A key to interpreting this chapter is to substitute the words “sinful nature” for the word “sin”.
Paul isn’t talking about “acts of sin”, but of “the sinful nature”.
A single act of sin doesn’t reign over someone, but a sinful nature does reign over people.
For the Christian, the domination of the sinful nature is broken, though it’s influence is still felt.
The challenge for the Christian is twofold:
1. Understand that sin’s dominion has been broken.
2. Live according to that truth.
I. The Christian Is Dead To Sin’s Reign
A. The General Statement V. 1
1. Paul assumes that the reader will ask this question, based on what Paul just said.
2. Read 5:20, 21. Paul had just described the relationship of man to Adam.
a. That as a man is born in Adam; he receives the sin nature from Adam.
b. That he receives the corrupted body, and that he is destined to die.
c. V. 5:21- sin reigned in death
i. That as man is born into Adam, and is identified with Adam, that man is
under the system of sin and death.
3. Paul pointed out the God’s grace was/is greater than man’s sin.
a. Those are “in” Christ are recipients of God’s abounding grace.
b. The dominion of sin, and the eternal judgment brought on by sin are abolished
because of the grace of God. Grace- undeserved favor and merit.
4. Paul then rhetorically asks, “If God’s grace abounds over my sin, then should I sin
more, that I may receive more grace”?
5. Certainly not! – God forbid, away with the thought, may such a thing never occur.
B. “Died To Sin”…What Does That Mean? V. 2
1. It doesn’t mean that sin’s effect won’t bring us death; Christians still die.
2. It doesn’t mean that we are not tempted to sin.
a. Many verses tell us not to sin, to confess our sins, to turn from our sins.
b. Every Christian will agree that we still are tempted, and that we sin.
3. It does mean that…sin no longer reigns over the Christian.
a. Sin rules over the man who lives under its reign. A one dimensional life.
b. Paul states that spiritually, we have died to the life dominated by sin.
c. We have been born again, and born into a greater reign than sin.
d. The Christian has been born into the kingdom of God, which is greater
than the Kingdom of Adam, of sin, and of Satan.
C. How Is The Christian Dead To Sin’s Reign? V. 3
1. Baptized- Not just an immersion into water, but an immersion into Jesus Christ.
a. If a white cloth is baptized/immersed into blue tinted water, it goes into
the water white, but come out of the water blue.
b. The thing being baptized takes on the nature of that into which it is
2. 1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.
3. 1 Corinthians 10:2 all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea…
II. What Are The Expected Results?
A. Newness Of Life Vs. 4, 5
1. Baptism allegorically represents the death and burial of the old life with Jesus.
a. Burial means that a life has ended. The life of “sin reigning” ends.
2. Jesus was put into the tomb in one condition, but came forth in a superior condition.
3. When we “die to our old life”, and become born again, we are spiritually born into a
new spiritual reality in which we can and should experience in this life.
4. Similarly, as Jesus was raised from the dead with a glorified body, which was no longer
subject to physical death or corruption, we shall experience the same thing.
5. V. 4- raised from the dead by the glory of the Father. It is also a glorious thing that God
raises us from spiritual death to spiritual life.
B. No Longer Slaves Of Sin Vs. 6-10
1. V. 6- Who is the “old man”? The Christian buried his former life. That is the “old man”.
2. V. 6- body of sin might be done away with– rendered inoperable. Put out of business.
a. The sinful nature is a dethroned monarch.
3. V. 7- Freed from the reign/domination of sin; not yet free from temptation/sinning.
4. At this point, many Christians object because of the intense battle against the sin
nature. They feel dominated and overwhelmed by temptation and sinful behavior.
5. That statement is consistent with Galatians 5:17
a. The unbeliever doesn’t have that battle. They may want to modify their behavior,
but they have no desire to live for God. They don’t yearn for the Spirit led life.
6. V. 8- We live with Him as the source of life in this new quality of life in which we have.
7. V. 9- What Jesus accomplished in death is complete, once for all who will receive.
8. V. 10- Wuest- Our Lord’s death not only paid the penalty of human sin, but it was used
of God to break the power of indwelling sin in the believer’s life.
III. Appropriating These Truths To Our Lives Vs. 11-14
A. Realize And Believe What Is True About You
1. Since all of these facts are true…we need to believe it, and respond appropriately.
a. These statements are the truth about you if you are in Christ.
b. Your feelings are not the truth; these statements are the truth.
c. The Christian is called upon to live according to truth, not feelings.
2. Reckon yourselves- “to reckon, count, compute, to take into account.”
3. The Christian is to reckon two things: Because they are “in Christ”…
a. They have died to the old life of sin being their master.
b. They are alive to God, and have God’s nature implanted within them.
B. Seek To Live A Holy Life Vs. 12, 13
1. V. 12- Reign- to exercise kingly power.
a. Notice that Paul didn’t say, “…that you should obey its commands”.
b. The power of sin is that it plays on our lusts, our passionate cravings.
c. Sexual cravings, greed cravings, approval cravings, power cravings, etc.
2. V. 13- Since we have been liberated by God from the dominion of sin, we are
commanded to present ourselves to God as instruments of righteousness.
C. Realize And Remember Who/What You Live Under V. 14
1. Not a command, but a statement of truth.
2. Those who live apart from God, live under Law.
3. Those who are in Christ have been freed of sin’s dominion, and live in grace