104 verses in Philippians. 7 times we read the words “joy”, “gladness”. 10 times we read the words “glad”, “rejoice”, “rejoiced”. Read: 1:4, 1:18, 1:25, 2:2, 2:16-18, 3:1, 3:3, 4:1, 4:4 Every 6.1 verses, Paul mentions being joyful, rejoicing, or being glad. He was in...
Philippians 1:12-26 Paul’s Basis For Joy
Mar 24, 2023 | New Testament, Philippians
QUESTION- Is joy the goal of your life, or is joy a byproduct of seeking and achieving your goal? If your goal is joy through things/people/personal accomplishment, many things can prevent that. If your goal is to know and share Jesus, the only thing that can stop you...
Philippians 1:27-30 A Worthy Christian Life
Mar 24, 2023 | New Testament, Philippians
V. 27a: Only- connects Paul’s assurance of coming to them w/the fact that they needed his presence. He was sure that God would allow him to be freed to go and minister to them. However, they needed to do their part and live lives that were worthy of the gospel. Paul...
Philippians 2:1-4 Living In Unity
Mar 24, 2023 | New Testament, Philippians
I. Why Live In Unity? V. 1 A. Because Of What Jesus Had Done In Their Lives 1. If- also translated “since”, or, “since these things are true….” 2. Speaks of a fulfilled condition, an evident truth. a. Paul appealed to them, based upon what Jesus’ presence had...
Philippians 2:12-30 Work Out Your Own Salvation
Mar 28, 2023 | New Testament, Philippians
I. Working Out Your Salvation Vs. 12-16a A. Our Part V. 12 1. Work out- literally- “Carry it to its ultimate conclusion.” i.e.: a math problem. 2. Not work for your salvation but work out your salvation. Salvation is received. 3. The living out of the saved life,...
Philippians 2:12, 13 Work Out Your Salvation
Mar 25, 2023 | New Testament, Philippians
I. The Christian’s Responsibility V. 12 A. Work Out Your Salvation What it doesn’t say: It doesn’t say work for your salvation. a. Salvation is a gift given to men and women who recognize their need for forgiveness. b. A person asks for forgiveness and receives it,...
Philippians 2:5-11 Kenosis, The Only Path To Unity
Mar 25, 2023 | New Testament, Philippians
The Philippians were experiencing disunity amongst some of their members. (1:27; 4:2, 3) Their disunity prompted Paul to bring forth one of the greatest passages ever written about Jesus. Ke-no'-ō- A voluntary laying aside of one’s rights, privileges, abilities, and...
Philippians 3:1-9 Joyful In God’s Righteousness
Mar 28, 2023 | New Testament, Philippians
What is “righteousness”? The state of him who is as he ought to be; that condition of man which is acceptable to God. I. Man’s Righteousness A. Paul’s Reminder To Them V. 1 1. Regarding being right with God, the Philippians had two choices. a. They could rejoice in...
Philippians 3:10, 11 A Passion To Know Jesus
Mar 28, 2023 | New Testament, Philippians
Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 8 in B minor, commonly known as the Unfinished was started in 1822 but left with only two movements complete even though Schubert would live for another six years. Jeremiah 9:23, 24a Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man glory in his...
Philippians 3:12-21 Pressing On In Jesus
Mar 29, 2023 | New Testament, Philippians
I. How To Press On V. 12 A. Understand What “Pressing On” Means 1. Figuratively- One who runs a race swiftly to reach the goal; to seek after eagerly. 2. Spiritually- To press forward in the Christian faith, to seek to grow spiritually. 3. The opposite of “Pressing...
Philippians 4:1-9 The Right Kind Of Mind Control
Mar 29, 2023 | New Testament, Philippians
I. The Importance Of Unity A. Paul Saw Himself United With Them V. 1a 1. The Philippians struggled with unity. (See Philippians 1:27) 2. Yet Paul loved these saints. They were blessed in many other ways. (Philippians 1:3-8) B. Paul Called For Unity Among Them...
Philippians 4:10-14 Choosing To Be Content
Mar 29, 2023 | New Testament, Philippians
I. Contentment Regarding Help From Others V. 10 A. The Philippians Had Forgotten Paul For A Time 1. V. 10- your care for me has flourished again. a. Literally- “You caused your thoughts for me to bloom again”. b. Like flowers that bloomed again after being dead for...
Philippians 4:15-23 Joyfully Giving To God
Mar 29, 2023 | New Testament, Philippians
I. What To Give To A. Give To Further The Gospel V. 15 1. Paul speaks about the “beginning of the gospel”. The Good News about Jesus. a. He speaks of the beginning of his missionary efforts in Europe. b. The Philippians were the only church that gave financial...