
John 1:19-34 Pointing People To Jesus

I. John The Baptist A. John Called People To Repentance Vs. 19-23 1. V. 19- The priests and Levites came to question John. The priests were Jews chosen to offer sacrifices to God, and the Levites were their assistants. a. John’s father was a priest. (Luke 1) It was...

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John 1:35-51 Encounters With Jesus

I. It’s Not About You Vs. 35-37 1. Behold…- John directed attention to Jesus, urging others to follow Him. (See 3:27-30) 2. Lamb of God- This was a reference to Jesus giving His life for the sins of the world. a. Old Testament Jews would sacrifice animals for their...

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John 10:1-10 Abundant Life

I. True & False Shepherds A. The Sheep Pen 1. One form of sheep pen was a walled enclosure made of stone, with no roof. 2. In town, several flocks might be mixed together in one pen, and the pen was guarded by the doorkeeper. There was a physical door, and only...

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John 10:39-11:44 Seeing The Glory Of God

39Therefore they sought again to seize Him, but He escaped out of their hand. 40And He went away again beyond the Jordan to the place where John was baptizing at first, and there He stayed. 41Then many came to Him and said, “John performed no sign, but all the things...

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John 10:39-11:44 Seeing The Glory Of God

I. The Healing Of Lazarus A. The Setting 1. He is south of Jericho, in a wilderness area where John previously baptized 2. Jesus is still heading towards Jerusalem, where He will be killed 3. Jesus is informed that Lazarus, a dear friend, is ill a. This is a family...

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John 11:17-44 Giving Life To Bodies & To Faith

I. The Setting Vs. 17-19 1. V. 17 Lazarus had died on the same day that Jesus got the message of his illness. 2. The Jews believed that within three days the soul might return to the body. a. It seems that Jesus intentionally delayed coming until Lazarus had been dead...

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John 11:45-57 People That Reject Jesus

I. Mixed Reaction To Jesus Vs. 45, 46 A. Some Believed On Jesus V. 45 1. Jesus had done the most amazing miracle of His ministry so far. 2. The miracles were used by God to bless people and to demonstrate who Jesus was. 3. Some of these people believed on Jesus. B....

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John 12:1-8 Honoring & Worshipping Jesus

Romans 12:1 NLT And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. I. Simon The Leper A. The...

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John 12:27-33 Genesis 3 Why Jesus Came

V. 27 Jesus had just explained that His mission was similar to a grain of wheat that must be put into the earth and die in order to bring forth fruit. (John 12:23-26) 1. He also said that whoever wants to follow Him must have the same mindset. 2. The realization of...

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John 12:34-50 Facets Of Unbelief

I. Selective Faith Leads To Unbelief A. Believing Only Portions Of God’s Word V. 34 1. V. 34- The people understood what Jesus meant when He said that the Son of Man must be “lifted up”. This spoke of crucifixion. “We don’t know that Messiah”. 2. They had heard and...

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John 12:9-26 Jesus According To Jesus

I. Different Attitudes Towards Jesus A. Those Who Were Curious Vs. 9, 18 1. V. 9-Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead. He drew people who were curious. a. Some wanted to see Jesus, the miracle worker. b. Others wanted to see Lazarus, who had been raised from the...

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John 13:1-17 Blessed Are The Servants

I. Jesus’ Mind & Heart Vs. 1-3 A. His Soon Departure 1. V. 1a- Passover Feast: A time of commemoration and expectation. 2. V. 1b- Jesus was fully aware that the time of His death had arrived. The washing of the feet was done with the knowledge that a beating, a...

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John 13:18-30 Loving The Betrayer

V. 18 Jesus has just told them that serving others is the key to makarios- blessedness, happiness. He then speaks of the present exception, who is Judas. Not only is Judas not serving, but he is planning to betray Jesus. Jesus had early on prayed about whom to choose...

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John 14:1 Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

I. Troubled Hearts A. The Disciples 1. Jesus had just announced that He would be betrayed. 2. The disciples legitimately had much to be troubled about. 3. Specifically, they were troubled because Jesus was leaving them. 4. He had just told them that one of them was a...

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John 15:1-8 Abide In The Vine

I. Jesus, The True Vine V. 1 A. The Setting 1. The setting up this point has been the Upper Room, where the betrayal was announced, where Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, and where communion was instituted. 2. Jesus’ last words in chapter 14 were, “Arise, let us go...

