Lesson 7 – Philippians 3:12-21

by | Oct 15, 2024 | Cornerstone Women's Bible Study, Philippians

Read Philippians 3:12-14 – Pressing Toward the Goal

1. The word translated “attained” in verse 12, is different from the one in verse 11. Here it means “to take possession of” or “to lay hold of.” The word translated “perfected” means “matured, completed, finished”. What is Paul saying about himself by these phrases?

2. The beginning of verse 12 speaks of what Paul is not, and then of what he is doing: Paul presses on. What does it mean to press on?

3. At the end of verse 12 Paul tells us why. What does he say? What does it mean?

4. Paul presses on toward the goal for the prize. What is the prize? (vs 14)

5. Going back to verse 13, Paul states “this one thing I do.” Paul always seemed to keep the main thing the main thing! Though he had many things from his past and present that could have discouraged him, he kept pressing on. How does this speak to you? How should it speak to Christians today?

Read Philippians 3:15-16 – Being of the Same Mind

1. Paul exhorts the Philippians to adopt this same attitude. If they were not convinced of this, he trusted that the Lord would reveal the necessity of it to them. Paul trusted in the ability of the Lord to speak directly to the hearts of people. How might we apply this same understanding in our ministry to others?

2. How would you explain verse 16? This quote from Guzik may help: “What we don’t know can never excuse us from failing to fulfill what we do know to do.”

Read Philippians 3:17-21 – Our Citizenship is Heaven

1. In verse 17 Paul is encouraging the Philippians to follow the godly example of those who were among them. They are like a pattern to follow. What further insight do we find in 1 Cor. 11:1?

a. We know that Paul did not say this arrogantly. What verses from last week’s lesson confirm this? What further insight into Paul’s perspective does 1 Tim 1:15 provide?

b. In what ways can we apply verse 17 to us today? What things in the example of others can/should we use as a pattern for our lives?

2. Paul uses the word “walk” in verse 17 as well as verse 18. What does he mean by this word?

3. (vs 18) Paul cautions us though, to be wise in whose example is followed. This is so true for us today! It brings Paul to tears to think about those he calls the enemies of the cross of Christ.

In the chart below, fill in what Paul says about the enemies of the cross of Christ in verse 19, and describe what these things mean.


Enemies of the Cross Described                                      Explain These Descriptions

 ie: whose end is destruction





4. Because our citizenship is in heaven, where are we to set our minds? See Col 3:2

a. One way to do that is found in verse 20. What does it say we should be doing?

b. How might this mindset affect the life of a Christian?

5. Speaking of the future work of Jesus, what does verse 21 say He will do?

a. Transform means to change in appearance. What God will transform is the physical body. Our bodies now are weak and susceptible to sin, disease, and death. How will our transformed bodies be different?

b. Jesus was not merely resuscitated from the dead in the same body. He was resurrected in a new body, patterned after the old yet equipped and fitted for heaven. – Guzik.
What do we know from the scriptures about Jesus’ resurrected body?

6. The end of verse 21 speaks of God’s omnipotence. What does it say God is able to subdue?

a. Define subdue.

b. How should this increase our faith and encourage us in our Christian walk?