Acts 14:8-18; Psalm 19 Turn To Your Maker

by | Aug 15, 2024 | Acts, New Testament

I. Worshipping Useless Things

A. The People Of Lystra

1. In Lystra, no mention of a synagogue.
2. Basically an uneducated city.
3. Commerce run by some Greeks in the city.
4. Government run by retired Roman military.
5. Middle class/lower middle class population.
6. Basic existence.
7. Superstitious group of people.
8. Non biblical heritage; fairly uneducated.
9. They believed in the Greek Gods. They worshipped useless things.
10. They were quick to make a wrong decision re. Paul & Barnabus.

B. People In General

1. Practically speaking, there are no atheists or agnostics.
2. Everyone has a master passion.
3. Phil. 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
4. What do you say? To live is…, and to die is….
5. As you fill in that blank, you discover the master passion of your life.
6. Is what you worship worthy of your worship?
The Master passion of your life?
If it is a created thing, it is not worthy of your worship.
It may be worthy of your enjoyment, your inspection, your study.
It’s not worthy of you heart, soul, spirit, life, passion, worship.
7. “The world is poor b/c her treasure is in the sky, and all her treasure maps are of the Earth.”
Man needs to look to heaven not to earth.
8. We become like the things we worship. Exciting for the Christian.
Psalm 135:15-18 15 The idols of the nations are silver and gold,
The work of men’s hands.
16 They have mouths, but they do not speak;
Eyes they have, but they do not see;
17 They have ears, but they do not hear;
Nor is there any breath in their mouths.
18 Those who make them are like them;
So is everyone who trusts in them.
9. People become spiritually dumb, blind, deaf to the true God.
10. There is a negative progression when we ignore God.
11. Turn to Romans 1:18-32
12. Paul is trying to get people to think.
13. The search for truth, the meaning of life, often occurs only after people have been disappointed with what he world offers.
(People cannot claim ignorance of God; He has revealed Himself to all)
14. Don’t wait that long. Think through the evidence for God.
15. Don’t come to God as a last resort.
16. Be a reasoning, logical person.

II. God Is Revealed Through Creation

A. Consider Creation

1. People ask for a sign from God that He exists.
2. Psalm 19 tells us that God has given us a sign that He exists.
3. The universe speaks of God’s existence. All night, in every language.
If the stars came out one night every 10 years, we would stay up all night in awe and wonder.
We lose our sense of awe b/c they shine every night.
It’s easy to stop thinking about the obvious proofs of God’s existence.
Seasons, rain, photosynthesis, birth, harvests, gravity.
4. “The world is not lacking in wonders, but in a sense of wonder”.
The world is filled w/ wonder, all day night and night, for the person who is interested in wonder.
5. The absence of critical thinking stretches far and wide.

B. Consider The Designer/Creator

1. Behind all design there is a Designer.
2. Behind every creation there is a Creator.
3. Illogical to worship designed, created thing. Not worthy of worship.
4. Creator always greater than the creation.
5. Designer always greater than the design.
6. Don’t worship sentimentally, superstitiously, but intelligently.

III. How Does One Know God?

A. Through Creation Psalm 19:1-6

1. How does Paul get through to these uneducated people?
2. How does God get through to us?
3. God doesn’t ask us to believe anything about Him that we can’t see illustrated thousands of times each day here on earth.
4. God appeals to creation and to our intellect to prove that He exists.
5. We have a sense of dependence upon Someone greater.
6. A sense of hope beyond ourselves.
7. A sense of thankfulness to Someone beyond ourselves.
8. A sense of gladness when things beyond our capabilities go well.

B. Through God’s Word Psalm 19:7-10

1. David writes of the blessings of obeying God’s Word

C. By Experience Psalm 19:11-14

1. We commit our lives to God, live by His word, & we experience Him.
2. David starts w/creation, then experience, and finally surrender.
3. God’s word has such power to change us b/c God knows His creation.
4. There is great reward in keeping God’s word b/c it is exactly what we need to hear.
5. John 7:17 If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority.
6. If we obey God’s word, we will know that His word is true.
7. We need to live life above the level of creation.
8. We need to live life in relationship with the Creator.

The initial preaching of the gospel was to those Jews and God-fearers that respected and accepted the word of God.
How do you share Christ with someone who has no background or familiarity w/the Bible?

1. Share the prophetic word re. Jesus. Is 53. Daniel 9, etc.
2. Share he word in regards to whatever is going on in their life. His word won’t return void.
3. Don’t neglect sharing the Bible with someone who doesn’t know the Bible or even believe in the Bible. The Bible has no authority in their life. Sometimes, share it anyway.
4. How do you speak to a group of people like this?