Acts 11:19-30 What A Christian Looks Like

by | Aug 9, 2024 | Acts, New Testament

I. They Were Converted Vs. 19-21

A. They Heard The Preaching

1. Preaching-a proclamation; an announcement
2. Jesus is the subject

a. Mankind guilty before God
b. Jesus- God’s substitutionary sacrifice for man’s sins

3. Not self-help or morality
4. Preaching Is God’s method for salvation

a. Romans 1:16, 17 16For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 17For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”
b. 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 The foolishness of preaching

5. Extra credit- Notice: persecution spread the gospel. (Rom. 8:28)

B. They Believed The Message

1. Believe- cling to, trust in, rely upon
2. They turned to the Lord

a. Turned from their former way of living
b. Turned to Jesus Christ

i. Savior
ii. Lord

c. They repented- to have a change of mind and action

II. They Were Committed Vs. 22-24

A. They Received Exhortation

1. Early church concerned/interested in these new believers
2. Barnabus sent out- “Son of encouragement, son of consolation”
3. Barnabus saw/ acknowledged God’s grace in their lives
4. “He was glad”- to rejoice exceedingly. Are you glad re. God’s grace?
5. Encouraged- parakaleo-come alongside, encourage, exhort, comfort

a. Purpose of heart- a decision to take a certain course

i. Not “purpose of mind”; we frequently change our mind
ii. Purpose of heart- speaks of a love and deep affection

b. Continue with Lord; KJV-cleave: to remain with, abide with

B. They Purposed To Continue

1. They undoubtedly knew of the persecution
2. The turned their backs on their former lifestyle
3. More people became during this time; through Barnabus
4. Their commitment bears much fruit

III. They Became Disciples Vs. 25, 26a

A. Barnabus’ Ministry

1. Encouragement, exhortation, consolation
2. So important in the church today
3. 1 Thess. 3:2, 3 “ sent Timothy,…to establish you and encourage (parakaleo) you concerning your faith, 3that no one should be shaken by these afflictions;
4. Romans 12:6a, 8a 6Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them:…8he who exhorts, in exhortation; (parakaleo)
5. Barnabus knew that more was needed; they needed teaching
6. Barnabus sets out to find Saul. Why? Saul is a teacher.
7. Barnabus knew that exhortation and encouragement is not enough.
8. “…to seek Saul…”-anazateo- to make a diligent search.
9. Luke 2:44 “…but supposing Him (Jesus) to have been in the company, they went a day’s journey, & sought Him among their relatives & acquaintances.”

B. Saul’s (Paul’s) Ministry

1. Paul was a teacher
2. Paul was also a preacher
3. Two different ministries; both needed in the church.
4. Acts 4:18 So they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.
5. Paul and Barnabus taught them for a year.
6. They didn’t need more preaching, they were already saved.
7. Why is teaching important?

a. Matt. 28:18b-20a
b. Disciple- a learner. To be a disciple, you must be taught.
c. Teaching is essential for Christian growth
d. Many forsake teaching, study, doctrine. See Matt. 22:29
e. To be ignorant of the scriptures is to be ignorant of Jesus.
f. Romans 12:2

IV. They Grew To Resemble Jesus Vs. 26b-30

A. Called Christians

1. Follower of Jesus; Christ like; little Jesus
2. There was no other term that could be applied to these people.
3. They didn’t give themselves this name; the unbelievers did.
4. Such was their life and lifestyle.  Such was their testimony.
5. The teaching of Paul produced people that looked like Jesus.

B. What Evidences Of Christ Likeness

1. Brotherly love

2. Selflessness in assisting other Christians

3. According to their ability

4.They determined to send relief.