 A. The Truth About The Matter 1. Regarding the picking of grain was allowable: Deuteronomy 23:25 2. Regarding the keeping of the Sabbath: Deuteronomy 5:12-15 B. The Pharisees’ View 1. The Pharisees believed Jesus and His...

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Matthew 12:18-21 Jesus Was Servant

18 “Behold! My Servant whom I have chosen, My Beloved in whom My soul is well pleased! Servants are not self directed, but respond to the will of their master Jesus Accomplished His Work By The Power Of The Holy Spirit I will put My Spirit upon Him, And He will...

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Matthew 12:22-50 The Danger Of Unbelief

I. The Demonic World A. Its Existence 1. Satan & demons-their origin-(Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:11-17) 2. Their activity a. Can physically afflict people V. 22 i. Not every affliction has demonic origin, but clearly some do ii. Blindness, muteness, superhuman...

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Matthew 13:24-50 Kingdom Parables

I. The Tares & The Wheat-Sin Due To Imitation Vs. 24-30; 36-43 A. The Kingdom (True Church)) Belongs To Jesus Vs. 24, 37, 38a 1. The field represents all mankind 2. Humanity belongs to Jesus by ownership, but not all choose to submit to Him 3. The kingdom of...

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Matthew 13:52-58 Stubborn Unbelief

If we asked: “Who among us is a seeker of truth?” most people would raise their hand. We like to think of ourselves as people who are interested in the truth Seekers of truth- May study great books of philosophy & religion, & spend thousands of dollars on...

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Matthew 13:9-17 Be Careful How You Listen

See also 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, 2:1-16 I. Why Jesus Spoke In Parables A. A General Truth Regarding God’s Revelation Of Truth 1. God desires to reveal Himself to mankind a. Verse 9- He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” b. Jesus is inviting his listeners to pay...

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Matthew 14:1-12 The Death Of A Conscience

I. Prior To Meeting John, Herod’s Conscience Was Unchallenged A. Who Was This Herod? 1. Who was this Herod? We read about many Herods in the N.T. 2. Herod The Great- ordered death of 1000’s of babies after Jesus’ birth a. Herod the Great- two of his sons, who were...

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Matthew 14:12-21 How To Be Used By Jesus

I. Motivation To Serve A. Reasons Why Jesus Might Have Avoided Serving 1. It was a time of great sorrow for Jesus 2. Jesus has just been informed of John’s death a. John was Jesus’ cousin b. John was also a great prophet, being used of God c. Jesus has now lost a...

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Matthew 15:1-20 Guarding Against Vain Worship

2 Timothy 3 I. Practitioners Of Vain Worship A. Fault Finders, Deceived, Zealous V. 1 2 Timothy 3:3, 13 “…slanderers…deceiving and being deceived…” Mark 7:2 “…they fault…” Matthew 15:14 “They are blind leaders of the blind.” (Deceived & deceiving others) 1. There...

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Matthew 16:21-28 The Cost Of Discipleship

I. The Invitation To Follow Jesus V. 24a A. Jesus Frequently Invited People To Follow Him 1. More than follow in a physical, philosophical, ethical sense. 2. Jesus invited people to commit their lives to Him B. The Invitations & Blessings Of Following Jesus 1....

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Matthew 16:24-26

Matt 16:24-26 (NKJV) 24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. 25 "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. 26...

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Matthew 17:22-27 Lest We Offend

I. The Temple Tax A. It’s Origin & Purpose Exodus 30:11-16 1. Intended as a ransom for their souls Ex. 30:12a a. A recognition of the debt owed to God for when He delivered the people from Egypt, & His gracious covering (ransom, kopher ) of their sin & guilt b. Not a...

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Matthew 19:13-15 Jesus and Children

Matt 19:13-15 (NKJV) 13 Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." 15 And...

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Matthew 19:13-26 Moral, But Empty

I. Asking About Eternal Life Vs. 16, 17 A. It’s Deeper Than You Think 1. It was commendable that this young man asked this question 2. He came running and knelt down. Earnestness & humility (Mark 10:17) 3. He came thinking that the solution wasn’t far from his...

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Matthew 2 Three Responses To Jesus

I. Herod A. Personal History 1. Herod the King- An “Edomite”, who married into the Jewish race. 2. Edomites: not pure Jews; descendants of Esau; somewhat Jewish re. religion 3. Was given the title “King of the Jews” by Caesar Augustus. 4. Small man/big ego: 4’4” tall...

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Matthew 20:20-28 True Greatness

Regarding the kingdom of God, it has been said… “The way up is down”. To be accurate, the way up is obedience to Jesus, and having a servant’s heart towards all. Some may try to live the lowly life by their own power. Self-directed lowliness is not what Jesus is...

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Matthew 20:29-34 Lord, I Want To See

I. Their Needs And Ours A. Physical Blindness And More 1. Physical healing- obviously, he had a tremendous need to be able to see 2. Situational healing- what were their lives like b/c of blindness? a. Broken family and friendships? Hardships on families, etc. b. Lost...

