Acts 10:44-48 Cornelius & The Holy Spirit

I. The Work Of The H.S. In Cornelius’ Life A. Pre-Salvation 1. Cornelius- not the same circumstance for everyone a. Gentile, Roman, soldier. Respectable, powerful, influential. b. Lived and served under a powerful, but idolatrous nation c. Dissatisfied with idolatry...

Acts 10:34-43 What To Say About Jesus

I. No Partiality V. 34 A. Jesus’ View Of Humanity 1. No Partiality- KJV- “No respecter of persons” 2. Mankind’s tendency- accept or reject people based upon our cultural, physical, intellectual, or emotional standards. 3. Not how God sees humanity. 4. Luke 16:14,15...

Acts 9:15 What Kind Of Vessel Are You?

I. Vessel- Merriam Webster Dictionary A. “A Container For Holding Something” 1. Some vessels used for permanent storage, i.e. an urn. 2. Most vessels hold something that is intended to be poured out later. B. “A Person Into Whom Some Quality Is Infused” 1. A child of...

Acts 9:1-9 The Conversion Of Saul

I. Saul’s Sinful Condition Prior To Conversion A. Saul Persecuted Christians Vs. 1, 2 1. Received letters from High Priest to arrest Christians. 2. “Breathing threats & murder…” Panting; “desperately and incessantly bent” 3. See also Acts 8:3-raged liked a wild...

Acts 9:32-42 The Fruit Of Good Works

I. Good Works-Blessing To Others A. Miraculous Works Thru Jesus & His Followers 1. Healings- lame, withered hands, blind, leprosy, fevers, hemorrhages. 2. Dead Raised 3. Demons cast out of people 4. People received tremendous blessings from these miraculous good...