Acts 19:8-20 Jesus Is The Power You Need

by | Sep 12, 2024 | Acts, New Testament

I. Paul

In Ephesus, modern day Turkey; 3rd missionary journey.

A. Paul’s Life With Jesus V. 11

1. By- through, with, by means of
2. Paul’s life was given over to Christ, surrendered to Christ
3. Paul’s life was lived in close communion with Jesus
4. Paul was an open conduit for Jesus. Jesus worked in & through Paul
5. 1 Corinthians 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

B. Result: Jesus’ Ministry Through Paul

1. Spoke boldly, reasoning, persuading re. kingdom of God                V. 8
2. B/c of persecution, he sought safety for his students,
and continued even with persecution nearby                    V. 9
3. Prolonged teaching ministry under pressure.                V. 10
Fruitful: all in Asia heard the gospel; probably Paul’s students
4. Other churches started through this prolonged teaching ministry at the school of Tyrannus. (Laodicea, Colosse)
5. Early morning schooling, then work, then break from 11a.m. – 4p.m.
Paul may have taught during this afternoon break.
Paul was supporting himself as a tentmaker. Long days for Paul.
6. All this happened in Ephesus: a center of occultic practices.
Many demon possessed people there; many exorcists.
A location to learn exorcism. Ephesus was full of demonic activity.
Textbook on exorcism- “The Ephesian Spells”
7. Unusual miracles-                                   Vs. 11, 12
Purpose of miracles- display power of God, show His sovereignty,
Bring relief to suffering people.
Example– Book of Exodus: God’s miracles over the false gods of Egypt
He showed Himself sovereign, and brought freedom to His people
8. God did many “regular” miracles through Paul.
In this city of demonic activity, God did unusual miracles.
Cloths were taken from Paul; Paul doesn’t seem to promote this.
Probably Paul’s work bandanas with which he wiped sweat.
God met these superstitious people at their point of need.
He also magnified Himself
9. Ephesians realized the superiority of Jesus & weakness of their idolatry
Huge wake up call for many Ephesians.
10. Read Matthew 12:24-30. Deliverance from demonic possession announces that “A Stronger One Has Arrived”
11. Man- powerless against the “Strong Man”. Jesus-omnipotent

II. The Seven Sons Of Sceva

A. No Relationship With Jesus

1. They see the great miracles from Paul’s life
2. They “take it upon themselves” to act like a Christian        V. 13, 14
3. They “add a little Jesus” to their methods & lifestyles

B. No Power Over The Demon

1. They seek to have power over Satan by using Jesus’ name.     V. 15, 16
2. They are severely beaten by the demon

III. Mankind & Satan

A. Satan & The Christian

1. Jesus I knowginosko– to know by experience. V. 15

a. No atheist or agnostic demons
b. The demonic realm believes in Jesus.

2. Paul I know– to know by reason of proximity, or as a result of prolonged attention. Demon had been watching Paul              V. 15
3. To be used by God is to be known in Hell.
4. Job 1:6-12 Satan had studied Job; knew that God was protecting him.
5. Peter- Luke 22: 31, 32 Satan demanded permission to sift Peter.
6. Jesus prayed for Peter. Jesus prays for us.
Hebrews 7:25 “…He always lives to make intercession for us”.

B. Satan & The Unbeliever

1. But who are you?              V. 15
The demon didn’t know these Jewish itinerant exorcists.
They were not a threat to the kingdom of God.
2. The demon shows his power and his true intentions
Satan’s intentions- kill, steal, destroy, lie, deceive, be worshiped
Turn to Luke 8:26-37 Man unable to help this man.

a. Many are in chains in our days
b. Some demonic control is obvious
c. Other times- not so obvious.

3. Satan & demons- not afraid of mere mortal man, even religious men
4. It is not experiential knowledge of God that saves someone.
Salvation- not knowing “about” Jesus, but “knowing Jesus”.
Satan sometimes reveals his true colors, loses his disguise.

IV. Jesus’ Intentions

A. Set People Free                  Vs.18-20

B. Be Magnified As Lord         V. 17

1. The Ephesians suddenly realized they vulnerability against demons
2. The saw the real power of God thru Paul’s life. They feared God.
3. They realized that even sons of the chief priest were subject to demons.
4. Only Satan respects is what he is forced to respect-He bows to Christ
5. When we come to Jesus, He doesn’t share us w/Satan or his demons.
1 John 4:4 He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.