Lesson 8 – 1 Peter 4:1-19

by | Oct 18, 2024 | 1 Peter, Cornerstone Women's Bible Study

Read 1 Peter 4:1-6 – Armed With the Same Mind

1. Jesus endured great suffering for our salvation. Peter tells us that we need to have that same commitment, that same mind, to endure struggles. The picture is that of a soldier who puts on his equipment and arms himself for battle. Our attitudes are weapons, and weak or wrong attitudes will lead us to defeat. Outlook determines outcome, and a believer must have the right attitude if he is to live a right life. – Wiersbe How would you describe this “right attitude” and this “right life”?

2. Suffering itself doesn’t cause us to stop sinning, though suffering for Christ’s sake may increase our commitment to sin less. But the idea here is that as Christians, we are identified with Jesus in His suffering. (see Rom. 6) As we yield our lives to Him, more and more we have the same attitude toward sin as does Jesus. Sin no longer dominates our lives because we are a new creation living under grace. What does Rom. 6:14 tell us?

3. (vs 2) We all have “the rest of his (her) time.” We all have the choice of how to live out the rest of our days. What contrast does Peter present here?

4. The “will of the Gentiles” means the “will of the unsaved world.” What does Peter tell us we have already spent enough time doing?

5. (vs 4) What do unbelievers think is strange about you? But one day they will understand because they will have to do what according to verse 5?

6. Verse 6 can be interpreted in several different ways, but most likely, the “dead” refers to the “spiritually dead.” Using verse 6 for your answer, why is the gospel preached?

Read 1 Peter 4:7-11 – The Ultimate Purpose for Serving

1. What does Matthew 24:44 tell us?

a. According to 1 Peter 4:7, what should this cause us to do?

b. Describe this attitude toward prayer.

2. The importance of the next statement in verse 8 is evident. What does fervent love look like? What is the reason for this love? What does it mean to “cover a multitude of sins”?

3. (vs 9) How is godly hospitality described? Practically speaking, describe godly hospitality.

4. What do we learn about the gifts God gives us from verses 10 and 11?

5. Toward the end of verse 11 we are given the ultimate reason behind the giving of gifts. What is it?

6. (vs 11) What should be our motivation when we use our gifts and when we minister to others?
What should our motivation never be, and why might this be a temptation?

Read 1 Peter 4:12-19 – Suffering in a Godly Manner

1. What does “do not think it strange” indicate? In contrast, how should we respond (see verse 13)

2. The Greek word translated “fiery trial” is also used to describe the intense fire that burned away impurities in metals. This fiery trial is to “try you”. What does this mean?

3. Jesus suffered greatly. According to Hebrews 12:2, why did He endure such suffering?

4. Until Jesus returns, suffering will be part of the Christian life. How does Rom. 8:18-22 add to our understanding?

5. From verses 14-16, describe suffering as a Christian.

6. In verse 15 there are four sins listed that will cause suffering. This is a different type of suffering That is caused by our own wrongdoing. Consider these four sins. Are you surprised to see “busybody in other people’s matters” listed among the others? Your thoughts?

7. Christians do not glorify God for suffering, but rather we glorify Him in suffering. What is the difference?

8. Verse 16 is one of only three places in the scriptures where followers of Jesus are called Christians. The other two are found in Acts 11:26 and Acts 26:28? Describe the title “Christ.” What does it mean to you to be identified as a follower of Christ, as a Christian? Does your life reflect the privilege of being a Christian?

9. In verse 17, judgment does not imply condemnation, but rather the evaluation of a believer’s works for the purpose of reward. The “house of God” does not refer to a building, but to Christians. Consider this quote: Now is our time of fiery trial (1 Peter 4:12); the ungodly will have their fire later. The fire we endure now purifies us; the fire the ungodly will endure will punish them. As Christians, we will never face this fiery punishment. Why?

10. Finally, what instruction are we given as those who suffer according to the will of God? (vs 19)