I. Paul’s Greeting Vs. 8, 9

A. Commendation V. 8

1. Paul thanked God for them all. He didn’t know them all; Paul appreciated the church as a whole.
2. Their faith was spoken of throughout the whole world. (Hyerbole)
3. Rome- A center for arts, commerce, religion. A very influential city. Capital city.

a. The Christians in the church in Rome lived their faith out in front of people.
b. As a result, the world that passed through Rome got a taste of the Gospel.
c. The regional influence of Rome allowed the faith of its Believers to be spread.
d. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, into Rome “flow all things that are vile and abominable, and where they are encouraged”.
e. And yet, in this moral cesspool, the Roman Christians shined brightly.
f. Acts 17:26, 27 26And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, 27so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us…
g. The Romans were to influence their world via their placement in Rome.
h. Where has God placed you? Is your faith known throughout your “world”?
i. God determines the scope of our influence, but we determine the reality of it.

B. His Prayers V. 9

1. Though he had never met them, Paul prayed constantly for the Christians in Rome.
2. God was his witness that this was true. Witnesses testify to what they have seen.
3. Paul served God…

a. With his spirit-Paul’s service to God was spiritually motivated, not just outward
b. In the Gospel of His Son- Paul’s message was Jesus, crucified and resurrected

4. Jesus ought to be the main focus of every Christian’s trajectory.

II. Paul’s Desire Regarding The Romans Vs. 10-15

A. Unfulfilled Desire To Visit Rome Vs. 10, 13a

1. Paul had wanted to visit Rome on previous occasions, but had been hindered.

a. We are not told what hindered Paul from visiting them.

2. Paul was looking for a way “in the will of God” to visit them. He didn’t want to force it.
3. When we desire to serve God, that is good, but He may not grant us our wish.

a. We should not think that if we desire it, that God owes it to us to grant that desire.
b. We are not told to “claim” such desires in Jesus’ name, etc.
c. In fact, up to this point, God had not granted Paul’s desire to visit Rome.
d. Was Paul weak in faith? Was their unconfessed sin in his life?

4. Philippians 2:13 it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

a. God causes us to want to do His will.
b. He also helps us accomplish His will (or He may delay or never grant that desire)

5.What good came out of Paul’s unfulfilled desire to visit the Christians in Rome?

a. He prayed for them constantly.
b. He wrote the Book of Romans, an epic work of Christian theology which has blessed millions of people of 20 centuries.
c. As a mature Christian, Paul could discern between godly desires and God’s will.
d. God’s will was better/bigger/more far reaching than Paul’s desire to visit Rome.

B. To Give And Receive Spiritual Blessings Vs. 11, 12

1. Paul had wanted to visit them for a long time, but was hindered/not allowed by God.
2. Paul didn’t want to go unless it was in God’s will.
3.He prayed for them constantly.
4. Paul’s desire was to impart spiritual blessings to them, and receive spiritual blessings.
5. Encouraged- sumparakaleo- to strengthen with others; mutual strengthening
6. NOTE– Paul’s entire approach was a mature spiritual approach.

a. The desire to go was spiritual.
b. The prayer to go was spiritual.
c. Being denied the chance to go was accepted in a spiritual way.
d. Not forcing the issue was spiritual.
e. The goal of blessing and being blessed was spiritual.

7. Is your Christian life marked by the desire to give and receive spiritual blessings, or is it more similar to a consumer: what you can get? ☹

C. Paul Desired Spiritual Fruit Among Them Vs. 13b-15

1. Paul wanted to have “fruit” among them. What was he talking about?
2. He said that he had fruit among other Gentiles- people saved, and people disciple.
3. Paul saw himself as a debtor to all men: He “owed” all men the opportunity to be saved.
4. V. 15- So, as much as in me: Paul devoted all of himself to God’s purpose for him.

a. We do not need to have an apostolic calling to be that committed.
b. As much as in you….be a devoted husband, wife, father, mother, friend.
c. With all that you have, be the Christian that God called you to be.

5. I am ready to preach the Gospel to you who are in Rome also.