Acts 6:8-15 The Face Of An Angel

by | Jul 25, 2024 | Acts, New Testament

I. Stephen

A. Background

1. Hellenist Jew who had become a Christian
2. A Jewish Christian w/a Greek background
Probably read from the Septuagint, a Greek Translation of the Old Testament.
3. Maybe recently moved to Israel, maybe 1st or 2nd generation in Israel.
4. Foreign Jews wanted to be buried in Israel, moved their families there
5. This influx created social & cultural tension between Israeli Jews and foreign Jews. Different names, mannerisms, accents, clothing, etc.
6. Underlying tension in Acts 6:1
7. The early church was bi-cultural: Jewish culture, and Greek culture.
8. Stephen, greatly used by God, the church’s first martyr, came from a cultural minority.
9. EX.- Black man in an all white church in Mississippi in the 1960’s, becoming a leader in the church.
EX.-A white collar professional in a church of bikers, ex-convicts, and people in recovery.

B. Character

1. Good Reputation
2. Full of Holy Spirit- yielded to H.S.
3. Full of wisdom
4. Willing to wait on widows, passing out food
5. Full of faith- Believed and acted upon God’s promises.
6. Full of power- the result of the yielded and believing life.
7. Used by God to do miracles
8. Spoke with wisdom by the Holy Spirit
9. NOTE- These cultural, social issues didn’t hold Stephen back; he pushed ahead with his life in Christ.
10. Stephen’s chronology:

a. Perhaps grew up in a pagan environment
b. Hellenist Jew, cultural misfit among Jews.
c. Takes another step “down” by becoming a Christian
d. Becomes a godly man, good reputation, well known and respected
e. Willing to wait tables.
f. Becomes a deacon, miracle worker, and great speaker
g. First martyr in Christian church- Acts 7

11. Stephen was faithful with the life and ministries that God gave him.
He went from small responsibilities to larger responsibilities, b/c he was faithful.
See Luke 16:10-12

II. The Opposition

A. Synagogue Of The Freedmen

1. Former Roman slaves who had been legally freed
2. They were practiced Judaism-there were synagogues for different people groups
3. Freedmen were socially ranked below a Jewish proselyte
4. The lowest ranking Jew is coming against Stephen, the Christian
5. This reveals the social, cultural, religious disdain of Jews against Christians
6. Alexandria- origin of the Greek O.T.; the Septuagint- translated by 70 scholars

B. Tactics & Character

1. Disputed w/ Stephen, unable to resist Stephen’s words
2. Secretly induced others to lie- the false of blasphemy: highest crime possible
3. Stirred up people to violence
4. Set up false witnesses- paid people to lie in court; similar to Jesus’ accusers
5. Brought Stephen to the council, the Sanhedrin.
6. Used religion as a reason to lie, etc.
7. They thought they were defending God by getting rid of Christianity
8. Blind to their own hypocrisy
9.Deut. 19:18- False witnesses in a capital case were to be executed.
The result they wanted with Stephen is what they themselves deserved.
10. Ultimately, they were confounded by Stephen’s wisdom and calm demeanor, and they were so full of hate that they murdered Stephen.

C. Opposition Promised

NOTE- A true Christian will suffer opposition & persecution.

1. Matt. 5:10,11 Matt. 5:43-48
2. Matt. 10:16-20
3. Question- If you never experience persecution or opposition, ask yourself…

a. Am I truly a Christian? Many think they are a Christian, just b/c they go to church, or know about the Bible, or were baptized.
b. Jesus said that on the Day of judgment, many will be rejected who thought they were saved from God’s wrath.
c. Am I so much like unbelievers that people don’t know I am a Christian?
d. If I really am a Christian, why don’t I speak about Jesus?
e. Am I a man pleaser, or a God pleaser?

4. John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

III. Heavenly Response

A. The Face Of An Angel

1. Probably a glow, reminiscent of Moses. Did the Council reflect upon Moses?
2. A calm, otherworldly peaceful countenance. Close communion w/God

B. Ingredients For An Angel Face

1. Life surrendered to God. We have seen Stephen’s life.
2. Matthew 16:25-27
3. Philippians 4:6-9
4. Rom. 8:28– Stephen’s death prompted persecution that ultimately spread the gospel to other lands. Jesus had said to make disciples of all nations.