Acts 10:1-8 Mark 12:28-34 Profile Of A God Seeker

by | Jul 25, 2024 | Acts, New Testament

I. The Gentiles-Non Jews

A. Polytheistic
B. Generally Immoral
C. Hated, Avoided By Jews

II. Cornelius-Different

A. Secular Life 10:1

1. Centurion- ruled over 100 men
2. Description-

a. Legion- 6000 soldiers
b. Regiment- 600 soldiers
c. Centurions-Master sergeants: backbone of Roman army.

3. Centurions seen in Bible- well spoken of

B. Spiritual & Moral Life

1. Devout-godly, pious, dutiful
2. Feared God- A “God fearer”

a. Not a practicing Jew; no circumcision, feast days, etc.
b. Deep respect for God’s word, holy living.
c. Not polytheistic; believed in Jehovah of the Jews.
d. Worshipped God from afar; outside of Judaism.

3. Influenced others spiritually

a. His household feared God 10:2
b. Had a devout soldier under his command 10:7
c. Sphere of influence went beyond his home 10:24

4. Cared about people-gave alms generously 10:2
5. Man of prayer- prayed always 10:4
6. A just man- upright, righteous, virtuous 10:22
7. Good reputation among nation of Jews 10:22

a. Not just another Gentile
b. Cornelius- noticeable among godly people

8. Sought God by fasting 10:30

C. Cornelius’ Spiritual Need

1. In spite of all Cornelius’ wonderful attributes, he was still unsaved
2. Cornelius was still in his sin, and in danger of the judgment of God
3. Cornelius type people can be in a dangerous place in life

a. Praised by others for their goodness
b. Can have a false sense of rightness with God.

4. Turn to Titus 3:3-7
5. Cornelius was still lacking righteousness before God
6. Salvation- non-negotiable issue. “…what you must do…” 10:6
7. Cornelius understood that he was not saved see 11:13, 14
8. Like Nicodemus, Cornelius was religious, yet unsaved.

III. God’s Response To Cornelius

A. God’s Heart Towards A Cornelius

1. God heard Cornelius’ prayers
2. God saw the sincerity of Cornelius’ actions
3. Hagar- Genesis 16:11 The angel of the LORD also said to her: “You are now with child and you will have a son. You shall name him Ishmael,
(Ishmael means “God hears”) for the LORD has heard of your misery.
4. Genesis 16:13 “You are the God who sees…”
5. Jer. 29:13, 14 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the LORD , “and will bring you back from captivity.
6. Hebrews 11:6 6And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

B. Vision Of An Angel

1. Divine Intervention

a. Angels-
b. Message important, not the messenger.

2. Divine Direction

a. Send men to Joppa, get Peter. Joppa 33 miles north of Caesarea.
b. Listen to the message from Peter

C. Sends A Man

1. Peter sent to explain the gospel
2. Preaching of the gospel may be assisted by angels, but still left to men
3. Peter preaches Christ. 10:32-43

IV. Cornelius’ Response To God

A. Humble, Godly Fear

1. Cornelius was afraid 10:4
2. Uses the word “Lord”- master, owner, one in charge 10:4
3. Did not dictate to God

a. Didn’t question re. the angel
b. Didn’t suggest alternatives re. message or messenger
c. Didn’t pre-suppose how it should happen
d. Willing to take a step at a time 10:6

4. Bows to Peter before others 10:25

B. Appropriate Action

1. Listens to the angel 10:4
2. Explains to his subordinates 10:8
3. Sends the men to Joppa (immediately) 10:8, 33
4. Willing to listen to all that Peter had to say 10:33
5. Believes the message re. Jesus

a. “…whoever believes in Him will have remission of sins…”
b. Peter not able to finish message, “give invitation”, etc.
c. As soon as Cornelius hears “whoever”, he believes, is saved, and filled w/ the Holy Spirit.

6. Cornelius believed on Jesus 11:17