Acts 17:16-34 Speaking To The Unchurched

Acts 17:16-34 Speaking To The Unchurched   Athens 17:18-21 500 years past its prime. Still the biggest city for the development of education, culture, and philosophy. Home of Aristotle, Plato, Socrates.   Idolatry- Athens was given over to idolatry ANCIENT...

Acts 17:1-15 God Wants Us To Think

I. Paul Presented The Truth About Jesus Vs. 1-3 A. The Setting 1. Paul always started in a local synagogue. People who had God’s word 2. The Jews had God’s word, therefore, Paul reasoned from the O.T. scriptures 3. Reasoned- (Hughes) “…is the root for our...

Acts 16:22-40 By-Product Evangelism

Key verse- Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Proposition- Christian: Live for Jesus and you will influence others for Christ. I. Opposition Vs. 22-24 Objection #1- Every time I try to...