Acts 6:1-7 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 Growing Pains

by | Jul 25, 2024 | Acts, New Testament

I. The Church

A. An Organism, Not A Machine

1. Machines-

a. No natural (upward) change
b. No spontaneity (except when they break down)
c. Operate routinely, as they are designed to do.

2. Human Body- Not A Machine

a. Many changes throughout life
b. We are more than just a physical in nature
c. We change physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually
d. Those changes can be painful or exhilarating
e. Those changes can be anticipated, or come unexpectedly

3. Church: Body Of Christ- Many Parallels To Human Body

a. The church changes in many ways
b. Sometimes expectedly, other times, unexpectedly

B. Our Response To Change

1. Many People Do Not Like Change

a. Change demands adjustment
b. Change doesn’t ask our permission

2. Many Do Not Want Any Change In Their Lives

a. If open to change, some people want to set parameters of change
b. Control the changes

C. Stay Connected To The Head

1. Human Body- Stays Connected

a. The human body receives direction from the brain, the head
b. When changes occur, the head doesn’t separate the changing part
c. The changing part doesn’t turn away from the head.

2. Church Body- Stay Connected

a. Matt. 16:18– “I will build my church”
b. Some don’t like when Jesus builds His church
c. Some want church to stay the same

i. Small church, so we can know everyone
ii. That can be a selfish desire
iii. Same leadership, pastors, workers
iv. What if God wants to move someone on?

d. Like the human body, be directed by the Head: Jesus

D. Change Brings Challenges

1. Are we interested in keeping our church experience the way we like it?
2. Or are we interested in seeing Jesus build His church?
3. Church should not be self-focused. It should be Jesus & others focused.
4. Don’t be a consumer; be a worshipper and a servant.

II. Growing Pains

A. Growth

1. The Lord Added- Acts 2:47 3000 saved
2. The Lord Subtracted Acts 5 Ananias & Sapphira
3. The Lord Multiplied Acts 6:1

B. Problems

1. Logistical Problem

a. Not enough diakonos- deacons
b. Shortage in workers.

2. Cultural Problem

a. Wrongly interpreted as a prejudice problem-Hebrews & Hellenists
b. Possibility of church leaders & others being blamed

3. There will be growing pains in the church

a. Numerical growth
b. Spiritual growth- new, different ministries, people in new areas
c. Demands godly adjustments
d. Avoid emotional reactions
e. Don’t be issue driven, need driven

III. Solving Growing Pains

A.Know The Priorities

1. The Apostles Knew Their First Calling

a. They weren’t above distributing food
b. They needed to give priority to God’s calling
c. Don’t leave study and prayer in order to serve tables
d. Chuck Swindoll- “Enough time to put my feet up on the desk”

2. They Had An “Our Church” Mentality

a. Church not to be run by small group of professionals
b. Every Christian is equipped to serve in some way
c. Apostles knew that the Body has many members

B. Take The Right Steps

1. Explain priorities– “It is not desirable…we will give ourselves…”
2. Seek God’s solution from among them- “…seek out from among you…”
3. Needful situations still require godly solutions and godly people.

C. Trust God With The Results

1. Godly people seeking…
2. Godly solutions, find…
3. Godly results

a. The multitude was pleased
b. Godly men were chosen

i. Seven Hellenist, Greek speaking Jews
ii. How appropriate to minister to Hellenist widows

c. The Apostles ratified their choices for deacons
d. God’s Word spread
e. Disciples multiplied
f. Even Jewish priests became saved