Romans 9:14-33 Man’s Confusion Regarding Salvation

by | Oct 21, 2024 | New Testament, Romans

John Stott re. election– Election is an indispensable foundation of Christian worship, in time and eternity. It is the essence of worship to say: “Not to us, oh Lord, not to us, but to your name be the glory”. If we were responsible for our own salvation, either in whole or even in part, we would be justified in singing our own praises, or blowing our own trumpet in heaven. But such a thing is inconceivable. God’s redeemed people will spend an eternity worshipping Him, humbling themselves before Him in grateful adoration, ascribing their salvation to Him and to the Lamb, and acknowledging that He alone is worthy to receive all praise, honor, and glory. Why? Because our salvation is due entirely to His grace, will, initiative, wisdom and power.

I. Is There Unrighteousness With God? Vs. 14-29

A. Many Accuse God Of Being Unfair V. 14

1. Paul Denies That God Is Unfair
2. Paul Answers That Question Systematically
3. The question shows a lack of understanding, and assumes that God chooses people based on justice. The truth is that God chooses people based on mercy.

B. God’s Right To Show Mercy Vs. 15, 16

1. Mercy is the choice of the person in charge.
2. Mercy implies that a person is guilty. All of mankind is guilty. (Romans 3:23)
3. Mercy is not a right to be demanded, it is a gift and a kindness to be received.
4. What mercy isn’t

a. A reward because of man’s desire. (…him who wills…)
b. A reward because of man’s efforts. (…him who runs…)

5. Mercy is the sovereign right of God to be kind to a guilty person who deserves eternal punishment.

C. Example- The Pharaoh Of Egypt (Exodus 9:16) Vs. 17, 18

1. Pharaoh Used By God To Show His Power V. 17
2. God Did Not Show Mercy To Pharaoh V. 18
3. God Hardened Pharaoh’s Heart V. 18

a. Dr. Leon Morris- “Neither here nor anywhere else is God said to have hardened anyone who had not first hardened himself”.
b. What was Pharaoh’s heart condition when Moses first encountered him?
Polytheistic, believed himself to be descended from the gods, intermediary between the gods and the people, also worshipped creation.
c. When Moses met Pharaoh, Pharaoh was already as one described in Romans 1:18-26a, 28a. Stott- “God’s hardening of Pharaoh’s heart was a judicial act, abandoning him to his own stubbornness. If God hardens some, He is not being unjust, for that is what their sin deserves”.

4. 7 times in Exodus- “Pharaoh hardened his own heart”

a. Paul does not emphasize Pharaoh’s free will at this point, but Pharaoh’s free will needs to be considered.
b. As Moses spoke to Pharaoh on behalf of God, Pharaoh continued to resist God’s command to release the Israelite slaves.
c. Pharaoh repeatedly hardened his heart, and God confirmed that choice.
d. Yet, hardened Pharaoh was chosen by God to be used to exalt the mercy of God in Moses’ life and in the nation of Israel.

II. Man’s Erroneous View Of Salvation Vs. 19-29

A. Man Questions God V. 19

1. NLT- “Why does God blame people for not responding? Haven’t they simply done what he makes them do?”
2. The question shows great misunderstanding about the salvation that God offers.

B. God’s Sovereign Right Over His Creation Vs. 20, 21

1. V. 20- reply- to contradict, to give off a judgment, to disagree.

a. Paul is not condemning honest questions to God.
b. He is rebuking those who think they know more than God.

2. Before man starts accusing God, has he taken the time to realize what he is?
3. We are the “thing formed”. We are the “one made”. We are the “clay”.
4. The things formed and made are immeasurably lower than the maker.
5. We shouldn’t presume that we have a greater wisdom than our Maker.

C. Consider God’s Perspective V. 22-24

1. God’s right to bring forth immediate wrath is delayed for the sake of those to whom he will show mercy V. 22a
2. God endures the wicked V. 22b
3. “Prepared for destruction”- not beforehand

a. People are not chosen to be destroyed. No “double predestination”
b. John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

4. God endures the wicked for the sake of the chosen V. 23

a. The chosen don’t deserve to be chosen; they are vessels of mercy
b. The chosen deserve judgment
c. God wants to “make known” to them His riches
d. The chosen were prepared beforehand for mercy and glory

D. Salvation By God’s Mercy Foretold In Scriptures Vs. 24-29

1. Example From Hosea

a. Church at Rome similar to those in book of Hosea V. 24
b. Example from Hosea. V. 25, 26
i. V. 25- speaks of Gentiles upon whom God was being merciful
ii. V. 26- speaks of Israel who had been unfaithful, and had been rejected for a time, but now to whom God was being merciful
iii. Both groups were undeserving, and both groups received mercy

2. Example from Isaiah. Vs. 27-29

a. Israel had been conquered by her enemies because of national sin
b. God kept His promises to a rebellious nation by mercifully bringing some of them home. W/o God’s mercy, they all would have perished.

III. Human Responsibility

A. Ungodly Receive Salvation By Faith V. 30
B. Self-Qualifying Jews Missed Salvation V. 31-32a
C. The Self-Qualifier Stumbles Over Jesus V. 32b, 33