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Matthew 21:1-17 The Rejection Of The King

Prior to this moment, the crowds had tried, by force, to make Jesus king. John 6:15 The people had been amazed at his miracle of multiplying the loaves and the fish, and feeding 5000 plus people. But the moment for Jesus’ revealing of Himself as King was not yet come....

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Matthew 21:1-17 The Rejection Of The King

I. Jesus Presents Himself As King Vs. 1-4 A. Jesus Takes Deliberate Steps To Fulfill Scripture 1. When they drew near- Jesus acts in anticipation of His entrance into Jerusalem a. Bethphage/Mt. of Olives is just across the Kidron Valley b. There are about 2 million...

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Matthew 21:18-22 Having Faith In Prayer

I. What This Teaching Isn’t About A. It’s Not About Having A Fruitful Life 1. Christians are to be “fruitful”; called branches in the vine John 15:1-10 a. What’s similar in these passages? i. Both the fig tree and Christians are called to “bear fruit” ii. Jesus...

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Matthew 21:23-46 Answering Those Who Ask

I. Don’t Resist Questioners V. 23 A. Jesus Received Them 1. He did not tell these men to go away 2. Jesus received many questioners during His ministry a. Rich young ruler b. Nicodemus c. Samaritan woman at the well 3. He taught them, guided them into self...

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Matthew 22:15-22 Render Your Life To God

What must happen in order for someone to willingly render one’s life to another? 1. The understanding that we don’t belong to ourselves 2. The understanding that we belong to someone else I. Those Opposed To Jesus (Unwilling To Render Themselves To God) A. Desire To...

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Matthew 22:23-46 Know God & Love Him

I. Jesus Answers The Liberal Theologians A. The Sadducees V. 23 1. The Sadducees were formed during the intertestamental period 2. They were equivalent of modern day liberal theologians, i.e., The Jesus Seminar 3. Didn’t believe in the supernatural, angels, miracles,...

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Matthew 24:36-44 The Two Returns Of Jesus

I. An Apparent Contradiction Regarding Jesus’ Return A. The Desolation Of Abomination: A Time To Count The Days 1. Matthew 24:15 Jesus spoke of an event spoken about by the prophet Daniel 2. Jesus said that the Jews in Judea who see this event need to escape for their...

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Matthew 24:36-44 The Two Returns Of Jesus

I. An Apparent Contradiction Regarding Jesus’ Return A. The Desolation Of Abomination: A Time To Count The Days 1. Matthew 24:15 Jesus spoke of an event spoken about by the prophet Daniel 2. Jesus said that the Jews in Judea who see this event need to escape for their...

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Matthew 25:14-30 Spend Your Life For God

I. The Master & His Servants Vs. 14. 15 A. The “Traveling” Master 1. Remember the context- the return of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Master in the story. 2. He has gone to a far away country, (Heaven), but will return for His servants John 14:2, 3 2In My Father’s...

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Matthew 25:31-46 An Unconscious Test

Jesus is hours away from being tortured and crucified. The crowds are about to turn against Him, & in a few hours He will not look like a King of Glory. But Jesus sees beyond the cross and the tomb. He sees beyond the centuries of wars, plagues, and people denying...

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Matthew 26:1-44

26:1  Jesus has just taught them aspects of the Kingdom. Part of those teachings included that the Bridegroom (Jesus) would be delayed, and that they needed to be ready for His arrival. Those teachings included the idea of a man traveling to a far country who be gone,...

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Matthew 26:47-75

47And while He was still speaking, behold, Judas, one of the twelve, with a great multitude with swords and clubs, came from the chief priests and elders of the people. 48Now His betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “Whomever I kiss, He is the One; seize Him.”...

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Matthew 26:47-75 Moving Towards The Cross

26:47, 48 The Greek language indicates an embrace and a kiss. Much more than the kiss that was a customary greeting. Literally- Tenderly kissed him over and over. This was a seemingly more impassioned display of love. What was Judas feeling? Deep seated hatred? Were...

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Matthew 27, 11-66 The Cross

27:11 When Jesus was tried by the religious rulers, they found Him guilty of blasphemy. (Matt. 26:63-65) According to their laws, Jesus deserved to die. The Jews did not have legal authority to carry out the death sentence. They had to present Jesus to Pilate as one...

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Matthew 27:1-10 From Sorrow To Forgiveness

I. Judas’ Understanding Of Jesus A. V. 4- “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” 1. Judas saw that Jesus was innocent. 2. If anyone could have put “real” blame on Jesus, it would have been one of the 12. a. They were with Him constantly for 3 ½ years. b. They...

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Matthew 28 Moving Forward With Jesus

I. God Desires To Reveal Jesus A. They Had A Wrong Idea About Jesus V. 1 1. They thought He was still dead. They had seen Him die. Understandable. 2. They had come to anoint His dead body (see other scriptures) a. Mark 16:1 1Now when the Sabbath was past, Mary...

