Acts 13:4-12 Darkness, Light, & The Battle For Souls

by | Aug 12, 2024 | Acts, New Testament

I. The Setting

A. Antioch to Cyprus V.4

1. 16 miles from Antioch to Seleucia
2. 100 miles by sea; a direct course to Salamis, a city on Cyprus
3. Barnabus was a Levite, and he was from Cyprus. (4:36)
4. Supernaturally led in a natural fashion. Barnabus’ former homeland

B. Salamis V.5

1. Many Jews on Cyprus
2. Multiple synagogues in Salamis, an eastern city
3. Visiting teachers were often asked to be guest speakers.
4. Their message was the Word of God re. Jesus Christ.
5. Paul, Barnabus, and Barnabus’ nephew: John Mark
6. Holy Spirit quiet about trip from Salamis to Paphos.

C. Paphos V. 6

1. Paphos on the north-west side of the island; 100 miles from Salamis
2. Paphos maintained trade relationship with Judea.
3. Paphos- center of Venus worship: Goddess of love (sexual lust)
4. Mythology claimed Venus was born along the coast at Paphos
5. Clarke- There was probably no town…more dissolute than Paphos.
6. Every woman in Paphos forced to be a temple prostitute 1x during life
7. That was normal religion for them. Very degenerate.
8. Very immoral world that this missions teams stepped into.

II. Serguis Paulus

A. Professional Standing V.7

1. Highest ranking Roman official on the island.
2. Proconsul- governor of a settled province.
3. That title never given to Roman officials in Israel.
4. That title rarely used for Roman overseers.
5. Historical account by Luke is very accurate.
6. Coins have been found on Cyprus with the title proconsul.

B. His Character

1. An intelligent man. Holy Spirit points that out.
2. He was a thinking man, with an investigative mind.
3. Calls for Barnabus & Saul, wanted to hear their message.
4. NOTE- Rare quality in these days.
5. Few who think about, investigate, or reason about spiritual truth.
6. Most people believe 2nd, 3rd, 4th hand reports. Tabloid scholars.
7. Matt. 11:29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
8. Matt. 11:15 15He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

III. Bar-Jesus

A. Why He Was There

1. Jewish magicians distrusted, yet useful to Roman officials
2. Gave advice from a Jewish perspective.

B. Who/What He Was

1. Bar-Jesus- Son of Jesus, son of Joshua
2. Joshua- Jehovah Shua- Jehovah is salvation.
3. He was a Jew, a false prophet, and a sorcerer.
4. He pretended to speak for God. He was a false prophet.
5. Magic was prohibited in the O.T., and was forbidden for Jews.
6. Blended Judaism with magic, and purposed to deceive people.

C. His Mission

1. Turn Sergius Paulus away from Christianity.
2. Gain followers. Followers means power, position, & pride.
3. Don’t lose followers (Sergius Paulus). Maintain influence, keep job.
4. Bar-Jesus not a misguided, well meaning man.
5. Purposefully deceitful for selfish reasons.
6. Keeping, controlling people is a characteristic of non-Christian cults.
7. Bar-Jesus- Twisted God’s word. Didn’t invent something totally new.
8. A partial truth is more dangerous than an obvious lie.

IV. Saul / Paul Vs. 9-10

A. Filled W/Holy Spirit
B. Exposes Him

1. Full of deceit-Magical arts. He sought to deceive people & win them
2. All fraud- readiness for anything; knavish dexterity.
3. Son of the Devil- possessing the methods of Satan. See John 8:44
4. Enemy of all righteousness-opposing all that is just, true, and good.
5. Perverting the straight ways of the Lord- to distort, to corrupt.
Same verb as in 13:8. See also Acts 20:30
6. How needed this is today. Filled w/ H.S.; standing for truth.

C. Pronounces God’s Judgment V. 11

1. Temporary, appropriate judgment
2. Opportunity to repent, realize power/truth re.Jesus
3. Albert Barnes- How soon God can bring down the pride of man, and make him as helpless as an infant! How easily can He touch our senses, the organs of our most exquisite pleasures, and wither away all our enjoyments! How dependent we are upon Him for the blessing of sight! How easily can He annihilate all the sinner’s pleasures, break up all his plans, & humble him in the dust!
4. Sergius Paulus was struck with astonishment.
5. Bar-Jesus was struck with blindness