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John 15:12-17 Loving Like Jesus Loves

I. Love As Jesus Loved Vs. 12, 13 A. Love Is Commanded V. 12 1. Jesus would soon depart from His disciples. 2. His commands to them have been about loving God and loving each other. John 13:34, 35; 14:15, 21, 24; 15:9, 10. 3. There are Christians who love to study the...

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John 15:18-27 Living With Opposition

I. Opposition Is To Be Expected Vs. 18-20 A. The World’s Opposition Of Jesus 1. Jesus was clearly and violently rejected by the world He entered into. 2. They twisted His words, disapproved of His works, and ultimately killed Him. B. The World’s Opposition Of Jesus’...

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John 15:9-11 Living In God’s Love

I. What Keeps Us From Abiding In Jesus’ Love? 1 John 2:15-16 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride...

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John 16:1-11 The Divine Witness

I. Future Opposition A. Jesus Explains Future Opposition Vs. 2, 3 1. In John 15:18-27, Jesus had been explaining to them about future opposition. a. In verses 26 & 27, He assured them that the Holy Spirit would aid them in the face of opposition, and that they...

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John 16:12-15 The Teacher Within

I. The Holy Spirit Guides The Christian Into Truth Vs. 12, 13 A. The Situation 1. The disciples had spent three years with Jesus being instructed by Him. 2. They learned about the kingdom of God by hearing His voice and watching His actions. 3. Now he was departing...

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John 16:16-22 When Sorrow Turns To Joy

I. Confusion A. A Change From What Is Normal V. 16 1. The disciples had spent 3.5 amazing years with Jesus, but everything was about to change a. V. 16- Jesus described to them what was about to happen, but they had no point of reference to help them understand....

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John 16:23-33 Joy & Good Cheer

I. A Shift In Prayer Vs. 23, 24 A. Praying To The Father V. 23 1. V. 23- “In that day you will ask Me nothing”- After Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension, the Holy Spirit would be sent into the souls of Believers to lead them into truth a. Previously, the...

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John 17:1-5 Living To Glorify God

I. Glorify Your Son A. Jesus Prayed For Glory V. 1a 1. V. 1 We often bow our heads and close our eyes to pray. Jesus’ posture was different. a. There is no prescribed prayer posture in the Bible. b. Truth and sincerity is what matters most in prayer. c. Jesus...

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John 17:20-26 Jesus Prays For Us

I. Jesus Looked Forward To The Future Church V. 20 A. Jesus Expected The Gospel Message To Continue 1. Jesus looked forward to the Church that would soon be born. 2. He prayed for the yet future Church, which includes us here today. 3. He believed the Disciples would...

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John 17:6-19 Jesus Prays For His Disciples

I. Jesus & His Disciples Vs. 6-8 A. Jesus’ Ministry To The Disciples 1. V. 6- I have manifested your name- manifest- To make apparent, visible, conspicuous a. William Barclay — It does not mean simply the name by which a person is called; it means the whole...

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John 18:1-40 The Path To The Cross

I. Jesus Was No Victim Vs. 1-11 The setting: Jesus has just finished His private time with His disciples. (Chapters 13-17) He finished their time in the Upper Room where Jesus initiated the Lord’s Supper. He has completed His walk through the Temple Courts where He...

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John 19:1-42

V. 1 In John 18:38, Pilate had said that he found no fault with Jesus. Pilate was in a difficult political position. He needed to keep peace in the city, and that meant he needed to satisfy these blood thirsty Jewish leaders. He also knew that Jesus was innocent, and...

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John 2:1-11 The Joyful Miracle

The Purpose Of Gospel Of John John 20:30, 31 30And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; 31but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may...

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John 20:1-31 The Resurrection Of Jesus

1 Corinthians 15:17 And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. V. 1- First day of the week- For the Jews, it was Sunday. Mary Magdalene- Jesus had previously cast seven demons out of her. (Luke 8:2; Mark 16:9) Her spiritual dark past...

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John 21 You Follow Jesus

I. Jesus Reveals Himself Vs. 1-14 A. Meeting Jesus In The Normalcy Of Life Vs. 1-4 1. V. 1- Jesus had told the disciples that He would meet them in Galilee (Tiberius) a. In obedience they returned to their home area around the Sea of Galilee. b. Matthew 28:10, 16 Then...

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John 3:1-21 Seeking And Finding Eternal Life

I. Nicodemus- Profile Of A Sincere Seeker A. Sincere Spiritual Seeker Vs. 1, 2 1. V. 1- He was a ruler of the Jews. a. There were many rulers of the Jews that were more into religiosity than true spiritual seeking, but Nicodemus was an exception. b. He was a teacher,...