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Matthew 28:18-20 The Great Commission

I. The Great Commission A. Commanded By Jesus V. 18 1. All authority- Jesus has all authority, and He has told us to do this. 2. We may convince ourselves that this is not important. 3. Others may tell us we shouldn’t do this. People, demonic spirits, etc. B. Speak Of...

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Matthew 3:1-12 God’s Call To Repentance

I. God’s Call To Man V. 1 A. John Came Preaching 1. “In those days…” Jesus is now about 30 years old 2. God is always the Initiator with man a. God the Father - John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him...

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Matthew 3:13-17 The Baptism Of Jesus

John did not want to baptize Jesus. John knew that Jesus had no need of a baptism unto repentance, for Jesus was without sin. John knew that he needed to be baptized by Jesus. Jesus did not deny that John needed to be baptized by Him, but 1st His baptism must happen....

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Matthew 4:1-11 Tempted In The Desert

Review 1 John 2:15-17 Temptations Regarding The Body Vs. 1-4 1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. 3 Now when the tempter came to Him, he...

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Matthew 4:12-25 Called To Follow Jesus

I. Their Condition A. Living In Galilee Among Ungodly People 1. Also called “Galilee of the nations” 2. Inhabited by Egyptians, Arabians, Phoenicians 3. Region of Galilee- 204 villages with no less than 15,000 people in each 4. A highly populated area, but populated...

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Matthew 4:5-7 Jesus And The Pride Of Life

I. General Observations A. Areas Of Temptation For Mankind 1 John 2:15-17 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and...

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Matthew 5: 7-8 Mercy, Purity

The 1st three beatitudes speak of man’s spiritual need, and how the realization of those spiritual needs drives a man to God. The 4th beatitude speaks of man crying out to God b/c of his spiritual need, and that God fills that man, first with Himself, and then with...

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Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed Are The Persecuted

Persecution- to make to run or flee, to pursue (in a hostile manner), in any way whatever to harass, trouble, to be mistreated on account of something (because of a commitment to Jesus) I. Righteous Living Will Bring Persecution A. Jesus 1. Predicted it John 15:20, 21...

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Matthew 5:17-20 Jesus And The Law

I. Jesus’ Relationship To The Law Vs. 17, 18 A. Jesus Didn’t Come To Destroy The Law Or The Prophets V. 17a 1. Religious leaders wrongly thought Jesus opposed the Law. See Matthew 15:1-9 2. Jesus was not against the Law a. He challenged the wrong interpretation of the...

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Matthew 5:33-48 The Truth About Social Holiness

I. Your Promises Vs. 33-37 A. God’s Intention 1. Exodus 20:7 “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain…” 2. The people were not to invoke God’s name, or use His name in a vain or casual way. 3. They were not to use God’s name in making a false oath. 4....

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Matthew 5:6 Hungering After Righteousness

Intro: Trouble with world today - war- sickness-crime. It’s not any single manifestation of sin, but sin itself. The church’s answers to the world’s trouble lie in this verse. Ours is not the task of reforming society-but of leading people to Jesus, & the...

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Matthew 5:9 Blessed Are The Peacemakers

I. What Is Peace? A. Definition 1. To agree 2. A state of tranquility or quiet 3. Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions 4. Harmony in personal relationships 5. A pact or agreement to end hostilities B. A Low View Of Peace 1. To agree, but not...

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Matthew 6:7-15 The Disciple’s Prayer

This prayer is often called the “Lord’s Prayer.” It is more appropriately called the “Disciple’s Prayer.” I. Relationship With God 6:7-9a A. Mechanical, Unfamiliar Prayer Is Inappropriate 1. A mechanical, unfamiliar relationship is not what God wants with anyone 2....

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Matthew 7:1-5 Judgment Starts With Self

I. When Judging, Use One Standard For Everyone Vs. 1, 2 A. Jesus Is Not Universally Prohibiting Judgment 1. Judge- krinō- kree'-no To distinguish, to decide (mentally or judicially); by implication to try, condemn, punish:—avenge, conclude, condemn, damn, decree,...

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Matthew 7:24-27 How To Build Your House

Psalm 127:1a Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it… I. Build With God’s Word A. Diligently Learn How To Build 2 Timothy 2:15 1. Diligent- to make effort, be prompt or earnest, endeavor, labor, study. Rightly dividing- orthotomeō- to make a...

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Matthew 7:24-27 Keep Building Your House

Jesus is the rock we build upon. His words are what we build our lives on. He is not static, like the foundations of our homes. He is a living, moving, mobile foundation. Our lives are not static they are ever changing. Our foundation is the truth of God, which does...

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Matthew 8:1-17 Jesus Heals

I. Jesus Is Willing To Heal A. The Leper 1. The physical suffering of leprosy a. Now called “Hansen’s disease” leprosy was and is incurable b. It is spread through respiratory droplets, forcing isolation of the leper c. Nerve endings lost their sensitivity; appendages...

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