Acts 16:1-15 Obey, Adapt, Follow

I. Obey No Matter What 16:1, 2 A. Obedience Can Be Difficult Lystra- Paul attacked by a mob, stoned, and left for dead. Fear, discouragement, heartbreak, attack @ Lystra. Scars probably still visible, memories real. Paul willing to return to place of difficulty....

Acts 15:12-31 Grace, Liberty, Love

I. The Issue Of Salvation- A Problem A. Jews & Gentiles Being Saved B. Judaizers Bring Different Doctrine To Antioch 15:1, 5 C. Paul & Barnabus Refute Them Galatians 2:5 “…to whom we did not yield submission even for an hour, that the truth of the gospel might...

Acts 15:1-12 Contending For Grace

I. The Setting A. Paul & Barnabus Back from 1st missionary journey. Been home perhaps a year. Back home in Antioch. Back with the church. B. God’s Work Among Gentiles Jews & Gentiles are getting saved. Fellowship between Jews and Gentiles in Antioch This is a...

Acts 14:19-28 Grace For God’s Call

2 Timothy 2:1 You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Be strong- endunamoō- en-doo-nam-o’-o- to empower:—enable, (increase in) strength (-en), be (make) strong, to receive strength. Acts 14:26 26From there they sailed to Antioch,...