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John 3:1-21 Seeking And Finding Eternal Life

I. Nicodemus- Profile Of A Sincere Seeker A. Sincere Spiritual Seeker Vs. 1, 2 1. V. 1- He was a ruler of the Jews. a. There were many rulers of the Jews that were more into religiosity than true spiritual seeking, but Nicodemus was an exception. b. He was a teacher,...

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John 4:1-26 Jesus, The Lover Of Souls

Vs. 1-3 Jesus was now gathering a following. The religious rulers had challenged John previously and Jesus recently. Jesus leaves the southern region of Israel seemingly to avoid premature conflict with the religious rulers in Jerusalem. He had much ministry to do in...

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John 4:1-42 The Giver and the Gift

Jesus has been in Jerusalem. Celebrating the Passover Feast. Many miracles done in Jerusalem. Cleansing of the Temple. Private interview with Nicodemus, a Pharisee. The masses recognized Jesus; the religious leaders were jealous and offended. Jesus leaves southern...

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John 4:27-42 The Passion Of Jesus

I. The Woman Vs. 28, 29 A. A Religious Outcast 1. Samaritans were hated by religious Jews. John 4:9 2. Jews didn’t like non-Jews, they looked down on women, never spoke to them in public 3. When a Pharisee walked down the street, he would pull his robes close to his...

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John 4:43-54 Familiar, Excited, Or Believing?

I. Rejection Based On Familiarity Vs. 43, 44 A. Historical Setting 1. These verses seem contradictory. 2. It seems to say that a prophet is not welcomed in his own country, but that Jesus went to the Galilee region where He was from, and the Galileans welcomed Him. 3....

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John 5:1-9, 14 Do You Want To Be Made Well?

I. The Historical Setting Vs. 1-4 A. Unusual Healings In The Bible 1. The purified pot of stew (2 Kings 4:38-41) 2. The healing of Naaman by washing in the Jordan River (2 Kings 5:10-14) 3. The healing of the man who touched the bones of Elisha (2 Kings 13:20-21) 4....

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John 5:10-47 Religion That Rejects Jesus

I. Unbiblical Religion Versus Jesus Vs. 10-18 A. U.R. More Concerned With Rules Than With People Vs. 10-13 1. V. 10- The Jewish religious leaders misinterpreted the 4th commandment. Exodus 20:8 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9Six days you shall labor and...

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John 6:15-21 The Savior In The Storm

I. The Setting Vs. 15-17 A. The Eager Crowd V. 15 1. Before John 6:1-14, Jesus had originally planned to have a time of rest with His disciples, away from the crowds, but the crowds found Him, and so he ministered to them. 2. take Him by force- to seize violently. 3....

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John 6:22-40 Jesus: Bread Man Or Savior?

I. Seeking Jesus Vs. 22-27 A. For The Wrong Reasons Vs. 22-26 1. The multitudes had been miraculously fed by Jesus. That was a good thing a. They had a very real temporal need, and Jesus met that need. b. They had initially come to Jesus because of His ability to...

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John 7:1-17 You Can Be Sure About Jesus

7:1 The people spoken of here were the religious rulers of Israel. Early in His public ministry, Jesus had driven out the money changers and the sellers from the Temple Mount area. He had also healed a man on the Sabbath day, which the religious rulers considered...

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John 7:18-53 If Any Man Thirsts

Describe the Feast Of Tabernacles Contentions With The Religious Rulers 18He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him. If we are the origin of our message, then it is...

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John 8:12-30 The Light That You Need

Vs. 12   Jesus made some tremendous statements about Himself. John 4:13, 14 “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, 14but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of...

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John 8:31-36 The Truth Will Set You Free

I. The Offer Of Freedom Vs. 31, 32 A. The Path To Freedom V. 31 1. Believed- to think to be true, intellectual faith. 2. to those Jews who believed Him- These people agreed intellectually. a. Though they agreed intellectually, they were not committed to Jesus. b....

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John 8:37-59 If God Were Your Father

V. 37 Though they were physically related to Abraham, they were not spiritual related to him. They took pride in their spiritual ancestry, but were themselves strangers to God. As a result, the words of Jesus infuriated them.  They didn’t deny that they wanted to kill...

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John 9:1-7 Urgent And Spontaneous Mercy

9:1, 2 The Jews believed that there was a correlation between sin and physical infirmity. They even believed that a baby could sin in the womb, or that the parents’ sins could cause an infirmity in a child born to them. Job’s friends thought that his afflictions were...

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