Romans 5:6-11 God’s Amazing Love For Sinners

by | Oct 2, 2024 | New Testament, Romans

I. Man’s Condition Apart From God

A. The Sinner’s Resume

1. V. 6a- Without strength

a. Mankind is able to do many things, but is powerless to rescue himself from the holy judgment of God.
b. People try to do that thru religion, philanthropy, good works, self-improvement.
c. Man doesn’t have the power to rescue Himself from the judgment of an infinite God.

2. V. 6b- Ungodly

a. Due time- strategic time; when circumstances were just right.

i. A time predicted by the prophets, pre-announced by God.
ii. Galatians 4:4, 5 4But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law,5 to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
iii. A time when (many believe), the western world was ready. The Romans had completed a highway system that uniquely allowed for a quick spreading of the Gospel. Others state that philosophically and educationally, the world was ready for the gospel message.

b. Ungodly- lack of reverence towards God; impiety.

3. V. 8b- Sinners Those who depart from the way of righteousness, who miss the mark.
4. V. 10a- Enemies

a. Not that God hated/hates mankind, but that there is separation between God and man because of man’s sin, that sin being that which God hates.
b. Additionally, mankind may not consciously hate God, but unregenerate man refuses to allow God to be Lord over his life, as he prefers his sin.
c. Romans 8:7 7Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.
d. Sanday and Headlam– “There is not only a wicked opposition of the sinner to God, but a holy opposition of God to the sinner”.
e. Man, because of sin, is estranged from God. This is why reconciliation is needed.

B. The Sinner Is Amazingly Loved

1. V. 8c- Christ died
2. V. 8a- God demonstrates His love for the sinner by sending Jesus to die for mankind.

a. You and I might die for a loved one, a spouse, and child, a dear friend.
b. We would be less inclined to die for someone not close to us who was a moral person.
c. Jesus died for the least likely candidates: Ungodly sinners who were His enemies.

3. V. 7a- It is possible but not likely that one might die for a righteous man.

a. Righteous- speaks of a man that does what is required in life.

i. Righteous, as used here, is used in the classical Greek sense, as opposed to the New Testament sense

b. The righteous man does what he ought to do; he meets his responsibility.

4. V. 7b- It is more likely that someone might die for a good man.

a. Good- Benevolent, kind, generous.
b. The good man does as much as he can do; he benevolently goes beyond what is required; he acts for the welfare of others.

5. V. 8a,b,c- It is least likely that someone would die for a sinner, and yet, that is what Jesus did. God demonstrates His love for sinful mankind in that he sent Jesus.

a. Demonstrates- A present tense word; not just an act of history, but an ongoing demonstration of God’s love.

6. Christ died for us- for-huper- for the sake of, in behalf of, instead of.
Turn to John 11: 45-52

II. The Saved Man’s Condition

A.Future Salvation Vs.9, 10

1. If- “since”; a fulfilled condition. “In light of the fact that we were enemies…”.
2. Reconciled- The verb is in the passive form. That means that man is not the initiator of reconciliation, but man is the responder to God’s initiation of reconciliation.

a. The Father sent the Son to die in our place.
b. God reaches out to mankind through His word and by His Spirit
c. God seeks to convince man of his sinfulness and need for forgiveness.
d. Man responds, and is justified, declared righteous, and promised to be saved from God’s wrath.
e. God is always and forever the Initiator; man can only respond.
f. As man responds to God’s offer of pardon, man and God are reconciled.

3. we shall be saved by His life- This speaks of the resurrection of Jesus.

a. Lifezoe- speaks of biological life. Jesus was physically raised from the dead, and given new life in a glorified body, a body suited for heaven, a body that will never age, get
sick, or be corrupted in any way.

4. We shall be saved by His life- The total sum of salvation includes three aspects

a. Justification– Man is judicially saved when he receives God’s pardon for his sins.
b. Sanctification- God’s progressive work in the Christian’s life, bringing him into a closer resemblance of Jesus. The Christian is being saved from indwelling sin.
c. Glorification- That final state where the Christian’s body is raised from the dead (or raptured). The Christian receives a body suited for Heaven, after the manner of Jesus.

5. Saved- salvation includes all of these things. It’s a total makeover; a body/soul/mind do over; an all-inclusive salvation.
6. By His life

a. We are not saved by the life that Jesus lived, but by the life that He sacrificially gave.

i. It is not Jesus’ example that saves us, but His blood shed for our sins.
ii. His life lived was inspirational, but His life given was that which saves.

b. That Jesus was given resurrection life, thus validating His claim to be Savior
c. That Jesus lives today, praying for us, present in us, never leaving or forsaking us.

B. Rejoice Over Our Complete Salvation V. 11

1. The man who is reconciled to God, who understands his former hopeless condition, and understands God’s great love for him in sending Jesus…this man rejoices in God.