Acts 3:1-10

I. The Lame Man A. Lifetime Of Lameness 2And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb 1. Never walked a day in his life 2. No reference point regarding walking, running, even standing. 3. Worse than previously walking and then losing that ability. B. Dependent Upon...

Acts 3:1-9

I. What People Ask For Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth hour. Acts 3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful,...

Acts 3:13-26 Restoration And Refreshing

I. Creation A. God’s Design & Desire 1. Order From Disorder Gen. 1:1-5 2. God’s Provision For Man Gen. 1:27-29 3. God & Man In Fellowship Gen. 2:8,9,15; 3:8 B. Man’s Disobedience 1. God’s One Law Gen. 2:16,17 2. Man’s Disobedience Gen. 3:1-7 C. Consequence Of...

Acts 2:14-41 Peter Preaches Christ

2:14,15 There was confusion about what was happening with God’s people. There was confusion about what God was doing. There is often still confusion about what God is doing among people. Confusion among God’s people or about God is best clarified by God’s word. 2:16...

Acts 2:4 The Gift Of Tongues

I. Comes Via Baptism (Filling) Of Holy Spirit A. Spoken Of By John The Baptist 1. John 1:29-33 2. Jesus is the Baptizer 3. The element of the Holy Spirit B. Spoken Of By Jesus 1. John 7:37-39 Speaks of the overflowing experience 2. John 20:22 Speaks of conversion,...