I. Paul’s Introduction Of Himself To The Romans Vs. 1, 5a

A. A Bondservant (Slave) Of Jesus Christ V. 1

1. Paul did not found this church, and he did not personally know these people.
2. He seeks to introduce himself in a humble and yet authoritative way.
3. He wants them to receive the message, and know that he had been called by God.
4. Bondservant- doulos. (perhaps as much as 35-50% of Rome comprised of slaves)

a. The purchased possession of a master, property of the master.
b. Existed to serve the master, even unto his own hurt.
c. W. H. Griffith Thomas– (Paul)…”desired to be nothing, to do nothing, to own nothing apart from Him”.

B. Called To Be An Apostle (A Slave Apostle) V. 1

1. Apostle- ambassador sent forth, a called servant sent to proclaim, one sent w/authority
2. Paul was called from birth (Galatians 1:5), at his conversion (Acts 9:15), through the church (Acts 13:2). Paul was not self-appointed, but appointed by God.

C. Separated To The Gospel Of God V. 1

1. Galatians 1:15 “…God…separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace…”.
2. Paul was a man who very much stayed on target with the God’s purpose for his life.
3. He was called to be a preacher of the Gospel, and he focused on God’s plan for him.
4. Question- Does God have a plan for just some of His children, or for all of them?
5. Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

D. Grace And Apostleship V. 5a

1. Jesus gave Paul both grace (diving favor/enabling), and a calling (apostleship)
2. Received- God gave Paul this grace and calling, but Paul was willing to receive both God’s calling for his life, and the grace to walk in it.

a. Paul was not compelled from without, but impelled from within.
b. This must be the attitude of the Christian who will effectually serve God.
c. We can never rightly serve God if we feel compelled from without. Must be internal

3. Whatever God calls us to do; He will equip us to do. Grace to match the calling.

II. The Gospel Was Paul’s Subject Matter

A. AGospel Promised In The Old Testament Vs. 1b, 2

1. V. 1b-Gospel of God– The good news of God, i.e., that man can be right with God.
2. Old Testament- Paul seeks to establish that the Gospel was no new novelty.

a. The truth of the Gospel wasn’t just a post resurrection idea, nor Paul’s idea.
b. It had been predicted in word and type throughout the Old Testament.
c. Luke 24:25-27 25Then He said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! 26Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” 27And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.

B. The Gospel Is About Jesus V. 3

1. 3concerning His Son Jesus Christ…

a. The Gospel includes the idea of the Father giving the Son as payment for sin.
b. Romans 8:32 He who did not spare His own Son…
c. Thomas- “The unique sonship of Jesus Christ is one of the fundamental truths of the Christian religion”.

2. Jesus, our Lord…There is to be none higher than Him in the life of the Christian.
3. “who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh…”

a. Jesus was a descendant of King David, according to the flesh. (Luke 3:23-38)
b. This would have been very important to the Jewish Christians, who looked for Messiah to come through the lineage of David. (See John 7:37-43)

4. 4and  declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.

a. Jesus was rightly recognized as Messiah through both His fleshly lineage, but by His resurrection from the dead. Both truths validated Him as Messiah.
b Declared- to define. The resurrection was a defining event re. Jesus as Savior.
c. The resurrection was not just a demonstration, but a designation.
d. See 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 There is no Christian faith w/o the resurrection.

III. Paul’s Calling & Greeting

A. Paul Called To Bring People Into Obedience To The Faith V. 5

1. Paul’s (God’s) intention wasn’t just that people would hear the Gospel, but that they would believe the Gospel, and put their faith in Jesus, and make Him Lord of their life.
2. W. H Griffith Thomas- “Faith always implies submission and surrender, which in turn express themselves in loyal and glad obedience”.
3. “to the faith”- Not obedience to a religious system, but faith in and obedience to Jesus.

B. For All Nations

1. In God’s mind and heart, there is no limit to the sphere of who should hear the Gospel
2. It is possible that as Christians, we can have racial/cultural prejudices about sharing Jesus with certain people groups. The “church” sometimes marginalizes people in the name of patriotism or conservatism. That is not in line with God’s heart and desire.
3. Illegal immigrants, Muslims, Homosexuals, Liberals

C. For His Name

1. The desire was to please Jesus Christ and make Him known. To have all people know and love Him, and to honor Him (His Name)?
2. Philippians 2:9-11. If you are a follower of Jesus, do you have that same desire?

D. This Call Included The Christians In Rome Vs. 6, 7

1. V. 6- The called- those who had heard God’s call and accepted it.
2. V. 7- Beloved of God. God loved these people, and Paul reminds them.
3. V. 7- Called to be saints. Called saints, not because of practice, but because of position

a. Saint- a most holy thing because they in IN Christ, not because they act “saintly”

4. Grace/peace– God’s divine favor; peace that comes from God. (Philippians 4:7, 9)