Acts 15:1-12 Contending For Grace

by | Aug 16, 2024 | Acts, New Testament

I. The Setting

A. Paul & Barnabus

Back from 1st missionary journey.
Been home perhaps a year. Back home in Antioch. Back with the church.

B. God’s Work Among Gentiles

Jews & Gentiles are getting saved.
Fellowship between Jews and Gentiles in Antioch

This is a fulfillment of O.T. Jews & Gentiles together.
Isaiah 9:1, 2 In Galilee of the Gentiles 2 The people who walked in darkness
Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death,
Upon them a light has shined.
Isaiah 42:1 “Behold! My Servant whom I uphold, My Elect One in whom My soul delights! I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles.

God prepared the Jews through scripture.
He told them ahead of time that He would reach out to and save Gentiles.

II. The Problem

A. The Jewish Objection

Jews had viewed the Gentiles as dogs.
Gentiles had earned the name & reputation; they were mostly debauched.
Gentiles resented the Jews b/c of this separatist & judgmental attitude.
Supernatural work of God that Jews and Gentiles were together.

B. The Judaizer’s Attack At Antioch

Certain men– Jewish Christians whose background was with the Pharisees.
Pharisees, legalists: Legalist adds to God’s word. Add works to grace.
Sadducees, liberals: Subtract from God’s word whatever you don’t like.
Both groups: Exalt their minds above God’s word. Attack God’s word.
The main problem: “Unless you…you cannot be saved”. See verse 1

III. The Response

A. Paul & Barnabus’ Response

“No small dissension and dispute”: Luke’s understated report.
There is a time to fight for the truth of God. This was that time.
Paul didn’t fight like this when they stoned him in Lystra.
Paul saved his strongest efforts in fighting for the truth of the gospel.
Jude 3 Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.
Paul & Barnabus sent by Antioch church to Jerusalem for ruling.
Notice vs. 3: great joy over salvation, not law keeping.

B. Peter’s Response Verses 7-11

This had happened 10 years earlier.
Peter hadn’t preached to Cornelius anything except the gospel.
It was the gospel of grace that God had blessed.
Not the Law of Moses or anything else.
God blessed the preaching of the gospel of grace.
Cornelius and the others were not circumcised or practicing any Jewish law in order to be saved.
“No distinction between us & them.” Vs. 9

Notice that Peter says we shall be saved in the same manner as they. Vs. 11 You would have expected Peter to say the opposite.

Peter argues from the facts.
Constant reference to God in Peter’s speech.
These kinds of arguments can be between people, opinions, and personalities.
Peter very wisely centers the point of contention upon God.
He speaks about what God has done.
The argument isn’t about Paul, Barnabus, or the church at Antioch.
It is about what God had done. The Pharisees didn’t like what God did.

IV. The Application

There is a time and a place to not back down from the truth about salvation.
The doctrine of salvation. Doctrine is critical.
We must know what we believe, and why we believe it.
Physical maturity is characterized by the ability to reproduce.
The same is true in the spiritual realm.
Maturity is knowing how & when to protect loved ones. True spiritually.
This contention was not carried out in the flesh.
It takes love for God & love for people to stand up for the truth.
Turn to Galatians: 2:21; 3:1-5; 2:16; 6:12-15;
Turn- Colossians 2:8-10 We are complete in Christ. You can’t add to completeness.
Turn- Ephesians 2:4-9 Faith through grace is what saves.
Salvation is by God’s grace. Unmerited favor; divine assistance.
If you add anything to it, then it is at least part works, and we will boast in it.
The problem with legalism is…
More involved with rules than with Jesus.
Takes the focus off of God’s grace, and puts it on your accomplishments.
Focus off of what Jesus did, puts the focus on what you’re supposed to do.
Takes the focus away from relationship, and puts it on performance.
It tests God, and puts yokes on people.
Salvation by grace doesn’t make you lawless. It makes you thankful.