Acts 17:1-15 God Wants Us To Think

by | Sep 4, 2024 | Acts, New Testament

I. Paul Presented The Truth About Jesus Vs. 1-3

A. The Setting

1. Paul always started in a local synagogue. People who had God’s word
2. The Jews had God’s word, therefore, Paul reasoned from the O.T. scriptures
3. Reasoned- (Hughes) “…is the root for our English word dialogue. There was exchange, questions and answers. He dialogued with them ‘from the Scriptures.’”
4. With Gentiles, Paul reasoned in a different way. (Acts 17:16-34)

a. How flexible or capable are you to reason with different people in different ways? Different starting point. Different approach.
b. You would reason differently with an atheist than you would with a theist.
c. You reason differently with a Mormon than you do with a Buddhist.

5. NOTE- Admittedly, sharing Jesus isn’t always just an “exercise in reason”.

a. Some simply need to hear the word of God, and they believe.
b. John 7:37 “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink”.

B. Paul Explained (Opening KJV) V. 3

1. Consider the intense activity of a womb opening for the first time.
2. The same is true for the person wrestling with truth in a new way.

C. Paul Demonstrated (Alleging KJV) V. 3

1. Like placing food on a table. To set something before someone.

D. Paul Reasoned V. 2

1. To mingle thought w/thought, to ponder, revolve in mind. To discuss, converse.
2. Matthew Henry on reasoning…

a. “The preaching of the gospel should be both scriptural preaching & rational; Paul reasoned out of the scriptures.”
b. Reason must not be set up in competition w/the scripture, but it must be made use of in explaining & applying the scripture.

3. Consider the dialogue that Jesus had with the Samaritan woman in John 4.
4. Illogical beliefs-A Quote Regarding Homosexuality & God’s Judgment
“It is disappointing to find “Christians” who do not know our God of love, the God who loved the world and sent His Son to save it. It seems they worship the Bible, not this God.”

a. The author spoke of a God of love who doesn’t punish anyone
b. The author alludes to John 3:16, which speaks of saving from sin
c. The author ignores John 3:18-21, which speaks of God’s eternal judgment.
d. As written, the quote is illogical in context with the article.

4. Stating the Gospel is important, but it often doesn’t require patience or reasoning. It is useful for some, but others need to be reasoned with, which requires, love, commitment, patience, and a very good working knowledge of the Bible and how to connect Biblical truths and apply them to the world we live in.
5. We need to explain the word of God clearly and allow time for people to understand & perhaps wrestle w/the truth about Jesus Christ.
6. NOTE-Good resource-”Mama Bear Apologetics” by Hillary Morgan Ferrer

II. Paul’s Message To Thessalonica V. 3

A. Their Wrong Thinking

1. Inconceivable to Jews that they would reject their Messiah, but they did.
2. Inconceivable that He would suffer and die on a cross, but He did.
3. The cross was offensive to the Jews b/c of Roman occupation.
4. Galatians 3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”),
(Quoting Deuteronomy 21:23 in O.T.)
5. 1 Corinthians 1:23 “we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block…”

B. Paul Reasons From The Scriptures

1. Messiah Must Suffer Isaiah 50:4-7; 52:13-15; 53:1-12 750 B.C.
2. Messiah Must Die Psalm 22 1250 B.C.
3. Raised From The Dead Psalm 16:7-11 1250 B.C.
4. For three consecutive Sabbaths, Paul presented Jesus from the O.T.
5. He explained, demonstrated, & reasoned with them.
6. He allowed them to think through, & reason within themselves.
7. Paul’s reasoning ministry was effective. V. 6

C. Reasoning From Other Sources

1. Reasoning from science, or from other religious books.
2. Reasoning philosophically. Listen to what non-Christians say and analyze it.
3. Compare other belief systems and world views with the Bible.
4. Would you be able to explain the differences, and convince someone about Biblical truth? As we do that, we also sincerely love them and listen to them.

III. Responses

A. Some Accept The Truth Vs. 4, 11
B. Others Reject The Truth

1. They were not persuaded and become envious V. 5
2. They gather a mob and attack Jason’s house V. 5
3. Upset entire cities. (200,000 in Thessalonica) Vs. 5, 8, 13
4. They pretend to care for Caesar & Rome. V. 7
5. Those who reject truth will use many arguments to promote their cause.