Romans 8:31-39 Forever Loved, More Than Conquerors

by | Oct 18, 2024 | New Testament, Romans

I. No Legitimate Accusation Against Believers Vs. 31-33

A. Not From The Father

1. The Father Gave Us His Son Vs. 31, 32a

a. V. 31b If– literally, “since”. A true and fulfilled condition. “Since God is for us…”.

i. Not a statement to humanity, but to the Believer.

b. We sometimes struggle believing that God is for us.

i. Newell- “Our weak hearts, prone to legalism and unbelief, receive these words with great
difficulty: God is for us . . . They have failed Him; but He is for them. They are ignorant; but He
is for them. They have not yet brought forth much fruit; but He is for them.”

c. V. 31b Who can be against us?

i. People can be against us, and Satan and his demons are against us, but…
ii. Who can effectively be against us? Who can overpower the purposes and plans that
God has for His children? Many can be against us, and sometimes are, but God is
sovereign over all, and works for the good of His children.

d. V. 32a God held nothing back, He gave His Son for us

i. His own– Literally, his own private, special, possession.
ii. The Father gave us His Son. Do we think that He would withhold lesser blessings?
iii. Delivered Him up for us– It was for us that he was delivered, given over to die.

2. Now He Gives Us All Things Vs. 32b, 33

a. V. 32b The Father gave us His best and will provide whatever we need for life in
b. V. 33 The Father also gives unto us justification: a verdict of not guilty.

i. Elect- Chosen out ones.
ii. bring a charge- to make a formal accusation in court.
iii. Satan- “Accuser of the brethren”. Revelation 12:10, Zechariah 3:1; Job 1:10-12; 2:4, 5
iv. He accuses the Believer before God, but his charges are dismissed because the Judge
has already pronounced the Believer as not guilty.

c. Wuest- “Who shall prefer any charge or accusation against the chosen-out ones of God? God, the one
who justifies? Even He cannot do both, accuse and justify at the same time. And since our justification
resides in a Person, the Lord Jesus our righteousness, in whom we stand as uncondemned and
unchargeable as the Son Himself, it is impossible, after having been justified, that we be again
accused—and brought under condemnation.”

B. Not From The Son V. 34

1. V. 34 Jesus Died For Us- He died to pay for our sins, that we might be justified
2. V. 34 He Was Resurrected For Us- He was raised from the dead, proving His mission
3. He Presently Prays For Us- He lives to make intercession for us. (Hebrews 7:25)
a. Wuest- “Can Christ who is always making intercession on behalf of us, at the same time condemn us?”
Even He cannot do both. While interceding on our behalf, He cannot condemn.

4. All future judgment has been entrusted to Jesus.
John 5:22, 27 For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son… 27and has given
Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man. (Also, see Acts 17:31)

II.No Possible Separation From The Savior Vs. 35-39

A. Things Of The Earth Cannot Vs. 35, 36

1. Tribulation- pressure, distress.
2. Distress- narrowness, being hemmed in.
3. Persecution- the attack of adversaries
4. Famine- natural calamities that come against us
5. Nakedness- homelessness, going without clothing
6. Danger- of all sorts.
7. Sword- death
8. Slaughter- a wave of persecution leading to death
9. Death nor life- V. 38a Neither death nor life can separate us from Jesus’ love.

B. Angels Or Demons Cannot V. 38b

1. Angels– fallen angels: demons. Angels would not, and demons cannot.
2. Principalities nor powers– The rankings of demons spoken of in Ephesians 2:2, 6:12.

C. Present Or Future- nor things present nor things to come V. 38c

Whatever is or shall be, whether known or not known, cannot separate us from Jesus’ love

D. Geographical Location39nor height nor depth
E. Did We Miss Anything? nor any other created thing

1. Whether animal, mineral or vegetable.
2. Animated or inanimate.
3. Visible or invisible.

III. Paul’s Two Convictions Vs. 37,

A. We Are More Than Conquerors V. 37

1. More than conquerors- to come off more than victorious, to gain a surpassing victory.
An athlete may win the highest honor possible in his sport, and yet suffer a career ending injuring that
impairs him for life. The victory of the event makes him a victor, but the career ending injury ends his career.
The entire outlook on life of that man might be that momentary victory is the most important thing.
And so, if this athlete doesn’t look beyond the momentary victory, he is only a conqueror, but not more than
a conqueror. He suffers loss, and resolves to do better next year, and indeed he may, but there is no
guarantee of having a better year next year.
The Christian can have the perspective of being “more than a conqueror” for he doesn’t measure victory
simply by the immediate outcome of life, but rather, by the eternal outcome of life. He believes Romans
8:28, and that even momentary losses lead to present, and eventually eternal victories.
For the athlete, victory can only be in the here and now, and cannot be permanently maintained.
For the Christian, life is an accumulation of victories and defeats, but when congealed together, ultimate in
eternal victory.

B. I Am Persuaded V. 38a

1. Persuaded- to come to a settled conclusion.
2. How did Paul come to a settled conclusion about this statement?
3. He came to that conclusion through life experience lining up with what the Bible says.
4. He suffered many of those experiences, (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) and yet discovered that
God’s love never departed from him during those experiences, and he discovered what
being “more than a conqueror” meant. Those who are willing to go through trials in faith
come to a settled conclusion about God’s never-ending love for them.