John 10:33-42 Those Who Won’t Believe & Those Who Will Part 2

by | May 24, 2024 | John, New Testament

V. 33 Previously, they had wanted to stone Jesus for His good works, but now they believe that He has committed blasphemy, which was a greater offense
Blasphemy- slander, injurious speech, impious and reproachful speech injurious to divine majesty.
See John 5:16-18; 8:57-59

Jesus was very clearly making Himself equal with God.
Some people say that Jesus was only claiming to be one in spirit, one in sentiment with God.
In this sense Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David, and all the prophets, were also one with God.
But Jesus was claiming absolute divinity, and the Jews understood this clearly.

Vs. 34-36 Jesus is trying to reason with these men in a logical fashion.
He appeals to them from their own Law, found in Psalm 82.

Psalm 82:1-8 God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judges among the gods. (Elohim)
2 How long will you judge unjustly, and show partiality to the wicked? Selah
3 Defend the poor and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and needy.
4 Deliver the poor and needy; free them from the hand of the wicked.
5 They do not know, nor do they understand; they walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are unstable.
6 I said, “You are gods, (Elohim) and all of you are children of the Most High.
7 But you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.”
8 Arise, O God, judge the earth; for You shall inherit all nations.

Exodus 21:6…then his master shall bring him to the judges (Elohim). He shall also bring him to the door, or to the doorpost, and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him forever.
Exodus 22:8 If the thief is not found, then the master of the house shall be brought to the judges (Elohim) to see whether he has put his hand into his neighbor’s goods.

Jesus quoted from Psalm 82:6, using the word “gods” to describe God appointed judges.
The men that God commissioned to judge His people were called Elohim, which is translated gods or judges, depending on the context. They determined the fate of other men.

The thing to keep in mind was this: they were commissioned by God and chosen as His ordained servants, and were authorized to speak in His name.
And in that capacity, God called them Elohim, though they were mere men.

V. 35 In speaking of these mortal judges, Jesus said that unto them “the word of God came”.
In other words, it was revealed to them, and was not inherent within them.
Though they spoke for God, they had to receive the Word.
Though they were commissioned by God, they were mere mortals, and yet were called Elohim.
Jesus also said: the Scripture cannot be broken.
Jesus verified the authenticity of the Scriptures, and said they were not corrupted or erroneous.
Broken- to loose or untie. Jesus affirmed the authenticity and authority of the Scriptures.
Therefore, whatever Psalm 82 said about mere men being called Elohim was a solid reference.

V. 36 Bible Knowledge Commentary– Jesus now completed His argument. Since the inerrant Bible called their judges “gods,” the Jews could not logically accuse Him of blasphemy for calling Himself God’s Son since He was under divine orders (set apart) and on God’s mission (sent into the world).

Guzik- Jesus is saying “If God gives these unjust judges the title ‘gods’ because of their office, why do you consider it blasphemy that I call Myself the ‘Son of God’ in light of the testimony of Me and My works?”

Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world– Jesus existed before He was sent to Earth.
If mere men could be called Elohim, could not the One who pre-existed and was sent from Heaven be rightly called Elohim?

Vs. 37, 38 Jesus appealed to them to believe who He was based upon His works.
Jesus appealed to them: “If you don’t believe my words, you cannot deny my works. My works prove that the Father and I are one”.

Many had believed in Jesus because of His words. See John 7:45, 46; 8:28-30.

But Jesus added to His word, miraculous works.
The Jews could not deny the miracles that Jesus had done.
They had to decide the origin of those miracles, and who/what Jesus was.
If Jesus wasn’t who He claimed to be, then a very bad man had done great miracles to alleviate human suffering and bring glory to God.

V. 39 Adam Clarke-They could not reply to his arguments but by stones. The evidence of the truth could not be resisted; and they endeavored to destroy the person who spoke it. Truth may confound the obstinately wicked, but it does not convert them.

Vs. 40-42 The people believed on him:
1. Because of the testimony of John the Baptist whom they knew to be a good and a wise man, and a prophet of the Lord; and they knew he could neither deceive nor be deceived in this matter.
2. They believed because of the miracles which they saw Jesus work. These fully proved that all that John had said of him was true.

The last two chapters showed two great embarrassments to these leaders.
1. Chapter 9- The clear and powerful testimony of the blind man who had been healed. They could not deny the miracle, and the blind man testified powerfully of Jesus.
2. Chapter 10- The clear and powerful reasoning of Jesus regarding His identity.
3. Jesus continued to declare to them His oneness with the Father, making Himself divine.
4. He was continually testified of by those whom He healed.
5. The common people His words, and believed that the works He did verified who He was.
6. The leaders ignored both the verbal and physical evidence that Jesus and others provided.

Life Group Questions
1. What’s your favorite story/book/part of the Bible?
2. What’s something that helped you grow in reading the Bible on your own?
3. If the people understood the truth of Jesus and still rejected him, are apologetics still useful?
4. If Jesus performed miracles to prove who He was, is that something Christians need to do?