Acts 8:14-17 The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

I. The Samaritans A. Before Conversion 1. Spiritually Deceived By Simon- a. Astonished and attracted to magical arts. b. Believed Simon the Sorcerer was from God. 2. Some Were Demon Possessed 3. Some Physically Infirm 4. People’s Condition Apart From Jesus- Acts 26:18...

Acts 7 Resisting The Clear Truth From God

I. Accusations Against Stephen Read 6:8-15 A. Blasphemous Words 1. Against Moses 6:11 2. Against God 6:11 3. Against The Temple 6:13 4. Against The Law Of Moses 6:13 a. Sabbath keeping b. Circumcision c. Worship @ Temple B. Change Our Way Of Worship 1. Jesus To...

Acts 6:8-15 The Face Of An Angel

I. Stephen A. Background 1. Hellenist Jew who had become a Christian 2. A Jewish Christian w/a Greek background Probably read from the Septuagint, a Greek Translation of the Old Testament. 3. Maybe recently moved to Israel, maybe 1st or 2nd generation in Israel. 4....

Acts 5:27-42 Being Persuaded To Obey God

I. Being Persuaded To Obey Man A. A Definition 1. G 3982. peitho, pi’-tho- to persuade to obey a. to convince by argument, whether true or false b. to pacify or conciliate, to gain by acts of kindness c. assure, make friend B. Examples 2. Mat 27:20 But the chief...