01. Color palette

In this part of the style guide, you can modify each color inside the Text Module’s background settings. Use that same color code inside the Text Module below it to have a written version of the color code too. Use these color codes inside your Divi Theme Builder default color palette afterward.







02. Text styles

In the second part of this style guide wireframe, you can style your different text types. You’re also provided with a primary, secondary and tertiary option, each of which you can afterwards turn into individual presets.




Heading 1

Heading 1

Heading 1

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 2

Heading 2

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 3

Heading 3

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 4

Heading 4

Heading 4


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum

All in one

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Lorum ipsum dolor sit amet.

  • Lorum Ipsum

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Lorum ipsum dolor sit amet.

  • Lorum Ipsum

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Lorum ipsum dolor sit amet.

  • Lorum Ipsum

03. Modules

The last part of this style guide handles some of the most-used modules inside Divi. Here, we’re also providing you with a primary, secondary and tertiary version of each module which you can style and add as a global preset. Feel free to create more alternative designs for each module.





Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Email optin

Contact form

13 + 9 =

7 + 13 =

10 + 9 =


Call to action

Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.



Name Goes Here

Name Goes Here


Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Name Goes Here

Name Goes Here


Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Name Goes Here

Name Goes Here


Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Social Media Follow


Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.


Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Name Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Name Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Name Goes Here



Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.


Acts 26:19-32 Almost A Christian

I. Paul Preaches The Gospel           Vs. 19-22 A. Paul Obeyed Jesus’ Commission 1. “…I was not disobedient…”: The gospel starts w/God, not w/ man The Gospel is God’s initiative towards man. God is the Initiator. 2. “…declared…throughout”: Gospel for all people: Jews...

Acts 27-28:10 Storms Open Doors For Ministry

Romans 1:9, 10 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers, 10making request if, by some means, now at last I may find a way in the will of God to come to you. Acts 23:11...

Acts 28:11-15 The Blessings Of Encouragement

I. Paul’s Past A. Paul’s Recent Past 1. 27 months earlier: Wrongly accused in Jerusalem Temple area, beaten by mob, arrested by Romans & imprisoned in Caesarea for 2 ½ years 2. After appealing to Caesar, Paul transported by ship, but shipwrecked on the way 3....

Acts 3:1-10

I. The Lame Man A. Lifetime Of Lameness 2And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb 1. Never walked a day in his life 2. No reference point regarding walking, running, even standing. 3. Worse than previously walking and then losing that ability. B. Dependent Upon...

Acts 3:1-9

I. What People Ask For Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth hour. Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask...

Acts 3:1-9

Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who...

Acts 3:1-9

I. What People Ask For Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth hour. Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask...

Acts 3:11-12

I. God Wants To Do Great Things v.11 God wants to do things that will cause people to be greatly amazed. This involves Christians stepping out in faith as we perceive God leading us. It could be… 1. Miraculous healing 2. Bold witnessing 3. Step of faith- “ventures of...

Acts 3:13-26 Peter’s 2nd Sermon

I. The Truth About Jesus A. Glorified Via Resurrection vs. 13a,15b 1. Resurrection of Jesus from the dead proves who he was. 2. Jesus said His resurrection would be a sign of authenticity of who He was. 3. John 14:6 I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one...

Acts 26:19-32 Almost A Christian

I. Paul Preaches The Gospel           Vs. 19-22 A. Paul Obeyed Jesus’ Commission 1. “…I was not disobedient…”: The gospel starts w/God, not w/ man The Gospel is God’s initiative towards man. God is the Initiator. 2. “…declared…throughout”: Gospel for all people: Jews...

Acts 27-28:10 Storms Open Doors For Ministry

Romans 1:9, 10 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers, 10making request if, by some means, now at last I may find a way in the will of God to come to you. Acts 23:11...

Acts 28:11-15 The Blessings Of Encouragement

I. Paul’s Past A. Paul’s Recent Past 1. 27 months earlier: Wrongly accused in Jerusalem Temple area, beaten by mob, arrested by Romans & imprisoned in Caesarea for 2 ½ years 2. After appealing to Caesar, Paul transported by ship, but shipwrecked on the way 3....

Acts 3:1-10

I. The Lame Man A. Lifetime Of Lameness 2And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb 1. Never walked a day in his life 2. No reference point regarding walking, running, even standing. 3. Worse than previously walking and then losing that ability. B. Dependent Upon...

Acts 3:1-9

I. What People Ask For Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth hour. Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask...

Acts 3:1-9

Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who...

Acts 3:1-9

I. What People Ask For Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth hour. Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask...

Acts 3:11-12

I. God Wants To Do Great Things v.11 God wants to do things that will cause people to be greatly amazed. This involves Christians stepping out in faith as we perceive God leading us. It could be… 1. Miraculous healing 2. Bold witnessing 3. Step of faith- “ventures of...

Acts 3:13-26 Peter’s 2nd Sermon

I. The Truth About Jesus A. Glorified Via Resurrection vs. 13a,15b 1. Resurrection of Jesus from the dead proves who he was. 2. Jesus said His resurrection would be a sign of authenticity of who He was. 3. John 14:6 I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one...

Acts 26:19-32 Almost A Christian

I. Paul Preaches The Gospel           Vs. 19-22 A. Paul Obeyed Jesus’ Commission 1. “…I was not disobedient…”: The gospel starts w/God, not w/ man The Gospel is God’s initiative towards man. God is the Initiator. 2. “…declared…throughout”: Gospel for all people: Jews...

Acts 27-28:10 Storms Open Doors For Ministry

Romans 1:9, 10 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers, 10making request if, by some means, now at last I may find a way in the will of God to come to you. Acts 23:11...

Acts 28:11-15 The Blessings Of Encouragement

I. Paul’s Past A. Paul’s Recent Past 1. 27 months earlier: Wrongly accused in Jerusalem Temple area, beaten by mob, arrested by Romans & imprisoned in Caesarea for 2 ½ years 2. After appealing to Caesar, Paul transported by ship, but shipwrecked on the way 3....

Acts 3:1-10

I. The Lame Man A. Lifetime Of Lameness 2And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb 1. Never walked a day in his life 2. No reference point regarding walking, running, even standing. 3. Worse than previously walking and then losing that ability. B. Dependent Upon...

Acts 3:1-9

I. What People Ask For Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth hour. Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask...

Acts 3:1-9

Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who...

Acts 3:1-9

I. What People Ask For Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth hour. Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask...

Acts 3:11-12

I. God Wants To Do Great Things v.11 God wants to do things that will cause people to be greatly amazed. This involves Christians stepping out in faith as we perceive God leading us. It could be… 1. Miraculous healing 2. Bold witnessing 3. Step of faith- “ventures of...

Acts 3:13-26 Peter’s 2nd Sermon

I. The Truth About Jesus A. Glorified Via Resurrection vs. 13a,15b 1. Resurrection of Jesus from the dead proves who he was. 2. Jesus said His resurrection would be a sign of authenticity of who He was. 3. John 14:6 I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one...