Lesson 4 – 1 Peter 2:1-10

by | Oct 17, 2024 | 1 Peter, Cornerstone Women's Bible Study

Read 1 Peter 2:1-3 – Responding to the Word of God

1. In Chapter 1, Peter shared with us about the glory and eternal quality of the Word of God. Now he says, “Therefore,” or “in light of this,” there is an appropriate way to receive God’s Word. How should we respond to the Word of God according to verse 2?

2. God’s Word has life, gives life, and nourishes life. We should have appetites for the Word just like hungry newborn babes. – Wiersbe We should WANT the Word. Define the word “desire”. (See also Psalm 42:1)

a. A child, or anyone for that matter, can ruin their appetite by eating the wrong things. We’ve all seen it and probably all done it! Done often, one’s appetite will be hindered and growth stunted. Peter is saying that we should set aside certain wrong attitudes that would hinder our appetite for the Word, and stunt our spiritual growth. From verse 1, describe these unhealthy things.

b. On a scale of 1-5. How would you rate your desire for God’s Word? What might be hindering you that needs to be set aside? How will you take action to increase this godly desire?

c. Comment on this quote: It is sad when Christians have no appetite for God’s word and must be fed religious entertainment instead. – Wiersbe

3. According to verse 2, when our desire is for the Word of God, what will be the result?

4. In verse 3, Peter clarifies who it is that should be desiring the Word of God. In what ways have you tasted, or experienced, that the Lord is gracious? Define “gracious”.

Read 1 Peter 2:4-5 – Coming to Jesus

1. Consider the way Jesus is described in verse 4. Look up the following verses and further describe your Savior.

a. Living stone: Matt. 28:6
b. Rejected by men: Psalm 118:22, 1 Pet. 2:7b
c.Chosen by God: 1 Pet. 1:20
d. Precious: Is. 28:16

2. Though Jesus is the living stone, we are called living stones. Note the phrase “being built” in verse 5. What does this tell you?

3. Using Eph. 2:19-22, what do we know about this spiritual house being built?

4. Stones are of no use unless they are in their proper place on the building, and resting on the foundation. Apply this to your spiritual life.

5. In Old Testament times and in some church traditions today, people go through a priest or mediator to approach God. But we are a holy priesthood with Jesus as our high priest! What does Heb. 4:16 tell us?

6. According to verse 5, for what purpose are we being built? What are spiritual sacrifices?

Read 1 Peter 2:6-8 – The Chief Cornerstone

1. The Old Testament speaks often of Jesus. Comment on this quote: Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of Psalm 118, the stumbling stone of Isaiah 8, the foundation stone of Isaiah 28, the supernatural stone of Daniel 2, and the rock that miraculously gave Israel water in the wilderness (1 Corinthians 10:4). – Guzik

2. From verses 6-8, compare “he who believes” with those who are “disobedient.”

3. Isaiah 8:14 is quoted both here in verse 8 and in Rom. 9:33. Read Rom. 9:30-33. What further insight do you find?

4. (vs 8b) Those who continue to stumble over Jesus and are disobedient to the Word of God are appointed to eternal damnation. This is a choice that each person must make: will they continue to stumble in their disobedience, or will they stand firmly on the Rock of their Salvation? Look up Matthew 21:44. Compare those spoken of in the first half of the verse, with those spoken of in the second half. What does this mean?

Read 1 Peter 2:9-10 – A Privileged People

1. If you are a Christian, then these verses describe you! Note the following: Chosen speaks of the grace extended to us by God. Priesthood speaks of our access to God. Nation speaks of us being under the authority of God. His own speaks of us belonging to God. We are these things so that we “may proclaim the praises of Him.” So PRAISE HIM as you meditate on this!

2. Verses 9b and 10 describe the Christian as they were before salvation and after salvation. Using these verses, fill in the blanks to complete this idea…and then Praise the Lord!

a. Called you ________into _________________________________
b. Who once were ____but are now  ___________________________
c. Who had ________ but now _______________________________