Read Galatians 2:1-10 – Defending the Gospel
1. (vs 1) Describe Paul’s first post-salvation trip to Jerusalem. (Gal 1:18,19)
2. (vs 1) After 14 years, Paul returned to Jerusalem. Barnabas and Titus traveled with him. What do we learn about these men from the verses below?
a. Barnabas (Acts 4:36,37 and Acts 11:22)
b. Titus (Gal 2:3, 2 Cor 2:13, 2 Cor 8:16, Titus 1:4)
3. According to verse 2, why did Paul return to Jerusalem?
4. (vs 2) What did Paul do in Jerusalem? Why did he do it privately?
5. (vs 3) Titus may have been considered a “test-case” Gentile – proof that God’s salvation extended beyond the Jews. Details regarding Gentiles becoming Christians was an important discussion. We read about the decision made regarding this in Acts 15 at a gathering called the Jerusalem Council. What decisions were made?
6. (vs 4) Describe the goal of the false brethren. Consider the words “secretly” and “stealth”.
a. Do you think the false brethren thought of themselves as false brethren? Why or why not?
b. Remind yourself of Paul’s concern in Gal. 1:6-9.
8. Why do you think this was such a passionate topic for Paul? See verse 5b.
9. Rewrite verse 6 in your own words.
10. (vs 7-8) Who worked effectively in Peter to the Jews, and in Paul to the Gentiles?
11. (vs 9) The “right hand of fellowship” was extended to Paul by the church leadership. What does this mean?
12. The leaders of the church in Jerusalem had a heart for the poor just like Paul. How is this confirmed in Acts 11:29-30, and Rom. 15:26.
Read Galatians 2:11-21 – Salvation by Faith Alone
1. (vs 11-13) We saw in Gal. 2:9 that Peter approved of Paul’s ministry to the Gentiles; that they agreed on what was required for salvation. In Acts 11:1-18, Peter shared how God had spoken to him personally about this matter. (More details found in Acts 10) Summarize Peter’s experience.
2. Also summarize Peter’s detailed experience in Acts 10:44-48.
3. (vs 11-13) What had Peter done in Antioch that would cause Paul to publicly confront him?
4. Peter had given in to peer pressure. But before we are quick to judge Peter harshly, consider this quote from David Guzik: “Everyone knows what it feels like when social pressure pushes you towards compromise in some way.” In what areas might this be a temptation for you?
5. We learn from the mistakes of others. “No man’s standing is so secure that he may not fall. If Peter fell, I may fall. If he rose again, I may rise again. We have the same gifts that they had, the same Christ, the same baptism and the same Gospel, the same forgiveness of sins.” (Luther) What can we learn from this?
6. (vs 14-16) Summarize Paul’s emphatic words to Peter. (Verse 16 is a concise statement of God’s plan for salvation.)
7. In verses 17-18 Paul deals with an objection from “certain men…from James” (vs 12). They believed that God would not accept Gentiles unless they also submitted to the law of Moses. We might refer to this as “Jesus Plus ______”. But Paul strongly reminds them that salvation is by faith alone. In the church today, what things may some try to add to Jesus for their salvation?
8. The fact remains that as Christians who have been justified by the work of Jesus on the cross, we still continue to sin. But this does not make Christ a “minister of sin”. What provision have we been given to rectify this? (See 1 John 1:8-10)
9. (vs 20) I love verse 20! “Christ lives in ME!” Express your gratefulness for your standing in Christ!
10. (vs 21) If we could earn our salvation through works, what would that say about Jesus?