Acts 13:1-3 A Missionary Church

What defines a missionary church? Background of the church in Antioch 1. Gentile church 2. Established by Barnabus and Paul 3. In Acts 13, the focus now shifts from Jerusalem to Antioch. Chapter 13 on… 4. Antioch takes the lead in reaching the world with the gospel....

Acts 12:18-25 The Danger Of Flattery

Read 12:1-5, 18-25 I. Herod’s Position In Life Herod Agrippa I, king of Israel grandson of Herod the Great. Devoted to the Roman Empire. Also won the affection of the Jews. Difficult to do. Romans hated in Israel. Much fighting between Jews and Romans. Romans-...

Acts 11:19-30 What A Christian Looks Like

I. They Were Converted Vs. 19-21 A. They Heard The Preaching 1. Preaching-a proclamation; an announcement 2. Jesus is the subject a. Mankind guilty before God b. Jesus- God’s substitutionary sacrifice for man’s sins 3. Not self-help or morality 4. Preaching Is God’s...

Acts 11:1-18 Handling Contentions

Contend- To separate, make a distinction, discriminate, to oppose, strive with dispute I. The Contention-Two Groups A. Jewish Christians 1. Jews-1st to receive the revelation and Law of God 2. 1st to learn of the holiness of God 3. Early Jews to live separate from...